What Was In The Mail Today, 06.11.2005?

Today, the mailbox contained:

* July 2005 issue of [Technology Review][TechnologyReview]
* July 2005 issue of [Outside][Outside]
* July 2005 issue of [Better Homes and Gardens][BHG]
* A letter from Congressman [Bob Goodlatte](http://www.house.gov/goodlatte/) that never really said if he was in favor or opposed to opening the [Arctic National Wildlife Refuge](http://arctic.fws.gov/) to oil and gas exploration. It looks like he’s in favor of it, because he [voted](http://www.vote-smart.org/issue_keyvote_detail.php?vote_id=3506&can_id=H4102103) against striking language from the bill that would allow oil and gas explorations.

[Outside]: http://www.outsideonline.com
[TechnologyReview]: http://www.technologyreview.com
[BHG]: http://www.bhg.com

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