What Was In The Mail Today, 06.13.2005?

Today, the mailbox contained:

* June 20, 2005 issue of [Business Week][BusinessWeek]
* July 2005 issue of [Smart Money][SmartMoney]
* July 2005 issue of [Scientific American][ScientificAmerican]
* July-August 2005 issue of [American Scientist][AmericanScientist]
* A subscription offer for [The Progressive](http://www.progressive.org/)
* A plea from the [Chesapeake Bay Foundation](http://www.cbf.org)

[AmericanScientist]: http://www.americanscientist.org
[BusinessWeek]: http://businessweek.com
[ScientificAmerican]: http://www.sciam.com
[SmartMoney]: http://www.smartmoney.com

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