What Was In the Mail Today, 06.18.2005?

Today, the mailbox contained:

A subscription offer for the [Harvard Business Review](http://www.hbr.org)

A yellow postcard that says,

Dear .....

We are trying to reach you with 
Good News!  It is real important that you 
call Toll free 1-800-745-5757.  

                 Debbie Peti.  

               Call 10 am to 8:30 pm EST
                    Monday thru Friday
The return address was:

1383 S Missouri Ave
Clearwater, FL 33756-6500

Here are scans of the postcard
CRC Yellow Postcard Front
C.R.C. Yellow Postcard Back

I searched on the business name and the phone number and found that this is apparently some kind of magazine [scam](http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff68144.htm “Read About the Scam”).

Someone else has posted a [photo of their postcard](http://www.flickr.com/photos/fergsphotos/370861264/ “Flickr.com”) on Flickr.

986 thoughts on “What Was In the Mail Today, 06.18.2005?

  1. Melinda Railey

    I searched for 800-745-5757 on google and I found you. Thank you for investigating this! With your blog, I was able to find out quickly what this crap was. This yellow card was waiting in my mailbox and I knew something was fishy…just couldn’t place it. Thanks for your help, I will warn my friends and neighbors about CRC!

  2. Melinda Railey

    I searched for 800-745-5757 on google and I found you. Thank you for investigating this! With your blog, I was able to find out quickly what this crap was. This yellow card was waiting in my mailbox and I knew something was fishy…just couldn’t place it. Thanks for your help, I will warn my friends and neighbors about CRC!

  3. Jonathan Kraynak

    thank you for your info i got that damn postcard as well and i hate scamming magazine people. i prolly would of looked into it, if this site didn’t tell me otherwise.

  4. Jonathan Kraynak

    thank you for your info i got that damn postcard as well and i hate scamming magazine people. i prolly would of looked into it, if this site didn’t tell me otherwise.

  5. Mike Hernandez

    Thank You for posting all the information. I too received this yellow card and “googled” it and found this site. I would have called the number if i hadn’t found this site. Thx a lot.

  6. Mike Hernandez

    Thank You for posting all the information. I too received this yellow card and “googled” it and found this site. I would have called the number if i hadn’t found this site. Thx a lot.

  7. Garth Dixon

    Thanks for the info. I got this yellow card today, and didn’t have a clue what it was. I searched for the place on the web and found this site. I can’t believe companies get away with crap like this. Thanks again.

  8. Garth Dixon

    Thanks for the info. I got this yellow card today, and didn’t have a clue what it was. I searched for the place on the web and found this site. I can’t believe companies get away with crap like this. Thanks again.

  9. David Arnett

    Thanks for the warning. Now I can call them and waste their time. The time they waste talking to me, while I lead them on, is time they can’t use to set up some poor sap who didn’t google the address.

  10. David Arnett

    Thanks for the warning. Now I can call them and waste their time. The time they waste talking to me, while I lead them on, is time they can’t use to set up some poor sap who didn’t google the address.

  11. David Arnett

    Thanks for the warning. Now I can call them and waste their time. The time they waste talking to me, while I lead them on, is time they can’t use to set up some poor sap who didn’t google the address.

  12. David Arnett

    Thanks for the warning. Now I can call them and waste their time. The time they waste talking to me, while I lead them on, is time they can’t use to set up some poor sap who didn’t google the address.

  13. wendy

    i just got their little yellow card today and i actually called because i was so curious! On the phone they talked so professional liked. After the phone call and all that, i thought it was kind of awkward that i got this postcard and so i looked it up and found this site. So i called back and they were like they dont have the information so i have to wait two weeks for the masterlist to come out to cancel it. thanks for the warning!

  14. wendy

    i just got their little yellow card today and i actually called because i was so curious! On the phone they talked so professional liked. After the phone call and all that, i thought it was kind of awkward that i got this postcard and so i looked it up and found this site. So i called back and they were like they dont have the information so i have to wait two weeks for the masterlist to come out to cancel it. thanks for the warning!

  15. RT

    I get enough spam in my mail already. Good thing the internet knows everything about anything. They almost got me too.

  16. RT

    I get enough spam in my mail already. Good thing the internet knows everything about anything. They almost got me too.

  17. Zack

    Thanks for the info!
    It’s not like i was going to call them anyway.
    Why would i have good news from some random person in Florida?

  18. Zack

    Thanks for the info!
    It’s not like i was going to call them anyway.
    Why would i have good news from some random person in Florida?

  19. Steven

    I just receieved that wonderful little yellow card in the mail today also. So I figured I’d google it and do a little research of my own to find out what it was for exactly. Thanks for all your information on this scam! I’ll let my friends/neighbors/family know about it as well!

  20. Steven

    I just receieved that wonderful little yellow card in the mail today also. So I figured I’d google it and do a little research of my own to find out what it was for exactly. Thanks for all your information on this scam! I’ll let my friends/neighbors/family know about it as well!

  21. Carolina

    Just found that card in my box today. That’s the third or fourth magazine scam to hit my neighborhood in just as many months.

  22. Carolina

    Just found that card in my box today. That’s the third or fourth magazine scam to hit my neighborhood in just as many months.

  23. Andie

    Hmm. When I got the postcard, the return address said the company’s name was CRCOC. When I googled it (plus the city), I got a site for a church. It seemed kinda wierd, so I investigated a little more. Boy, am I glad I did. Now I can verbally abuse the real culprits!

    Incidentally, I’m sending the poor church people an e-mail warning them about the coincidence. It’s the least I can do after almost sending them an angry message.

  24. Andie

    Hmm. When I got the postcard, the return address said the company’s name was CRCOC. When I googled it (plus the city), I got a site for a church. It seemed kinda wierd, so I investigated a little more. Boy, am I glad I did. Now I can verbally abuse the real culprits!

    Incidentally, I’m sending the poor church people an e-mail warning them about the coincidence. It’s the least I can do after almost sending them an angry message.

  25. Trish

    Thanks, I got this postcard today and thought I would search to see what the deal was. Im so glad I found this site. What a load of junk……..There should be laws to protect the innocent who have no idea how to research something like this.

  26. Trish

    Thanks, I got this postcard today and thought I would search to see what the deal was. Im so glad I found this site. What a load of junk……..There should be laws to protect the innocent who have no idea how to research something like this.

  27. Brandy

    Yes, I got suckered into this, but then I noticed right away that it was a scam. It is surprising to see how fast they can talk you out of money. Afterwards, I searched their address and came up with this page. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.

  28. Brandy

    Yes, I got suckered into this, but then I noticed right away that it was a scam. It is surprising to see how fast they can talk you out of money. Afterwards, I searched their address and came up with this page. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.

  29. Andy

    Just another person who got the postcard, googled and found this site. There ought to be a website devoted to debunking mail and telephone scams. Thanks.

  30. Andy

    Just another person who got the postcard, googled and found this site. There ought to be a website devoted to debunking mail and telephone scams. Thanks.

  31. James SharpeWolf

    Thanks for the insight. I too recieved the YELLOW card. After reading the everone’s input I decided to call. Here is what I found out, They are trying to get your Visa, Master Card, AMEX or Bank Card info. I requested to speak with a manager to get my information removed from the mail list. The manager I spoke with was rude and stated I was just wasting their time and hung up on me. I contacted a friend who works for the FCC and am in the process of having this company investigated. I will post more information as I get it. THANKS for your BLOG page it is the only page that consists of information regarding this mailer.

  32. James SharpeWolf

    Thanks for the insight. I too recieved the YELLOW card. After reading the everone’s input I decided to call. Here is what I found out, They are trying to get your Visa, Master Card, AMEX or Bank Card info. I requested to speak with a manager to get my information removed from the mail list. The manager I spoke with was rude and stated I was just wasting their time and hung up on me. I contacted a friend who works for the FCC and am in the process of having this company investigated. I will post more information as I get it. THANKS for your BLOG page it is the only page that consists of information regarding this mailer.

  33. Justin

    Thanks so much, I looked up the name and it was invaild did a local search and it directed me to you,, thanks for saving me the headache from this crap

  34. Justin

    Thanks so much, I looked up the name and it was invaild did a local search and it directed me to you,, thanks for saving me the headache from this crap

  35. Janey

    Got one of the little buggers myself – thanks for keeping me from a potenial headache!

  36. Janey

    Got one of the little buggers myself – thanks for keeping me from a potenial headache!

  37. sugaractive

    As with all these people who’ve already commented. THANK YOU!!! I tried googling CRCOC and came up with so many useless results and then added the 1800 number and found your entry. It confirmed my suspicions. THANKS for putting in the effort to spread the word. MUCHOS appreciated

  38. sugaractive

    As with all these people who’ve already commented. THANK YOU!!! I tried googling CRCOC and came up with so many useless results and then added the 1800 number and found your entry. It confirmed my suspicions. THANKS for putting in the effort to spread the word. MUCHOS appreciated

  39. Felicia

    Just got this crap today. I tried to google it and I’m glad I found this site! Thanks!

  40. Felicia

    Just got this crap today. I tried to google it and I’m glad I found this site! Thanks!

  41. Brent

    Thanks, I have had this same card. I search and found this. I love it when I don’t have to something dumb.

  42. Brent

    Thanks, I have had this same card. I search and found this. I love it when I don’t have to something dumb.

  43. Lori

    Thanks so much…I too googled and got a bunch o listing for church sites….then I googled the complete address and found you…you’re a lifesaver!!! I’m warning everyone!!!

  44. Lori

    Thanks so much…I too googled and got a bunch o listing for church sites….then I googled the complete address and found you…you’re a lifesaver!!! I’m warning everyone!!!

  45. Robert Lichey

    The yellow card was waiting for me today in my mailbox. I hate these great news crap cards….what a freakin scam!!! I am glad people are becoming aware of what kind of money suckin companys are out there.

  46. Robert Lichey

    The yellow card was waiting for me today in my mailbox. I hate these great news crap cards….what a freakin scam!!! I am glad people are becoming aware of what kind of money suckin companys are out there.

  47. Kiran K Vasam

    Hi Everyone,
    Thanks for the valueble information about C.R.C. I too got the same yellow card.I will never call them.

  48. Kiran K Vasam

    Hi Everyone,
    Thanks for the valueble information about C.R.C. I too got the same yellow card.I will never call them.

  49. Sreekala

    Hi All

    Thanks a lot for the info.This site now saved my time too!!!

  50. Sreekala

    Hi All

    Thanks a lot for the info.This site now saved my time too!!!

  51. John

    Just recieved the same yellow post-card.

    IF you do get taken by one of these scams call your credit card company immediately!!!

    They will work with you to have the charges removed.


  52. John

    Just recieved the same yellow post-card.

    IF you do get taken by one of these scams call your credit card company immediately!!!

    They will work with you to have the charges removed.


  53. Ananomous

    i was late in googling but this is for sure a magazine scam who need all information of u and put you in a fix. i hope i dont get any irritating calls back from them again and again … anyways itz really cool that this kinda blog helps a lot

  54. Ananomous

    i was late in googling but this is for sure a magazine scam who need all information of u and put you in a fix. i hope i dont get any irritating calls back from them again and again … anyways itz really cool that this kinda blog helps a lot

  55. Jen

    I too received the suspicious little yellow card. Thanx for the helpful info!

  56. Jen

    I too received the suspicious little yellow card. Thanx for the helpful info!

  57. Amanda

    Thanks so much. I’m glad you figured this all out. It seemed weird since I just moved to the address about a month ago and haven’t even redirected a lot of my mail yet, so I looked into it and found your blog. Thanks again!

  58. Amanda

    Thanks so much. I’m glad you figured this all out. It seemed weird since I just moved to the address about a month ago and haven’t even redirected a lot of my mail yet, so I looked into it and found your blog. Thanks again!

  59. Nykki

    I also recieved the yellow postcard, and googled it out of boredom while I was making a credit card payment over the phone. I’m so glad that everyone was here to help!

  60. Nykki

    I also recieved the yellow postcard, and googled it out of boredom while I was making a credit card payment over the phone. I’m so glad that everyone was here to help!

  61. Michael

    Yep, received the same card yesterday and like everyone else here, googled the address and found this site. The internet is an amazing thing, ain’t it? Thanks for saving me a phone call and a sales pitch.

  62. Michael

    Yep, received the same card yesterday and like everyone else here, googled the address and found this site. The internet is an amazing thing, ain’t it? Thanks for saving me a phone call and a sales pitch.

  63. Stacy

    Yeah so I got this stupid postcard in the mail and thought twice about calling the number. I googled the damn thing and found other people just like me trying to get scammed by this stupid Debbie Peti. I wonder if she really exists??? Oh Well! Thanks again!

  64. Stacy

    Yeah so I got this stupid postcard in the mail and thought twice about calling the number. I googled the damn thing and found other people just like me trying to get scammed by this stupid Debbie Peti. I wonder if she really exists??? Oh Well! Thanks again!

  65. tray

    I also recieved this card in the mail, googled it and found what i expected.. a RIP OFF.. Thanks for posting, hopefully more people will google and find this BEFORE they call!

  66. tray

    I also recieved this card in the mail, googled it and found what i expected.. a RIP OFF.. Thanks for posting, hopefully more people will google and find this BEFORE they call!

  67. CALVA

    i too got this yellow card today, was curious and decided to check out this company , found this blog thanks for the warning

  68. CALVA

    i too got this yellow card today, was curious and decided to check out this company , found this blog thanks for the warning

  69. joanne

    Thanks for the info.I also received one of these stupid little scam cards today.I looked it up because it didn’t feel right…..Again Thanks

  70. joanne

    Thanks for the info.I also received one of these stupid little scam cards today.I looked it up because it didn’t feel right…..Again Thanks

  71. King Echo

    I picked up something similar from my mailbox today. It made me a little nervous; it has my full name on it. I’ve checked it on four different sites now, and while they all look a bit different there are of course things that make me quite sure they’re the same- the capitalization of ‘Good News’, the use of ‘real important’ (as opposed to ‘really’ or ‘very’) and the capitalization of ‘Toll’ (though ‘free’ is also capitalized on mine).

    Mine was from A.C.I. in Peoria, IL. Hope that addition makes a difference for someone else (brings them in maybe?)

  72. King Echo

    I picked up something similar from my mailbox today. It made me a little nervous; it has my full name on it. I’ve checked it on four different sites now, and while they all look a bit different there are of course things that make me quite sure they’re the same- the capitalization of ‘Good News’, the use of ‘real important’ (as opposed to ‘really’ or ‘very’) and the capitalization of ‘Toll’ (though ‘free’ is also capitalized on mine).

    Mine was from A.C.I. in Peoria, IL. Hope that addition makes a difference for someone else (brings them in maybe?)

  73. Abbey Hibbard

    i got my mail today and got the yellow postcard from CRC i figured it wasnt good cause it had my official name on it and only my credit card has that. I searched it on google and realized i could have been scammed i was even thinking about calling it, thanks to you guys i didnt. thanks so much.

  74. Abbey Hibbard

    i got my mail today and got the yellow postcard from CRC i figured it wasnt good cause it had my official name on it and only my credit card has that. I searched it on google and realized i could have been scammed i was even thinking about calling it, thanks to you guys i didnt. thanks so much.

  75. Amy

    My yellow card came in the mail a few days ago, and I just googled the 1-800 number. I had suspected that this was some sort of scam- now I know I was right! Thanks for having this info out there. I’m also someone who recently moved to a new home, and thought it was odd that this company had my new address. The “good news” is that I was smart enough to google their phone number first- HAH!

  76. Amy

    My yellow card came in the mail a few days ago, and I just googled the 1-800 number. I had suspected that this was some sort of scam- now I know I was right! Thanks for having this info out there. I’m also someone who recently moved to a new home, and thought it was odd that this company had my new address. The “good news” is that I was smart enough to google their phone number first- HAH!

  77. Joey

    I got the freakin yellow card today too. Thanks so much for your info that you provided.

  78. Joey Post author

    I got the freakin yellow card today too. Thanks so much for your info that you provided.

  79. Veno

    I just got one too!!! I see from all the other posts that this has been going on for over a year. I wish I could shut them down. Thanks for this post!! I’m so glad I didn’t call.

  80. Veno Post author

    I just got one too!!! I see from all the other posts that this has been going on for over a year. I wish I could shut them down. Thanks for this post!! I’m so glad I didn’t call.

  81. slimjim

    Nobody wants to give you something for nothing. No stranger has ever given me “good news”. Debbi Peti and others like her belong in a hole somewhere.

  82. slimjim Post author

    Nobody wants to give you something for nothing. No stranger has ever given me “good news”. Debbi Peti and others like her belong in a hole somewhere.

  83. Amanda

    I recieve the post card as well, but apparently they changed the name of the “company” to F.R.C. and the new number is 1-800-963-1967. The person who “signed” my post card was Amanda Walters.

    I have not called them and now that I have seen what I have I don’t plan to.

  84. Amanda

    I recieve the post card as well, but apparently they changed the name of the “company” to F.R.C. and the new number is 1-800-963-1967. The person who “signed” my post card was Amanda Walters.

    I have not called them and now that I have seen what I have I don’t plan to.

  85. Steve

    I too recieved this yellow card. I looked for F.R.C. 1383 S Missouri Ave in Clearwater, FL 33756-6500. Thanks for the heads up. I wont waste my time with this scam.

  86. Steve

    I too recieved this yellow card. I looked for F.R.C. 1383 S Missouri Ave in Clearwater, FL 33756-6500. Thanks for the heads up. I wont waste my time with this scam.

  87. Richie

    Kudos to this site. On the other hand everyone should write FTC to shut F.R.C. down…

  88. Richie

    Kudos to this site. On the other hand everyone should write FTC to shut F.R.C. down…

  89. Bethany

    I also got the newest version and was immediately wary. Any actual sweepstakes I’ve won have been much more direct. They’ve either called me to confirm basic information – mailing address – and that you actually want the prize. One prize I won came via Fedex without even a call, they just sent it to me, assuming someone would only sign for it if I still lived here.

    Also, as a PSA, people will call your place of business to ask for the number of your Xerox machines so that they can send out toners and such and bill you while refusing to accept them back. There is no reason a true rep should ever call you as Xerox can just sit back and wait for your call. If you say you can’t give that information out, they’ll hang up before you even need to complete the sentence and end that waste of time.

  90. Bethany

    I also got the newest version and was immediately wary. Any actual sweepstakes I’ve won have been much more direct. They’ve either called me to confirm basic information – mailing address – and that you actually want the prize. One prize I won came via Fedex without even a call, they just sent it to me, assuming someone would only sign for it if I still lived here.

    Also, as a PSA, people will call your place of business to ask for the number of your Xerox machines so that they can send out toners and such and bill you while refusing to accept them back. There is no reason a true rep should ever call you as Xerox can just sit back and wait for your call. If you say you can’t give that information out, they’ll hang up before you even need to complete the sentence and end that waste of time.

  91. Lindsay

    Thanks for the info. Just received one of the new ones signed by Amanda. Thanks for all the info.

  92. Lindsay

    Thanks for the info. Just received one of the new ones signed by Amanda. Thanks for all the info.

  93. Lang

    I got the same card but under the F.R.C name and with a new number 1-800-963-1967 … guess they got to much bad rep on the old number

  94. Lang

    I got the same card but under the F.R.C name and with a new number 1-800-963-1967 … guess they got to much bad rep on the old number

  95. hariwa

    i received the “good news” today and i was gonna call them tomorrow since it is late at night, i was very curies since the post card does not gives any information so i googled search it, and i found this , tanks a lot for the warning. i have fallen in this kind of trap before and i paid the price for it . thanks a lot i really appreciate you effort.

  96. hariwa

    i received the “good news” today and i was gonna call them tomorrow since it is late at night, i was very curies since the post card does not gives any information so i googled search it, and i found this , tanks a lot for the warning. i have fallen in this kind of trap before and i paid the price for it . thanks a lot i really appreciate you effort.

  97. Ryan

    I received one of these today, 10/23/2006, and called them just to mess with them. I received a card exatly like this about three years ago and it was, indeed, a magazine scam. I kept them on the phone as long as I possibly could, just asking stupid questions, and when they finally realized I wasn’t going to buy a thing, they responded with a cold “Goodbye” and hung up.

    This go round, I tried the same thing, but really couldn’t keep them much longer than four minutes since they actually weren’t trying to sell me anything. They registered me for a sweepstakes since I was a “Preferred Customer”, even though I didn’t buy anything last time. I asked the girl I was talking to if I could take her on the trip to Rome if I won and she said, “sure”…kinda funny.

    I’m curious where you all are from. I got mine in Toledo, OH.

  98. Ryan

    I received one of these today, 10/23/2006, and called them just to mess with them. I received a card exatly like this about three years ago and it was, indeed, a magazine scam. I kept them on the phone as long as I possibly could, just asking stupid questions, and when they finally realized I wasn’t going to buy a thing, they responded with a cold “Goodbye” and hung up.

    This go round, I tried the same thing, but really couldn’t keep them much longer than four minutes since they actually weren’t trying to sell me anything. They registered me for a sweepstakes since I was a “Preferred Customer”, even though I didn’t buy anything last time. I asked the girl I was talking to if I could take her on the trip to Rome if I won and she said, “sure”…kinda funny.

    I’m curious where you all are from. I got mine in Toledo, OH.

  99. Yoshi

    I got mine today October 10/23/2006 and I was thinking maybe some prize I won. I called them and their line was busy. Thank you for posting this. I googled the number and found this blog. I am from Syracuse, NY

  100. Yoshi

    I got mine today October 10/23/2006 and I was thinking maybe some prize I won. I called them and their line was busy. Thank you for posting this. I googled the number and found this blog. I am from Syracuse, NY

  101. Stacey

    We received two in the mail today. Thank you for having this BLOG. How can we report them and help the people that don’t have the Internet?

  102. Stacey

    We received two in the mail today. Thank you for having this BLOG. How can we report them and help the people that don’t have the Internet?

  103. Hilary

    I received one of these today – the FRC ones, with the number 1 800 963 1967. I’m in Westerville (a suburb of Columbus) Ohio.

  104. Hilary

    I received one of these today – the FRC ones, with the number 1 800 963 1967. I’m in Westerville (a suburb of Columbus) Ohio.

  105. Peter

    ***** I received one of these with the 1 800 963 1967 number. THIS IS IMPORTANT: I have only been living at the address to which they sent the card for a short time, and it was only a temporary residence to begin with. This means that some institution has shared my home address with these scammers. Offhand, I can only think of three possible culprits: My bank (doubtful), my phone plan (maybe), and Facebook – an online meet & greet. It is almost certainly Facebook that is to blame. Unless the option is unchecked, Facebook even admits that they share your personal info for “research purposes”, but it seems to me that they are probably corrupt. *****

  106. Peter

    ***** I received one of these with the 1 800 963 1967 number. THIS IS IMPORTANT: I have only been living at the address to which they sent the card for a short time, and it was only a temporary residence to begin with. This means that some institution has shared my home address with these scammers. Offhand, I can only think of three possible culprits: My bank (doubtful), my phone plan (maybe), and Facebook – an online meet & greet. It is almost certainly Facebook that is to blame. Unless the option is unchecked, Facebook even admits that they share your personal info for “research purposes”, but it seems to me that they are probably corrupt. *****

  107. D.S.

    Hello, I received mine in Irvine, California. I won’t call them but am curious as to why the company still exists. It might be a marketing or telemarketing company with direct mail advertising to establish a “business” relationship.

  108. D.S.

    Hello, I received mine in Irvine, California. I won’t call them but am curious as to why the company still exists. It might be a marketing or telemarketing company with direct mail advertising to establish a “business” relationship.

  109. JP

    Huntington Beach, California here. I wonder what it is we all have in common???
    I am tossing this thing. Thanks for having this blog.


  110. JP

    Huntington Beach, California here. I wonder what it is we all have in common???
    I am tossing this thing. Thanks for having this blog.


  111. Mike

    I got a good news card today all the way out here in honolulu hawaii

    mine is from Amanda Walters 1-800-963-1967

  112. Mike

    I got a good news card today all the way out here in honolulu hawaii

    mine is from Amanda Walters 1-800-963-1967

  113. Chrissy

    I received mine about a week ago. It’s the newer version from Amanda Walters. I knew it was a scam but thought I’d google it anyways.
    In response to Peter (10/27/06) it can’t be Facebook, because I don’t belong to that site. I just moved into my apartment a month ago and have yet to change my address. Only Time Warner Cable, our local electric supplier (R. G. & E.) and JCPenney’s knows my new address…I don’t think it’s RG&E. I live near Rochester, NY.
    Thanks for the info!

  114. Chrissy

    I received mine about a week ago. It’s the newer version from Amanda Walters. I knew it was a scam but thought I’d google it anyways.
    In response to Peter (10/27/06) it can’t be Facebook, because I don’t belong to that site. I just moved into my apartment a month ago and have yet to change my address. Only Time Warner Cable, our local electric supplier (R. G. & E.) and JCPenney’s knows my new address…I don’t think it’s RG&E. I live near Rochester, NY.
    Thanks for the info!

  115. Bob

    I received the same postcard today, with a return address of 1383 Missouri Ave in Clearwater, FL. I’m really PO’d since I just moved last week and the only people who knows this address would be the phone, gas and electric company. I have a PO Box for important mail, and will continue to use that. And no, I did not file a change of address with the Post Office or DMV yet. And I have satellite TV service so they don’t know I moved yet either. So it has to be these jerks who sold my name to the other jerks in FLA. Since we have a Public Utilities Commission here in Connecticut with some testicles, I will make it a bad day for the Public Relations person at one of these so called “public servants!

  116. Bob

    I received the same postcard today, with a return address of 1383 Missouri Ave in Clearwater, FL. I’m really PO’d since I just moved last week and the only people who knows this address would be the phone, gas and electric company. I have a PO Box for important mail, and will continue to use that. And no, I did not file a change of address with the Post Office or DMV yet. And I have satellite TV service so they don’t know I moved yet either. So it has to be these jerks who sold my name to the other jerks in FLA. Since we have a Public Utilities Commission here in Connecticut with some testicles, I will make it a bad day for the Public Relations person at one of these so called “public servants!

  117. George

    I received the infamous “little yellow card” today. Glad I googled. Thanks for posting this scam info!

  118. George

    I received the infamous “little yellow card” today. Glad I googled. Thanks for posting this scam info!

  119. Tony

    Thanks for the heads up. I was looking to research this company that I have never heard of…yet somehow they have found me, and I found this site. I figured it was some kind of scam. Thanks again for the site Steve.

  120. Tony

    Thanks for the heads up. I was looking to research this company that I have never heard of…yet somehow they have found me, and I found this site. I figured it was some kind of scam. Thanks again for the site Steve.

  121. Janie Massey

    I got the dreaded yellow card today under
    1383 S Missouri Ave
    Clearwater, FL 33756-6500
    I googled and found this site using the name and address, so apparantly they go by many names.
    I called, and the phone never rang, was just instantly connected to a female voive answering as some kind of sweepstakes. Immediately, she asked if she could have my control number and I said, as a matter of fact NO! The FCC is on to you so why don’t you take this offer and shove it up and sideways. I then hung up. Hope I made her day, lol.

  122. Janie Massey

    I got the dreaded yellow card today under
    1383 S Missouri Ave
    Clearwater, FL 33756-6500
    I googled and found this site using the name and address, so apparantly they go by many names.
    I called, and the phone never rang, was just instantly connected to a female voive answering as some kind of sweepstakes. Immediately, she asked if she could have my control number and I said, as a matter of fact NO! The FCC is on to you so why don’t you take this offer and shove it up and sideways. I then hung up. Hope I made her day, lol.

  123. jerry

    I got the same card, from F.R.C in Clearwater Florida. I did not call. I knew that it would be a scam. Seems like alot of scams coming from Florida. Thanks for starting this blog.

  124. jerry

    I got the same card, from F.R.C in Clearwater Florida. I did not call. I knew that it would be a scam. Seems like alot of scams coming from Florida. Thanks for starting this blog.

  125. j shaw

    got my yellow card today thanks amanda walters at FRC no thanks – not even worth a phone call

  126. j shaw

    got my yellow card today thanks amanda walters at FRC no thanks – not even worth a phone call

  127. MAS

    I just got one too… Los Angeles. I am also in temporary living arrangements. I think they got my name and address through my signing up for credit cards to get the free perks that go along with it.

  128. MAS

    I just got one too… Los Angeles. I am also in temporary living arrangements. I think they got my name and address through my signing up for credit cards to get the free perks that go along with it.

  129. Maribel M. V.

    Today I also Recieve a yellow “Good New” postcard. I’m amaze how they manage to get my name and address, given that i don’t live in Fl. But what surprise me most was that i recently went to Fl to pay a family visit who lives on a st that goes by the name Clearwater, I thought to myself – i don’t remember filling out any cards or giving out any personal info?
    So i decided to look up the address on googles and was connected to this site. I laught when i read how you discribe the postcard to the T.
    except that the top of my card didn’t say C.R.C… It read F.R.C (Family Resouce Center).
    Thank you for making my search easy.

  130. Maribel M. V.

    Today I also Recieve a yellow “Good New” postcard. I’m amaze how they manage to get my name and address, given that i don’t live in Fl. But what surprise me most was that i recently went to Fl to pay a family visit who lives on a st that goes by the name Clearwater, I thought to myself – i don’t remember filling out any cards or giving out any personal info?
    So i decided to look up the address on googles and was connected to this site. I laught when i read how you discribe the postcard to the T.
    except that the top of my card didn’t say C.R.C… It read F.R.C (Family Resouce Center).
    Thank you for making my search easy.

  131. Will

    Just got it today. Amazing. Cheers to this site! is there any way we can return the favor to these assholes by filling their mailboxes??

  132. Will

    Just got it today. Amazing. Cheers to this site! is there any way we can return the favor to these assholes by filling their mailboxes??

  133. Bradley

    haha. It seems that people have been getting fooled for years! I just transferred schools and received the card. I actually called and sat on the phone for twenty five minutes. They are so slick. They give you hints and say your getting a “Nice expensive Geneva watch” which is really only valued at around 35$. Then they say things like don’t tell the gift department I told you so or I’l; get in trouble. The whole think reminded me of the movie “Glengarry GLenross” where they try to sell houses. The enter you in a sweepstakes to win $25,000, A Ford Escape Hybrid or something els, I forgot. They really are slick, I was just about to go through with it until I realized they were gonna charge you $40 a month for the next 15 months, which is 600$ for the 36 month package which is valued I guess at around $700 MAYBE depending on magazine prices. That’s the whole schpiel for all you new people who google up the card. Don’t bother calling unless you wanna play around or see how good they are at conning you, no one likes magazines that much and is willing to pay $600 without even the option of cancelling their order.

  134. Bradley

    haha. It seems that people have been getting fooled for years! I just transferred schools and received the card. I actually called and sat on the phone for twenty five minutes. They are so slick. They give you hints and say your getting a “Nice expensive Geneva watch” which is really only valued at around 35$. Then they say things like don’t tell the gift department I told you so or I’l; get in trouble. The whole think reminded me of the movie “Glengarry GLenross” where they try to sell houses. The enter you in a sweepstakes to win $25,000, A Ford Escape Hybrid or something els, I forgot. They really are slick, I was just about to go through with it until I realized they were gonna charge you $40 a month for the next 15 months, which is 600$ for the 36 month package which is valued I guess at around $700 MAYBE depending on magazine prices. That’s the whole schpiel for all you new people who google up the card. Don’t bother calling unless you wanna play around or see how good they are at conning you, no one likes magazines that much and is willing to pay $600 without even the option of cancelling their order.

  135. Bob

    I got the same card in the mail today only variation would be the name and address and the fact that my card is white..not yellow like the others. The address/name from the card i got in the mail is:

    1338 NorthHampton St.
    Easton, PA 18042

    Everything else is exactly the same. I never heard of the company so i looked it up and found this site. I guess its simply one more name on the list to try and get peoples money.

  136. Bob

    I got the same card in the mail today only variation would be the name and address and the fact that my card is white..not yellow like the others. The address/name from the card i got in the mail is:

    1338 NorthHampton St.
    Easton, PA 18042

    Everything else is exactly the same. I never heard of the company so i looked it up and found this site. I guess its simply one more name on the list to try and get peoples money.

  137. Frank

    Same story here. Yellow card from FRC signed by Amanda Walters. Just got it today. My card has a very silly/childish font. I’m from Southern Louisiana. Does anybody here live near clearwater that can go to that address and kick their ***? That would be excellent!

  138. Frank

    Same story here. Yellow card from FRC signed by Amanda Walters. Just got it today. My card has a very silly/childish font. I’m from Southern Louisiana. Does anybody here live near clearwater that can go to that address and kick their ***? That would be excellent!

  139. Jennifer

    I received the yellow post card but the name was Amanda Walters and it has a control #0648194640. When called Debbie answered the phone saying this was her second day on the job and going through the magazine ordeal. She wasn’t too happy with me not having a credit card.

  140. Jennifer

    I received the yellow post card but the name was Amanda Walters and it has a control #0648194640. When called Debbie answered the phone saying this was her second day on the job and going through the magazine ordeal. She wasn’t too happy with me not having a credit card.

  141. Richard

    Got one here in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Sheesh, time for class-action I guess.

  142. Richard

    Got one here in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Sheesh, time for class-action I guess.

  143. "They have my name"

    Received yellow good news postcard with 1-800-963-1967 number on it.

    I am sending a reply via postal card:

    Dear Amanda, I have some Bad News! Please call me at 1-800-Kiz-myaz. It is real important that you call me toll free between the hours of 8:30 pm PST and 10 am Monday thru Friday. Oh, and if you happen to have a credit card you can loan me, I need groceries and gas. And maybe you can loan me a little extra to pay for my childcare and medical bills.
    CONTROL # 6666666666

    Thanks, Sr. Etla Wadnama


  144. "They have my name"

    Received yellow good news postcard with 1-800-963-1967 number on it.

    I am sending a reply via postal card:

    Dear Amanda, I have some Bad News! Please call me at 1-800-Kiz-myaz. It is real important that you call me toll free between the hours of 8:30 pm PST and 10 am Monday thru Friday. Oh, and if you happen to have a credit card you can loan me, I need groceries and gas. And maybe you can loan me a little extra to pay for my childcare and medical bills.
    CONTROL # 6666666666

    Thanks, Sr. Etla Wadnama


  145. robin

    I got the same letter today 12/2/06 except the company name was FRC instead of CRC but the address remained the same. The contact person also changed to amanda walters. Everyone be ware!

  146. robin

    I got the same letter today 12/2/06 except the company name was FRC instead of CRC but the address remained the same. The contact person also changed to amanda walters. Everyone be ware!

  147. Matt

    Got my card in the mail today, only the company name was F.R.C.
    I guess they have a lot of names

  148. Matt

    Got my card in the mail today, only the company name was F.R.C.
    I guess they have a lot of names

  149. Ron

    I just got a card today in Up State New York… Same number, still Amanda at FRC. Anyone know what this is really about? How they got my information?

  150. Ron

    I just got a card today in Up State New York… Same number, still Amanda at FRC. Anyone know what this is really about? How they got my information?

  151. Ron

    Has anyone registered for any place in the last 6 months. I got married and moved to my new address in the last 6 months and thats the only way i put out my name. My computer does not have the kind of information and if something tell me to put in my address i put down a default address because i don’t want people sending me stuff. If enough people can think if they have done anything like that maybe we can find out how they got are information.

  152. Ron

    Has anyone registered for any place in the last 6 months. I got married and moved to my new address in the last 6 months and thats the only way i put out my name. My computer does not have the kind of information and if something tell me to put in my address i put down a default address because i don’t want people sending me stuff. If enough people can think if they have done anything like that maybe we can find out how they got are information.

  153. Iva

    Hi everybody thank you! I just recieve my card in New York City I think December is NY month:) Dou you have any idea how they know my information? And it’s still Amanda Walters -1-800-693-1967

  154. Iva

    Hi everybody thank you! I just recieve my card in New York City I think December is NY month:) Dou you have any idea how they know my information? And it’s still Amanda Walters -1-800-693-1967

  155. Paul

    Chiming in on the thanks for all this info. I got the card today, sat down first at my computer and after being unable to find out anything from the phone number or company name, googled the address and found this site. I’ve been living at my present address for over 5 years, haven’t added any phone or electric, but I have applied for a couple of credit cards in the last month (Amazon Visa and Apple MasterCard), AND Time-Warner Cable has just taken over from Comcast in this area, so these are my three prime suspects. Most likely, a company like this buys its information from dishonest employees at any number of places.

  156. Paul

    Chiming in on the thanks for all this info. I got the card today, sat down first at my computer and after being unable to find out anything from the phone number or company name, googled the address and found this site. I’ve been living at my present address for over 5 years, haven’t added any phone or electric, but I have applied for a couple of credit cards in the last month (Amazon Visa and Apple MasterCard), AND Time-Warner Cable has just taken over from Comcast in this area, so these are my three prime suspects. Most likely, a company like this buys its information from dishonest employees at any number of places.

  157. Paul

    PS Yahoo Maps has NO businesses listed at the clearwater FL address – it may be a mail drop or they somewhat savvy about hiding their identity. Thanks again for everyone pitching in info on this site. caveat emptor.

  158. Paul

    PS Yahoo Maps has NO businesses listed at the clearwater FL address – it may be a mail drop or they somewhat savvy about hiding their identity. Thanks again for everyone pitching in info on this site. caveat emptor.

  159. Bonnie

    Hey, just received my yellow card from Amanda Walters (actually my husband did). I was just going to toss it, but was curious enough to look it up. Thanks for posting all the info. This is all the way in Anchorage, Alaska.

  160. Bonnie

    Hey, just received my yellow card from Amanda Walters (actually my husband did). I was just going to toss it, but was curious enough to look it up. Thanks for posting all the info. This is all the way in Anchorage, Alaska.

  161. Sharon

    I received the FRC version from Amanda today. I too am annoyed at how they received my mailing address. My most recent change, applying for a airline Credit Card at the airport. By the number of posts, this seems big. I wonder how many folks actually fall for the scam.

  162. Sharon

    I received the FRC version from Amanda today. I too am annoyed at how they received my mailing address. My most recent change, applying for a airline Credit Card at the airport. By the number of posts, this seems big. I wonder how many folks actually fall for the scam.

  163. alicia

    yea!!! I got the card too. unbelievable. I will email everyone I know, so incase they get this card, they will not give any information. Thanks for this site. I put in the name (f.r.c.) and the address 1383 Missouri Ave, Clearwater, Fl. 33756-6500 and found this site. Scammers!!! So Many out there. Never give your information to anyone!!

  164. alicia

    yea!!! I got the card too. unbelievable. I will email everyone I know, so incase they get this card, they will not give any information. Thanks for this site. I put in the name (f.r.c.) and the address 1383 Missouri Ave, Clearwater, Fl. 33756-6500 and found this site. Scammers!!! So Many out there. Never give your information to anyone!!

  165. SAM

    I have never seen a blog with 58 Thanks in a blog. Obviously you have done a great job in finding the information about yellow card and shared it, that helped all of us. I also have one yellow card on my desk. I searched the address on N/W and found this web link.
    Thank you ( 59th) very much for sharing those useful information and helping all of us.

  166. SAM

    I have never seen a blog with 58 Thanks in a blog. Obviously you have done a great job in finding the information about yellow card and shared it, that helped all of us. I also have one yellow card on my desk. I searched the address on N/W and found this web link.
    Thank you ( 59th) very much for sharing those useful information and helping all of us.

  167. remy

    damn thanks, this was weird. i googled FRC and the street address and found this.. i was gonna call it too.

  168. remy

    damn thanks, this was weird. i googled FRC and the street address and found this.. i was gonna call it too.

  169. Julie

    I just got mine today, in UPPER MICHIGAN..boy they sure do get a round. The first thing I do when i get something like this in the mail, is google it, and I found this site. Like they say, if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is!

  170. Julie

    I just got mine today, in UPPER MICHIGAN..boy they sure do get a round. The first thing I do when i get something like this in the mail, is google it, and I found this site. Like they say, if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is!


    I received a yellow postcard… but it was from company F.R.C Different 800 number(800-963-1967). I was thinking it was for a student loan, been applying and getting applications over the mail. Thanks for the truth!


    I received a yellow postcard… but it was from company F.R.C Different 800 number(800-963-1967). I was thinking it was for a student loan, been applying and getting applications over the mail. Thanks for the truth!

  173. ErSin

    Thanks for the info. I just got mine today. Address is still the same number and the name has changed to F.R.C. and 1 800 963 1967.
    Sorry Amanda Walters, you will not receive my call.

  174. ErSin

    Thanks for the info. I just got mine today. Address is still the same number and the name has changed to F.R.C. and 1 800 963 1967.
    Sorry Amanda Walters, you will not receive my call.

  175. Wenjia

    I received the card and I called because I thought it might be the shopping survey of the supermarket I’ve done before. They said I’ve won a thousand dollars. I asked for detailed information and online link; however, they do not supply. Then I realized something creepy is going on. I searched and found this. Thanks a lot.

  176. Wenjia

    I received the card and I called because I thought it might be the shopping survey of the supermarket I’ve done before. They said I’ve won a thousand dollars. I asked for detailed information and online link; however, they do not supply. Then I realized something creepy is going on. I searched and found this. Thanks a lot.

  177. Chiefinspector

    On 01/03/2007 , i received the same yellow car from Amanda Walters.. thanks

  178. Chiefinspector

    On 01/03/2007 , i received the same yellow car from Amanda Walters.. thanks

  179. Patrick

    We got one of these today (6 Jan 2007) with a slight variation. The street address and city are the same but the outfit is listed as “F.R.C.” and “Amanda Walters” is listed as the person to call. Thanks for saving us a LOT of botheration!

  180. Patrick

    We got one of these today (6 Jan 2007) with a slight variation. The street address and city are the same but the outfit is listed as “F.R.C.” and “Amanda Walters” is listed as the person to call. Thanks for saving us a LOT of botheration!

  181. B.C.

    Who the F*#$% are these people and how did they get my address? ( San Francisco, CALI) I thought i might have won a contest! Glad i googled the # . . . . Thanks for nothing Amanda Walters!

  182. B.C.

    Who the F*#$% are these people and how did they get my address? ( San Francisco, CALI) I thought i might have won a contest! Glad i googled the # . . . . Thanks for nothing Amanda Walters!

  183. Victor

    Hi everyone, Amanda Walters from F.R.C. still alive. Today I received yellow card from her 🙂
    Los Angeles.

  184. Victor

    Hi everyone, Amanda Walters from F.R.C. still alive. Today I received yellow card from her 🙂
    Los Angeles.

  185. Barbara

    I received a yellow card with return address F.R.C. in Clearwater, Florida from the same Amanda Walters!
    So this continues to go around! :/
    Thanks for the information! In the shredder it goes!!

  186. Barbara

    I received a yellow card with return address F.R.C. in Clearwater, Florida from the same Amanda Walters!
    So this continues to go around! :/
    Thanks for the information! In the shredder it goes!!

  187. Scott

    I got the same stupid card in the mail today. I new it was some type of scam but called anyways to see what moron would answer the phone. I waited for him to say something and asked him what this crap was about. He then said some rehearsed crap and then I hung up the phone not before saying this was a bunch of bulls..t.

  188. Scott

    I got the same stupid card in the mail today. I new it was some type of scam but called anyways to see what moron would answer the phone. I waited for him to say something and asked him what this crap was about. He then said some rehearsed crap and then I hung up the phone not before saying this was a bunch of bulls..t.

  189. Rebekah

    I got mine today . HA.. my husband thought i should call but i can smell the fishy stench from here…the minute i googled the address i found this. mine was FRC and Amanda walters .ah… what kind of person do they take me for

  190. Rebekah

    I got mine today . HA.. my husband thought i should call but i can smell the fishy stench from here…the minute i googled the address i found this. mine was FRC and Amanda walters .ah… what kind of person do they take me for

  191. A.J.

    I also recieved a yellow postcard from a Miss Amanda Walters promising real good news to be delivered with my phone call. Thank scoobloid for the invention of google!

  192. A.J.

    I also recieved a yellow postcard from a Miss Amanda Walters promising real good news to be delivered with my phone call. Thank scoobloid for the invention of google!

  193. M.C

    I received mine on Friday 1-12-07 I was pretty sure it was a scam..or a bill collector trying something new…I know we are all glad we have google to bring us the info we need! Thanks for all the post!

  194. M.C

    I received mine on Friday 1-12-07 I was pretty sure it was a scam..or a bill collector trying something new…I know we are all glad we have google to bring us the info we need! Thanks for all the post!

  195. Ace

    Just got mine in the mail…Awww I feel special. SIKE! Face it. Sometimes there are a million different ways they culd of recieved addresses. It all comes down to whether you’re able to research it in time, before you end up being brain washed by Amanda Walters.

  196. Ace

    Just got mine in the mail…Awww I feel special. SIKE! Face it. Sometimes there are a million different ways they culd of recieved addresses. It all comes down to whether you’re able to research it in time, before you end up being brain washed by Amanda Walters.

  197. Ace

    Oh, and a friend of mine had to do this before too. He and his friends were cramped up in the upstairs of a pizza place making crazy long lists of calls but they didn’t do it because they wanted to. It was the only job they could get at the time. So try not to really lash out at the operator. They’re just doing their job.

  198. Ace

    Oh, and a friend of mine had to do this before too. He and his friends were cramped up in the upstairs of a pizza place making crazy long lists of calls but they didn’t do it because they wanted to. It was the only job they could get at the time. So try not to really lash out at the operator. They’re just doing their job.





  201. Steph

    I just got “the card” today. Well my husband did… I called to see what it was concerning…and the man said he couldn’t tell me because it’s “confidental”…. that’s bull crap! I know what it was.. a scam… most people would still tell me what it is concerning… not just tell me it’s “confidential”. Mine was different from ya’lls. It is white and on the front it has a smiley face and says “We have good news” The address is PSI 1338 Northampton St Easton, Pa 18042. The phone number is 18005719622 and it’s “Tina” that signed it. Just thought I would let ya’ll know!

  202. Steph

    I just got “the card” today. Well my husband did… I called to see what it was concerning…and the man said he couldn’t tell me because it’s “confidental”…. that’s bull crap! I know what it was.. a scam… most people would still tell me what it is concerning… not just tell me it’s “confidential”. Mine was different from ya’lls. It is white and on the front it has a smiley face and says “We have good news” The address is PSI 1338 Northampton St Easton, Pa 18042. The phone number is 18005719622 and it’s “Tina” that signed it. Just thought I would let ya’ll know!

  203. Erica

    how do they get people’s addresses?

    i got one in the mail last week and brused it to the side because it looked suspicious.

    i found it again today and decided to google it.

    and there is a lot of people getting scammed.

    how are they getting these addresses?

  204. Erica

    how do they get people’s addresses?

    i got one in the mail last week and brused it to the side because it looked suspicious.

    i found it again today and decided to google it.

    and there is a lot of people getting scammed.

    how are they getting these addresses?

  205. C. Miller

    Thanks for getting this information about the yellow card people online. I too have recieved a card in the mail from “Amanda Walters”. I know that we all have the urge to call her and bi..h her out, however, I must caution against it. All she needs is the caller ID to pick up your home phone number that is tied to your credit card, and if she has your social already (and she probably does) she can screw you. Be careful.

  206. C. Miller

    Thanks for getting this information about the yellow card people online. I too have recieved a card in the mail from “Amanda Walters”. I know that we all have the urge to call her and bi..h her out, however, I must caution against it. All she needs is the caller ID to pick up your home phone number that is tied to your credit card, and if she has your social already (and she probably does) she can screw you. Be careful.

  207. Colleen

    Massachusetts checking in. 1/25/07 ..the yellow card appeared from the already mentioned Amanda Walters at FRC. This is great! Find out it’s bogus lickety-split!

  208. Colleen

    Massachusetts checking in. 1/25/07 ..the yellow card appeared from the already mentioned Amanda Walters at FRC. This is great! Find out it’s bogus lickety-split!

  209. DANA

    thanks so much! I just got home from work and found this little yellow card in the mail. I had my cell phone in one hand and the card in the other….almost dialed but then remembered i’m waiting on an e-mail so i checked that first….la la la …. led me to googling y’all! THANKS A MILLION!

  210. DANA

    thanks so much! I just got home from work and found this little yellow card in the mail. I had my cell phone in one hand and the card in the other….almost dialed but then remembered i’m waiting on an e-mail so i checked that first….la la la …. led me to googling y’all! THANKS A MILLION!

  211. Andrew

    Got one today in upstate NY from Amanda Walters and the FRC. I called them up on my Cell and fooled around with them a little. I *67 them but they called me back once when I hung up on them but it seems like thats it. Someone needs to stop them.

  212. Andrew

    Got one today in upstate NY from Amanda Walters and the FRC. I called them up on my Cell and fooled around with them a little. I *67 them but they called me back once when I hung up on them but it seems like thats it. Someone needs to stop them.

  213. Aleister Blacke

    I just got the yellow card today. Did a google search, found this site. Thanx for letting everyone know about these asses! Going to toss it away now.

  214. Aleister Blacke

    I just got the yellow card today. Did a google search, found this site. Thanx for letting everyone know about these asses! Going to toss it away now.

  215. Emily

    I got this crap in the mail today (Ohio). Thanks for the advanced warning… I can’t belive this has been going on for years!

  216. Emily

    I got this crap in the mail today (Ohio). Thanks for the advanced warning… I can’t belive this has been going on for years!

  217. Yolanda

    I just received ‘the yellow card’ today. My first instinct was to throw it in the trash, but I thought I would look it up. I can’t believe it has been going on this long!! Thanks for the info.

  218. Yolanda

    I just received ‘the yellow card’ today. My first instinct was to throw it in the trash, but I thought I would look it up. I can’t believe it has been going on this long!! Thanks for the info.

  219. Ted

    I got a white one as well, seems to be of a new breed, with the company being PSI, at 1338 Northampton St (Northampton not being a typo) Easton, PA 18042-4085. Phone was 1-800-571-9622, and signed Tina. As everyone else has said, thanks for the heads up; keep putting up the info as they send this crap.

  220. Ted

    I got a white one as well, seems to be of a new breed, with the company being PSI, at 1338 Northampton St (Northampton not being a typo) Easton, PA 18042-4085. Phone was 1-800-571-9622, and signed Tina. As everyone else has said, thanks for the heads up; keep putting up the info as they send this crap.

  221. Vidya

    I recieved the same yellow card today . I knew something fishy about that .. then i found that this is the only blog that has this information !!! Thanks for the info guys !!

  222. Vidya

    I recieved the same yellow card today . I knew something fishy about that .. then i found that this is the only blog that has this information !!! Thanks for the info guys !!

  223. Thayr

    I’m in Hollywood, got the card and found this blog. Return on my postcard is to F.R.C., 1383 S Missouri Ave, Clearwater FL, 33756-6500. Toll free- 1-800-963-1967, signed “Thanks, Amanda Walters”

    How did they get my postal information I wonder?

  224. Thayr

    I’m in Hollywood, got the card and found this blog. Return on my postcard is to F.R.C., 1383 S Missouri Ave, Clearwater FL, 33756-6500. Toll free- 1-800-963-1967, signed “Thanks, Amanda Walters”

    How did they get my postal information I wonder?

  225. Canelibar

    Wow! That Amanda Walters is one busy postcard b..ch! Got mine today. Looked too ridiculous to be something important…All I can say is I haven’t changed anything in a long while…and I only applied for one thing…an Apple Credit Card. My guess, credit card companies are selling their lists of applicants and personal info. I’m in South Carolina, so she is definitely making her mark through out the country. I think I am going to FEDEX her a nice, but not really nice ‘Screw Off’ note…they were dumb enough to put an actual address and not a P.O. Box. Perhaps someone will be dumb enough to sign for it…and then I will get a ‘real’ name.
    Good luck all and thanks for the ongoing info…

    Charleston, SC

  226. Canelibar

    Wow! That Amanda Walters is one busy postcard b..ch! Got mine today. Looked too ridiculous to be something important…All I can say is I haven’t changed anything in a long while…and I only applied for one thing…an Apple Credit Card. My guess, credit card companies are selling their lists of applicants and personal info. I’m in South Carolina, so she is definitely making her mark through out the country. I think I am going to FEDEX her a nice, but not really nice ‘Screw Off’ note…they were dumb enough to put an actual address and not a P.O. Box. Perhaps someone will be dumb enough to sign for it…and then I will get a ‘real’ name.
    Good luck all and thanks for the ongoing info…

    Charleston, SC

  227. Canelibar

    Back again! Couldn’t keep from digging a little deeper on this thing. Turns out the Tampa Bay area City Search has a listing for this address. It falls under the category “Communications & Utilities, Newspapers & Magazines.” Two differences I found…the company name is NPMC and there is actually a phone listing that is not a 1800 number. It is 1-727-467-9207. Here is the link to the site I found. I’ll keep digging!


    Charleston, SC

  228. Canelibar

    Back again! Couldn’t keep from digging a little deeper on this thing. Turns out the Tampa Bay area City Search has a listing for this address. It falls under the category “Communications & Utilities, Newspapers & Magazines.” Two differences I found…the company name is NPMC and there is actually a phone listing that is not a 1800 number. It is 1-727-467-9207. Here is the link to the site I found. I’ll keep digging!


    Charleston, SC

  229. vcukwildcat

    I received my yellow post card in the mail today. You know the saying, “If is looks to good to be true…”. I’m really surprised that these comanys can still exist with all the info you can track down on the internet. Good thing I googled it first. My card read F.R.C. instead of C.R.C. so maybe they are trying to be clever and switch names. Heads up!

  230. vcukwildcat

    I received my yellow post card in the mail today. You know the saying, “If is looks to good to be true…”. I’m really surprised that these comanys can still exist with all the info you can track down on the internet. Good thing I googled it first. My card read F.R.C. instead of C.R.C. so maybe they are trying to be clever and switch names. Heads up!

  231. vcukwildcat

    I received my yellow post card in the mail today. You know the saying, “If is looks to good to be true…”. I’m really surprised that these companys can still exist with all the info you can track down on the internet. Good thing I googled it first. My card read F.R.C. instead of C.R.C. so maybe they are trying to be clever and switch names. Heads up!

  232. vcukwildcat

    I received my yellow post card in the mail today. You know the saying, “If is looks to good to be true…”. I’m really surprised that these companys can still exist with all the info you can track down on the internet. Good thing I googled it first. My card read F.R.C. instead of C.R.C. so maybe they are trying to be clever and switch names. Heads up!

  233. Sally

    Thanx for the info!! I recieved the yellow card today in Arkansas from Amanda Walters……………..good thing I googled!!

  234. Sally

    Thanx for the info!! I recieved the yellow card today in Arkansas from Amanda Walters……………..good thing I googled!!

  235. Carolyn Butler

    Thanks for the post on the postcard. I just received my yellow postcard today–a little late. They’ve reached California! I wonder where they got my name.

    Anyway, thanks for your post. I love Google!

  236. Carolyn Butler

    Thanks for the post on the postcard. I just received my yellow postcard today–a little late. They’ve reached California! I wonder where they got my name.

    Anyway, thanks for your post. I love Google!

  237. Dan K

    I got the white one yesterday from PSI, and I’m in Utah. The guy asked for the PIN number, and I asked him what it was about. He insisted on getting the PIN number first, and when I didn’t give it to him he said simply “Throw the card away” and hung up on me. What an asshat! Thanks for the info!

  238. Dan K

    I got the white one yesterday from PSI, and I’m in Utah. The guy asked for the PIN number, and I asked him what it was about. He insisted on getting the PIN number first, and when I didn’t give it to him he said simply “Throw the card away” and hung up on me. What an asshat! Thanks for the info!

  239. Kat

    I got a white postcard with a smiley face on it! It drove me crazy then I found this site on google. Very annoying. Thanks for the info.

  240. Kat

    I got a white postcard with a smiley face on it! It drove me crazy then I found this site on google. Very annoying. Thanks for the info.

  241. Natalie

    I also happened to receive and i will say “green card” since it seems to be common, today out in the middle of nowhere georgia from Amanda Walters fortunately for me I have a cell phone and am not interested in wasting my minutes on companies i have never heard of the time that they are open for also seems to be a little suspicious but anyways thanks for the heads up.

  242. Natalie

    I also happened to receive and i will say “green card” since it seems to be common, today out in the middle of nowhere georgia from Amanda Walters fortunately for me I have a cell phone and am not interested in wasting my minutes on companies i have never heard of the time that they are open for also seems to be a little suspicious but anyways thanks for the heads up.

  243. Tavic

    Hey, guess what? I got my beautiful little yellow postcard from Amanda Walters yesterday. Thanks!

  244. Tavic

    Hey, guess what? I got my beautiful little yellow postcard from Amanda Walters yesterday. Thanks!

  245. Krista

    Oh…btw….Mine was from Tina not amanda walters and They’ve gotten to Florida…geez

  246. Krista

    Oh…btw….Mine was from Tina not amanda walters and They’ve gotten to Florida…geez

  247. Jon

    I just got ?the card? today. It is the white one and on the front it has a smiley face and says ?We have good news? The address is PSI 1338 Northampton St Easton, Pa 18042. The phone number is 18005719622 and it?s ?Tina? that signed it. Just thought I would let ya?ll know!

  248. Jon

    I just got ?the card? today. It is the white one and on the front it has a smiley face and says ?We have good news? The address is PSI 1338 Northampton St Easton, Pa 18042. The phone number is 18005719622 and it?s ?Tina? that signed it. Just thought I would let ya?ll know!

  249. Sheryl

    the smiley guy prompted me to this blog.
    my daughter just opened her first major credit card: Chase, i think. as she’s in college, most of her mail comes here. i’m assuming it has something to do with her credit card opening (which poses a bigger information exchange question). the problem may not really be the fly that nags us but the nasty that attracted it… whoever supplies this psi, crc, frc, crcoc, aci… they’re the problem. i am sure they’re continuing to supply others with contact lists. we can kill this fly but more will come.

  250. Sheryl

    the smiley guy prompted me to this blog.
    my daughter just opened her first major credit card: Chase, i think. as she’s in college, most of her mail comes here. i’m assuming it has something to do with her credit card opening (which poses a bigger information exchange question). the problem may not really be the fly that nags us but the nasty that attracted it… whoever supplies this psi, crc, frc, crcoc, aci… they’re the problem. i am sure they’re continuing to supply others with contact lists. we can kill this fly but more will come.

  251. Corey

    Got mine in northern ohio today as well haha… If I knew Captain Planet was still around I’d call him up and have him destroy “Amanda” for wasting so much paper.

  252. Corey

    Got mine in northern ohio today as well haha… If I knew Captain Planet was still around I’d call him up and have him destroy “Amanda” for wasting so much paper.

  253. meg

    yeah, my younger sister didn’t know about the whole scamming thing…they drained her bank account and continue to call her! who are these freaks anyhow, and why can no one stop them???? uggghhh.

  254. meg

    yeah, my younger sister didn’t know about the whole scamming thing…they drained her bank account and continue to call her! who are these freaks anyhow, and why can no one stop them???? uggghhh.

  255. Chad

    I received this card today. I thought it was suspicious, and did a search online. I found your website, and I’m so glad I did.

  256. Chad

    I received this card today. I thought it was suspicious, and did a search online. I found your website, and I’m so glad I did.

  257. Ank

    I also recieved the yellow card in my mail box today, thanks to this website, This thing sucks

  258. Ank

    I also recieved the yellow card in my mail box today, thanks to this website, This thing sucks

  259. Melynda

    Amanda Walters, Clearwater, FL address. I live in St. Louis, MO, and also just opened a credit card (Amazon) but through Chase as the “mother” company. I saw in the comments that someone else had also just opened a card through a Chase company. I plan to report the scam to Chase and ask if it’s possible that my name and address leaked through them. What a crazy world…it’s amazing what we think up to scam each other. Hopefully it will come to an end soon!

  260. Melynda

    Amanda Walters, Clearwater, FL address. I live in St. Louis, MO, and also just opened a credit card (Amazon) but through Chase as the “mother” company. I saw in the comments that someone else had also just opened a card through a Chase company. I plan to report the scam to Chase and ask if it’s possible that my name and address leaked through them. What a crazy world…it’s amazing what we think up to scam each other. Hopefully it will come to an end soon!

  261. Emily

    Yeah I searched the address on the card (1338 Northampton St Easton, PA) and found this website. Thanks for putting it out there or I probably would have called! I wonder how they got our names and addresses?

  262. Emily

    Yeah I searched the address on the card (1338 Northampton St Easton, PA) and found this website. Thanks for putting it out there or I probably would have called! I wonder how they got our names and addresses?

  263. Sue

    My husband got a yellow postcard in Michigan a few days ago and I’m so glad I searched for the information online! 1-800-963-1967, Amanda Walters, Clearwater FL address for F.R.C. I wasn’t going to call the number in the first place, because my husband has been scammed before when he was younger. When he got this yellow postcard, I knew something was fishy. After my husband getting burned once by another sick, cruel scam, I am going to try to help as many people as possible from getting scammed…it sucks!

  264. Sue

    My husband got a yellow postcard in Michigan a few days ago and I’m so glad I searched for the information online! 1-800-963-1967, Amanda Walters, Clearwater FL address for F.R.C. I wasn’t going to call the number in the first place, because my husband has been scammed before when he was younger. When he got this yellow postcard, I knew something was fishy. After my husband getting burned once by another sick, cruel scam, I am going to try to help as many people as possible from getting scammed…it sucks!

  265. Amanda

    Well I got my yellow postcard today that said FRC and from Amanda Wlaters but mine had a little rolled up newspaper guy saying GOOD NEWS, and its funny i read a few posts up and I too just opened an account with Chase Visa through Amazon.com I called the number just to see if there was a recording but some lady answered and I hung up real quick. i hate people like this ðŸ™

  266. Amanda

    Well I got my yellow postcard today that said FRC and from Amanda Wlaters but mine had a little rolled up newspaper guy saying GOOD NEWS, and its funny i read a few posts up and I too just opened an account with Chase Visa through Amazon.com I called the number just to see if there was a recording but some lady answered and I hung up real quick. i hate people like this ðŸ™

  267. Bojox

    I am suspicious about my credit card company!! because the address and 9 digit zip code on the credit card statement is exactly written the same way as in the yellow card.. writen EXACTLY like the address I provide them, hmmmm….. (Chase).. yeah… thats the credit card company… COULD IT BE CHASE…!!

  268. Bojox

    I am suspicious about my credit card company!! because the address and 9 digit zip code on the credit card statement is exactly written the same way as in the yellow card.. writen EXACTLY like the address I provide them, hmmmm….. (Chase).. yeah… thats the credit card company… COULD IT BE CHASE…!!

  269. Bojox

    Earlier, I also received something from Capital one. An invitation to open up a platinum credit card account with them. (If anybody get received an offer like me, it could be an offer with Amazon or any other credit card, It is OBVIOUS theres a problem here). Yes, I have good credit, and No doubt, credit card company is selling our information. Somebody must stop this, we might not know exactly how much and what specific information they have sold to other parties and organizations.

  270. Bojox

    Earlier, I also received something from Capital one. An invitation to open up a platinum credit card account with them. (If anybody get received an offer like me, it could be an offer with Amazon or any other credit card, It is OBVIOUS theres a problem here). Yes, I have good credit, and No doubt, credit card company is selling our information. Somebody must stop this, we might not know exactly how much and what specific information they have sold to other parties and organizations.

  271. Mateusz

    Thanks for the info. I’ve just received this f..kin’ yellow card and was about to call them. Fortunately, I found this page;]What is more, I hate this Platinum Card from Capitel One TOO!!!This sucks

  272. Mateusz

    Thanks for the info. I’ve just received this f..kin’ yellow card and was about to call them. Fortunately, I found this page;]What is more, I hate this Platinum Card from Capitel One TOO!!!This sucks

  273. Mobius

    I also just recieved this today and had acually dialed the number and was on hold when I found this page. I hung up immediately and then thought maybe I should have stayed on the line and wasted some of their time.

  274. Mobius

    I also just recieved this today and had acually dialed the number and was on hold when I found this page. I hung up immediately and then thought maybe I should have stayed on the line and wasted some of their time.

  275. zeek lancer


    So I just got mine today, THANKS for the blog posting!

    Amanda Walters (F.R.C)

    This has to be related to credit card stuff…

    It has not been but 2 maybe 3 days sense I went to these places.

    lending tree
    and one of the credit card links on lending tree.

    Now, I have two middle names, so I use the middle name spot when doing different things. So when they got my odd ball middle name I use only on credit card stuff (banking I use the other) I was worried.

    I will try to get a history off my work computer of the sites I put info in, maybe we can track this down!!!

  276. zeek lancer


    So I just got mine today, THANKS for the blog posting!

    Amanda Walters (F.R.C)

    This has to be related to credit card stuff…

    It has not been but 2 maybe 3 days sense I went to these places.

    lending tree
    and one of the credit card links on lending tree.

    Now, I have two middle names, so I use the middle name spot when doing different things. So when they got my odd ball middle name I use only on credit card stuff (banking I use the other) I was worried.

    I will try to get a history off my work computer of the sites I put info in, maybe we can track this down!!!

  277. Heather

    I got this card today in pasadena Ca and just recently opened a credit card with VISA I hope someone knows how to report this fraud. I don’t know who to report it to

  278. Heather

    I got this card today in pasadena Ca and just recently opened a credit card with VISA I hope someone knows how to report this fraud. I don’t know who to report it to

  279. Zanzibar

    I live in Honolulu and I just received the same yellow card from Amanda Walters. Last month I opened a Chase credit card through Amazon.com.

    Does anyone know if any real action is being taken to stop this?

  280. Zanzibar

    I live in Honolulu and I just received the same yellow card from Amanda Walters. Last month I opened a Chase credit card through Amazon.com.

    Does anyone know if any real action is being taken to stop this?

  281. Preston

    Thanks for the information saved me alot of time now I know this is just junkmail.5

  282. Preston

    Thanks for the information saved me alot of time now I know this is just junkmail.5

  283. Daniel

    I got the yellow card in the mail today. FCR amanda Walters. Glad i googled it? thanks guys.

  284. Daniel

    I got the yellow card in the mail today. FCR amanda Walters. Glad i googled it? thanks guys.

  285. Daniel

    Just thought that I would add that I just recently got a platinum card from Capitol One as well. This is almost assuredly one of the sources of the list that these guys mail to. What Can You Do? I am probably going to call Capitol One and see what they say. I will let you guys know………

  286. Daniel

    Just thought that I would add that I just recently got a platinum card from Capitol One as well. This is almost assuredly one of the sources of the list that these guys mail to. What Can You Do? I am probably going to call Capitol One and see what they say. I will let you guys know………

  287. Chris

    Got one today from FRC from Amanda Walters. I just moved to Spencerport, NY about 3 months ago and I agree with the post from Chrissy on Nov 8

  288. Chris

    Got one today from FRC from Amanda Walters. I just moved to Spencerport, NY about 3 months ago and I agree with the post from Chrissy on Nov 8

  289. Phatboy

    Thanks for posting this!
    it makes me wonder : If I’m so friggin hard to reach how come your stupid postcard found me. The almighty rip off is always being re-designed and resent hoping for that one moment when weak sister picks up the mail.
    Aloha, Ken

  290. Phatboy

    Thanks for posting this!
    it makes me wonder : If I’m so friggin hard to reach how come your stupid postcard found me. The almighty rip off is always being re-designed and resent hoping for that one moment when weak sister picks up the mail.
    Aloha, Ken

  291. sarah

    Considering I just moved to my new address around 2 months ago it was odd that I recieved this in the mail. I actually called it like an idiot and soon realized it was def. a scam. And once I told them I didnt want the magazines and “free gift” she hung up on me. I was pissed. Mine was on a white card and the girls name was Tina so Tina can kiss my ass.

  292. sarah

    Considering I just moved to my new address around 2 months ago it was odd that I recieved this in the mail. I actually called it like an idiot and soon realized it was def. a scam. And once I told them I didnt want the magazines and “free gift” she hung up on me. I was pissed. Mine was on a white card and the girls name was Tina so Tina can kiss my ass.

  293. PittsburghPA

    Thought I’d Google this to find out just what kind of scam it is. I think some of the previous posters underestimate the intelligence of average people. Granted, there are some VERY stupid people out there, but if folks were getting burnt, these people would have been shut down and Amanda Walters would be _____(use_your_imagination)_____ in hell. The people posting here are unlikely to report anything, myself included, but rest assured if your bank account is emptied, you’d be filing complaints. Thanks for the site.

  294. PittsburghPA

    Thought I’d Google this to find out just what kind of scam it is. I think some of the previous posters underestimate the intelligence of average people. Granted, there are some VERY stupid people out there, but if folks were getting burnt, these people would have been shut down and Amanda Walters would be _____(use_your_imagination)_____ in hell. The people posting here are unlikely to report anything, myself included, but rest assured if your bank account is emptied, you’d be filing complaints. Thanks for the site.

  295. Near Philadelphia

    I received the yellow card from Amanda Walters in Clearwater, Fl today. I also recently opened a Capital One account. I wonder if there’s a connection.

  296. Near Philadelphia

    I received the yellow card from Amanda Walters in Clearwater, Fl today. I also recently opened a Capital One account. I wonder if there’s a connection.

  297. Brendan H

    Rcv’d today (26 Feb 07) just outside Boston, MA. Also recently obtained a capital one card. Seems like this is a common factor. Anyone receive one WITHOUT previously starting a credit card? Anyone talk to Law Enforcement?

  298. Brendan H

    Rcv’d today (26 Feb 07) just outside Boston, MA. Also recently obtained a capital one card. Seems like this is a common factor. Anyone receive one WITHOUT previously starting a credit card? Anyone talk to Law Enforcement?

  299. J

    Feb, 27 2007

    Well, there making there rounds around the country. I got this yellow card today. Feb, 27 2007

    1383 S Missouri Ave
    Clearwater, Fl 33756-6500

    This is what everyone seems to get.

  300. J

    Feb, 27 2007

    Well, there making there rounds around the country. I got this yellow card today. Feb, 27 2007

    1383 S Missouri Ave
    Clearwater, Fl 33756-6500

    This is what everyone seems to get.

  301. Ron

    Fisrtly many many thanks. Mine was the Amanda Walters postcard too. I called them and told them the control number on the back of my postcard. I did not give any other details like credit cardetc. Will I get ripped off?

  302. Ron

    Fisrtly many many thanks. Mine was the Amanda Walters postcard too. I called them and told them the control number on the back of my postcard. I did not give any other details like credit cardetc. Will I get ripped off?

  303. Chris

    ok im 18 i just got a credit card about 2 months ago today i got the card and i have had a bad day so i called someone named Jessica answer and said my name would be entered into a $25,000 drawing so i thought hey not a prob. so i say ok she tells me i also get 24 weeks of 2 free magazines and another 3 for only 3.49 a week i said no thank you but i don’t know if she did it or not im normally a nice person and listen to people so i did give her my address and cell # when she transfered me over to Britni and she told me i get a free watch the transfered me over to some guy who i hung up on because i was getting suspicious so i looked it up and found this prob is that its after i called i dont know if there are going to send me stuff and charge me or not im not sure what to do besides if they do put return to sender on it any thoughts would help thanks

  304. Chris

    ok im 18 i just got a credit card about 2 months ago today i got the card and i have had a bad day so i called someone named Jessica answer and said my name would be entered into a $25,000 drawing so i thought hey not a prob. so i say ok she tells me i also get 24 weeks of 2 free magazines and another 3 for only 3.49 a week i said no thank you but i don’t know if she did it or not im normally a nice person and listen to people so i did give her my address and cell # when she transfered me over to Britni and she told me i get a free watch the transfered me over to some guy who i hung up on because i was getting suspicious so i looked it up and found this prob is that its after i called i dont know if there are going to send me stuff and charge me or not im not sure what to do besides if they do put return to sender on it any thoughts would help thanks

  305. CHANGO



    1383 S. MISSOURI AVE
    CLEARWATER, FL 33756-6500





  306. CHANGO



    1383 S. MISSOURI AVE
    CLEARWATER, FL 33756-6500





  307. josh

    just got my yellow card in wyoming… I also have both capital one and applied for a chase card last week.

  308. josh

    just got my yellow card in wyoming… I also have both capital one and applied for a chase card last week.

  309. Renee

    I live in western Illinois and I got mine a week or two ago. I knew it had to be B.S. I finally googled this site up before tossing the little yellow postcard out. Thank you for putting out the information. This was much more fun than just throwing it away.

  310. Renee

    I live in western Illinois and I got mine a week or two ago. I knew it had to be B.S. I finally googled this site up before tossing the little yellow postcard out. Thank you for putting out the information. This was much more fun than just throwing it away.

  311. savannah

    i got mine and they have changed the name to F.R.C instead of C.R.C

  312. savannah

    i got mine and they have changed the name to F.R.C instead of C.R.C

  313. Erin

    thanks for the site it was a big help since my lil brother just received his lil yellow card today from F.R.C. 1383 S missouri ave clearwater fl

  314. Erin

    thanks for the site it was a big help since my lil brother just received his lil yellow card today from F.R.C. 1383 S missouri ave clearwater fl

  315. Amanda Walters

    Just got my card today over here in Hawaii. This site saved me.

  316. Amanda Walters

    Just got my card today over here in Hawaii. This site saved me.

  317. Amanda Walters

    Near Philadelphia! I just signed up for a Capital One card also! What the frik?

  318. Amanda Walters

    Near Philadelphia! I just signed up for a Capital One card also! What the frik?

  319. soojin

    wow this goes back to 2005? so old!
    i got mine today i live in san diego california lol

  320. soojin

    wow this goes back to 2005? so old!
    i got mine today i live in san diego california lol

  321. Amber

    I got mine on a white card and decided to call to see what it was about. They just wanted my credit card information and I decided to hang up. I did not know who these people were and they all of a sudden want my personal information…NO! I am glad I had enough sense to know that it was crap!

  322. Amber

    I got mine on a white card and decided to call to see what it was about. They just wanted my credit card information and I decided to hang up. I did not know who these people were and they all of a sudden want my personal information…NO! I am glad I had enough sense to know that it was crap!

  323. Bob

    Came in the mail March 6, 2007


    Dear [name]

    We are trying to reach you with Good News! It is real important that you call Toll free 1-800-571-9622

    Thank You

    Call 11 am to 8 pm EST
    Monday thru Friday


    1338 Northampton [sic] St
    Easton, PA 18042-4065

    [Smiley Face]

  324. Bob

    Came in the mail March 6, 2007


    Dear [name]

    We are trying to reach you with Good News! It is real important that you call Toll free 1-800-571-9622

    Thank You

    Call 11 am to 8 pm EST
    Monday thru Friday


    1338 Northampton [sic] St
    Easton, PA 18042-4065

    [Smiley Face]

  325. Chocodrilo

    I got the yellow card from Amanda Walters today.


    Dear [name]

    We are trying to reach you with Good News! It is real important that you call Toll free 1-800-963-1967

    Thank You
    Amanda Walters

    Call 11 am to 8 pm EST
    Monday thru Friday


    1383 S. Missouri Ave.
    Clearwater, FL 33756-6500

    [Smiley Face]

    Recently, I got a credit card (CapitalOne Platinum).

    Regards from San Jose California.

  326. Chocodrilo

    I got the yellow card from Amanda Walters today.


    Dear [name]

    We are trying to reach you with Good News! It is real important that you call Toll free 1-800-963-1967

    Thank You
    Amanda Walters

    Call 11 am to 8 pm EST
    Monday thru Friday


    1383 S. Missouri Ave.
    Clearwater, FL 33756-6500

    [Smiley Face]

    Recently, I got a credit card (CapitalOne Platinum).

    Regards from San Jose California.

  327. Tracey

    I got a little yellow postcard yesterday. Thankfully I found this website before I called them. My sister lives in FL so I thought that she signed me up for some kind of contest or something. It did seem odd that my middle initial was included on the address though… bastards.

  328. Tracey

    I got a little yellow postcard yesterday. Thankfully I found this website before I called them. My sister lives in FL so I thought that she signed me up for some kind of contest or something. It did seem odd that my middle initial was included on the address though… bastards.

  329. Terrah

    I got the card in it’s yellow from Amanda Walters, the company is FRC and I googled the address and found this thanks. Also I’m from Fredericksburg, VA and I have a Amazon Visa card

  330. Terrah

    I got the card in it’s yellow from Amanda Walters, the company is FRC and I googled the address and found this thanks. Also I’m from Fredericksburg, VA and I have a Amazon Visa card

  331. Joe

    Just got mine from Amanda Walters here in Texas. I too recently opened a Chase/Amazon Credit Card.

  332. Joe

    Just got mine from Amanda Walters here in Texas. I too recently opened a Chase/Amazon Credit Card.

  333. Chintan

    I too got the same yellow card from Amanda Walters….good that I googled b’for calling…I am an international student persuing MAsters here…and seeing this here too is really pathetic….Have to stay alert the nxt time around…
    Whoever has started this thead….thanks a lot fr warning others…

  334. Chintan

    I too got the same yellow card from Amanda Walters….good that I googled b’for calling…I am an international student persuing MAsters here…and seeing this here too is really pathetic….Have to stay alert the nxt time around…
    Whoever has started this thead….thanks a lot fr warning others…

  335. anna

    I got the little yellow postcard today.
    Coincidently a couple of days ago I ordered 2 items from Amazon.
    I always use a different alias whenever I order online ( just a little personal experiment). I am thinking Amazon might have sold my info, because my name from the post card matches the name on my Amazon shipment.

    So far with my name experiment, I was able to figure out some magazine company had sold my address and name to a certain company.

  336. anna

    I got the little yellow postcard today.
    Coincidently a couple of days ago I ordered 2 items from Amazon.
    I always use a different alias whenever I order online ( just a little personal experiment). I am thinking Amazon might have sold my info, because my name from the post card matches the name on my Amazon shipment.

    So far with my name experiment, I was able to figure out some magazine company had sold my address and name to a certain company.

  337. Ray Laboy

    Thanks for the info, I got the card w/ “F.R.C. 1-800-963-1967”

  338. Ray Laboy

    Thanks for the info, I got the card w/ “F.R.C. 1-800-963-1967”

  339. Aaron

    I got this card and researched it, found this site to discover it is a magazine scam. I think I can trace how I received it. I recently got a new credit card and with my first statement was a flyer offering me a free one year subscription to up to 4 magazines, allegedly without having to pay a single penny for the FULL FIRST YEAR. I called them to ask what it was all about and they told me point blank on the phone that my credit card would absolutely not be charged for a full year, and after the full first year if I didn’t want to continue subscribing to the magazines I could call and cancel without ever getting charged.

    I presume the postcard and that other offer are tied in together.

  340. Aaron

    I got this card and researched it, found this site to discover it is a magazine scam. I think I can trace how I received it. I recently got a new credit card and with my first statement was a flyer offering me a free one year subscription to up to 4 magazines, allegedly without having to pay a single penny for the FULL FIRST YEAR. I called them to ask what it was all about and they told me point blank on the phone that my credit card would absolutely not be charged for a full year, and after the full first year if I didn’t want to continue subscribing to the magazines I could call and cancel without ever getting charged.

    I presume the postcard and that other offer are tied in together.

  341. Greg

    I just got the yellow card as well! I recently opened a Capital One Miles credit card…thanks to the blog, I will not be calling Amanda Walters!

  342. Greg

    I just got the yellow card as well! I recently opened a Capital One Miles credit card…thanks to the blog, I will not be calling Amanda Walters!

  343. aldatuneed

    Got it today as well and its not the first time….I have a first premier and capitol credit card.Most of all are surveys included where they ask for ur Info as well were I bacame a million dollar sweptakes drawing winner.asking for if i own a creditcard then it jumps to magazines…Sorry I believe it once i c the money and thanks for the hint

  344. aldatuneed

    Got it today as well and its not the first time….I have a first premier and capitol credit card.Most of all are surveys included where they ask for ur Info as well were I bacame a million dollar sweptakes drawing winner.asking for if i own a creditcard then it jumps to magazines…Sorry I believe it once i c the money and thanks for the hint

  345. silvia

    i can’t speak a really good english, so might anybody explain to me what exactly means this yellow card and how they got my address?

  346. silvia

    i can’t speak a really good english, so might anybody explain to me what exactly means this yellow card and how they got my address?

  347. Erik

    I got one from Tina
    Same good news!
    call 18005719622
    1338 northhampton st
    Easton PA 18042
    What a scam

  348. Erik

    I got one from Tina
    Same good news!
    call 18005719622
    1338 northhampton st
    Easton PA 18042
    What a scam

  349. irishangel

    My Husband got one too – thanks for posting these entries, so we know not to call them. MAN! I pray for people who don’t know enough to look into it and fall for it. Scammers should be jailed.

  350. irishangel

    My Husband got one too – thanks for posting these entries, so we know not to call them. MAN! I pray for people who don’t know enough to look into it and fall for it. Scammers should be jailed.

  351. Ahmid

    Thanx to you man! I received this yellow card on friday and made an attempt to call the number unfortunately or should I say fortunately the call did not went through then I googled the number here is what I found.
    Again thanx I will be careful about it .

  352. Ahmid

    Thanx to you man! I received this yellow card on friday and made an attempt to call the number unfortunately or should I say fortunately the call did not went through then I googled the number here is what I found.
    Again thanx I will be careful about it .

  353. Jason

    I got the card today in the mail. I actually called, told the lady that the sweepstakes for money sounded best, then she, being very long-winded I may add, began to start asking me questions for a survey. I just hung up on her, knowing that from that point on, it was going downhill. Thanks for this site.

  354. Jason

    I got the card today in the mail. I actually called, told the lady that the sweepstakes for money sounded best, then she, being very long-winded I may add, began to start asking me questions for a survey. I just hung up on her, knowing that from that point on, it was going downhill. Thanks for this site.

  355. ROXY


  356. ROXY


  357. laura

    got one here in chicago today. i also have a chase/amazon credit card. ever since i got that particular card i’ve been slammed with all kinds of scams like this. sux.

  358. laura

    got one here in chicago today. i also have a chase/amazon credit card. ever since i got that particular card i’ve been slammed with all kinds of scams like this. sux.

  359. KT

    Got one today, the front says from “FRC” with different control numbers on the left, same address, though. The back has ” Amanda Walters” and the phone number is 1-800-963-1967 It included my middle initial, which I only use for credit cards.

    Just for ha-ha’s I tried calling the number on my verizon cell, and verizon told me twice, “the number cannot be completed as dialed.”

  360. KT

    Got one today, the front says from “FRC” with different control numbers on the left, same address, though. The back has ” Amanda Walters” and the phone number is 1-800-963-1967 It included my middle initial, which I only use for credit cards.

    Just for ha-ha’s I tried calling the number on my verizon cell, and verizon told me twice, “the number cannot be completed as dialed.”

  361. Serendipity

    I’m in Cali. I’m so glad I wasn’t left out. hehehe

    …oh that Amanda Walters. I’d like to meet her. Maybe she would do some marketing for me 🙂


  362. Serendipity

    I’m in Cali. I’m so glad I wasn’t left out. hehehe

    …oh that Amanda Walters. I’d like to meet her. Maybe she would do some marketing for me 🙂


  363. Adam

    just got the card today, glad i found this site before i called thanks

  364. Adam

    just got the card today, glad i found this site before i called thanks

  365. BD

    Got my card today and called them and when they came on the phone i spent 5 mins til they hung up trying to sell them magazine subscriptions. LMAO! they actually told me to **** off and hung up on me!! Funny as hell. Everyone, call them and try to sell them something its funny as anything i have ever done.

  366. BD

    Got my card today and called them and when they came on the phone i spent 5 mins til they hung up trying to sell them magazine subscriptions. LMAO! they actually told me to **** off and hung up on me!! Funny as hell. Everyone, call them and try to sell them something its funny as anything i have ever done.

  367. Chris

    Got mine today….also signed up for an Amazon card a month or two ago, used it to get $30.00 off my first purchase. Was charged $30.12 but they(Chase/Amazon) paid the extra $.12 ?!?!?, anyways…..just wanted to verify the “Creditcard—yellow card of doom” relationship. I am officialy now a member of the Amanda Walters’ scam club (control#0711161284)….i think that someone should come up with a whole conversation of questions to call the # and ask them. imho, I think it would be pleasing for the people on their end to keep getting asked the same questions from people who recieve the “yellow card of doom”. On the opposite hand, they(the creators of the yellow cod) might have a site like this marked as their homepage, so they can have something to read in the downtime between people actually calling them.

  368. Chris

    Got mine today….also signed up for an Amazon card a month or two ago, used it to get $30.00 off my first purchase. Was charged $30.12 but they(Chase/Amazon) paid the extra $.12 ?!?!?, anyways…..just wanted to verify the “Creditcard—yellow card of doom” relationship. I am officialy now a member of the Amanda Walters’ scam club (control#0711161284)….i think that someone should come up with a whole conversation of questions to call the # and ask them. imho, I think it would be pleasing for the people on their end to keep getting asked the same questions from people who recieve the “yellow card of doom”. On the opposite hand, they(the creators of the yellow cod) might have a site like this marked as their homepage, so they can have something to read in the downtime between people actually calling them.

  369. D

    WOW!!!! These guys are flaming pieces of $h*t. I filed a complaint with the BBB of Florida–I suggest if anyone else recieves more of these postcards, that they should consider doing the same.

  370. D

    WOW!!!! These guys are flaming pieces of $h*t. I filed a complaint with the BBB of Florida–I suggest if anyone else recieves more of these postcards, that they should consider doing the same.

  371. JD

    Just got mine today (in Texas). Amanda Walters. I too have dealings with Chase.

  372. JD

    Just got mine today (in Texas). Amanda Walters. I too have dealings with Chase.

  373. Jens

    I received on today, and very suspicous of the I checked the web name and city, and low-n-behold I find this page. Thank you to whoever started this thread. I will not be calling them. c-ya

  374. Jens

    I received on today, and very suspicous of the I checked the web name and city, and low-n-behold I find this page. Thank you to whoever started this thread. I will not be calling them. c-ya

  375. Jens

    I received the yellow card today 3-16-07, and suspicious of the card I checked the web for name and city, and low-n-behold I find this page. Thank you to whoever started this thread. I will not be calling them. c-ya

  376. Jens

    I received the yellow card today 3-16-07, and suspicious of the card I checked the web for name and city, and low-n-behold I find this page. Thank you to whoever started this thread. I will not be calling them. c-ya

  377. Keith

    I got the same yellow card, called them, and they sent me a check for $80,000.00 which I have cashed and bought a ferrari with…

    … just kidding — I also Googled first and the card is going in the trash right about now.

    Thanks everyone.

  378. Keith

    I got the same yellow card, called them, and they sent me a check for $80,000.00 which I have cashed and bought a ferrari with…

    … just kidding — I also Googled first and the card is going in the trash right about now.

    Thanks everyone.

  379. Lila

    Hi, i’m afraid i found this site too late, i called them about two weeks ago and they started telling me all this stuff about how i’m going to be entered to win some money and will be receiving a watch and magazines, and they charged me $56.50 and then that’s when i realized i had made a BIG mistake by calling them so i called them the same day to cancel but they had closed so i called them the next day again to cancel and they said it was too late too cancel, and today i called again to cancel and see what they would say and they said, “i’m sorry to cancel you were supposed to call within three days from when you subscribed” and i was like wtf??!! ‘i called the next day to cancel and they said i couldn’t’ and he’s like “i’m sorry mam i can’t do anything about it since i don’t know who you spoke to” i was so mad that i decided to look up their website and i found nothing else but this. and to this date i still haven’t received anything. What should i do cuz their are gonna be charging my credit card 56.50 every month for 12 months that’s nearly $700!!!!!!!!! =O ='(

  380. Lila

    Hi, i’m afraid i found this site too late, i called them about two weeks ago and they started telling me all this stuff about how i’m going to be entered to win some money and will be receiving a watch and magazines, and they charged me $56.50 and then that’s when i realized i had made a BIG mistake by calling them so i called them the same day to cancel but they had closed so i called them the next day again to cancel and they said it was too late too cancel, and today i called again to cancel and see what they would say and they said, “i’m sorry to cancel you were supposed to call within three days from when you subscribed” and i was like wtf??!! ‘i called the next day to cancel and they said i couldn’t’ and he’s like “i’m sorry mam i can’t do anything about it since i don’t know who you spoke to” i was so mad that i decided to look up their website and i found nothing else but this. and to this date i still haven’t received anything. What should i do cuz their are gonna be charging my credit card 56.50 every month for 12 months that’s nearly $700!!!!!!!!! =O ='(

  381. brittany

    I got the same thing in the mail today actually. I then went to google, typed in the address and your page came up. Thanks for your investigating!

  382. brittany

    I got the same thing in the mail today actually. I then went to google, typed in the address and your page came up. Thanks for your investigating!

  383. Keith

    Lila, I suggest you call the credit card company itself, let them know that you have been the victim of a scam, and have them cancel those charges. That should take care of the problem.

  384. Keith

    Lila, I suggest you call the credit card company itself, let them know that you have been the victim of a scam, and have them cancel those charges. That should take care of the problem.

  385. Steve

    I got the yellow card yesterday (March 19, 2007). It’s obvious this is some sort of scam, but I “Googled” CRC anyway. Thanks, everyone, for leaving replies.

  386. Steve

    I got the yellow card yesterday (March 19, 2007). It’s obvious this is some sort of scam, but I “Googled” CRC anyway. Thanks, everyone, for leaving replies.

  387. Kevin

    I’m glad there are websites like this. I got one of these junk cards today – said FRC with the aforementioned address and assumed (correctly, I see) that it was some scam, so I googled the address and found your site.

    Thank you everyone – and screw Amanda Walters

  388. Kevin

    I’m glad there are websites like this. I got one of these junk cards today – said FRC with the aforementioned address and assumed (correctly, I see) that it was some scam, so I googled the address and found your site.

    Thank you everyone – and screw Amanda Walters

  389. Lila

    I called my bank account company and closed my bank account which i had given PSI and opened a new one so the other one is blocked and they won’t be able to take any money out of my account. What a relief!! and also the money they had taken out of my account was refunded to me by the bank. I’m so glad!!!

  390. Lila

    I called my bank account company and closed my bank account which i had given PSI and opened a new one so the other one is blocked and they won’t be able to take any money out of my account. What a relief!! and also the money they had taken out of my account was refunded to me by the bank. I’m so glad!!!

  391. mdot

    Call centers have a number of lines for inbound calls. We should pick a time (exact) and all call in at the same time repeatedly. This will busy out their phone lines with nonsense. Meanwhile they will have a couple hundred agents not making any money.

  392. mdot

    Call centers have a number of lines for inbound calls. We should pick a time (exact) and all call in at the same time repeatedly. This will busy out their phone lines with nonsense. Meanwhile they will have a couple hundred agents not making any money.

  393. Tera

    Don’t you love how you can Google anything these days?

    They changed the name on my card from C.R.C. to F.R.C. as if that changes anything. The mailing address is still the same. What a stupid scam.

  394. Tera

    Don’t you love how you can Google anything these days?

    They changed the name on my card from C.R.C. to F.R.C. as if that changes anything. The mailing address is still the same. What a stupid scam.

  395. aaron ga

    Its not a scam. I called it and I won brand new i-phone. All ready got it in the mail. I repeat it was free,

  396. aaron ga

    Its not a scam. I called it and I won brand new i-phone. All ready got it in the mail. I repeat it was free,

  397. Steve Jenkins Post author

    Aaran ga, you already received an i-phone? I’m afraid that’s not possible, because the i-phone isn’t available yet.

  398. J. Evans

    Thank GOD for the internet, you can find anything on anyone and thanks 2 all else who left a reply. This is the 3rd card I have recieved from these idiots. Oh yeah, dudes’ right the i-phone isn’t out yet.

  399. J. Evans

    Thank GOD for the internet, you can find anything on anyone and thanks 2 all else who left a reply. This is the 3rd card I have recieved from these idiots. Oh yeah, dudes’ right the i-phone isn’t out yet.

  400. Foo Bird

    I got the same fated yellow card from Amanda Walters, thought, “What the…”. I figured I would look online to see what is was and found this site, what a life saver. With all of you who are trying to connect where this is coming from, I too have dealings with Chase.

  401. Foo Bird

    I got the same fated yellow card from Amanda Walters, thought, “What the…”. I figured I would look online to see what is was and found this site, what a life saver. With all of you who are trying to connect where this is coming from, I too have dealings with Chase.

  402. Dee Bee

    I received the yellow card myself and I got suspicious. I googled this and at first I just saw a church site. Then I searched a little deeper typing “F.R.C. in Clearwater, FL Amanda Walters” and I found this site. I am located in Upstate NY and I do not know anyone from Clearwater FL 33756-6500.
    I am so glad that I did not waste my time calling these scammers. They are bootleg- their call toll free number was 1-800-963-1967 b/w hours 10am to 8:30pm.
    Thank GOD for the Internet!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh and by the way, I believe aaron ga is part of the scam. How come you are the only one who received something while everyone else did not? What makes you so special? Liar!!!

    Thanks again for this site.

  403. Dee Bee

    I received the yellow card myself and I got suspicious. I googled this and at first I just saw a church site. Then I searched a little deeper typing “F.R.C. in Clearwater, FL Amanda Walters” and I found this site. I am located in Upstate NY and I do not know anyone from Clearwater FL 33756-6500.
    I am so glad that I did not waste my time calling these scammers. They are bootleg- their call toll free number was 1-800-963-1967 b/w hours 10am to 8:30pm.
    Thank GOD for the Internet!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh and by the way, I believe aaron ga is part of the scam. How come you are the only one who received something while everyone else did not? What makes you so special? Liar!!!

    Thanks again for this site.

  404. Seth

    I got mine.

    I’ve applied for 2 credit cards, both chase. One through Amazon and one through Chase themselves. I believe it is the Chase through Amazon, as that seems to be the most popular.

  405. Seth

    I got mine.

    I’ve applied for 2 credit cards, both chase. One through Amazon and one through Chase themselves. I believe it is the Chase through Amazon, as that seems to be the most popular.

  406. Paul

    White card appearing in DC. I have a Chase account, but I’m reluctant to think it’s their doing, as I’ve had it for many years now without this kinda of spamming. Anyway, glad we are all smarter than than they are. Good work.

  407. Paul

    White card appearing in DC. I have a Chase account, but I’m reluctant to think it’s their doing, as I’ve had it for many years now without this kinda of spamming. Anyway, glad we are all smarter than than they are. Good work.

  408. shani

    Got my card 2 day in Irvine, Ca. Like a lot of people I havent been here long. I have 2 capital one cards. One is a regular card and the other is platinum, I have had these cards a least 7 years now, but recently since my move here I rec’d another offer from cap 1 plat. and chase but was denied for both. Huh it definelty has me thinking that this is linked some kind of way to one or both of these companies. I was curious so I called but it was closed, so I googled and found several FRC . So I dug a lil more deeper and what do I find this site, I am so glad we can find out about so many scams thru the internet. It is really sad that people will make a career out of scamming people, they really have nothing else better to do. This month alone makes this the 6th time someone has tried to scam me and take my money from me. I am sick and tired of these pathetic people like amanda walters. They got me twisted I dont have free money to give away in return for nothing but a headache trying to see how i can get my money back cuz someone scammed me, so they really need to stop trying, asking and or annoying the hell out of me with this bull****

  409. shani

    Got my card 2 day in Irvine, Ca. Like a lot of people I havent been here long. I have 2 capital one cards. One is a regular card and the other is platinum, I have had these cards a least 7 years now, but recently since my move here I rec’d another offer from cap 1 plat. and chase but was denied for both. Huh it definelty has me thinking that this is linked some kind of way to one or both of these companies. I was curious so I called but it was closed, so I googled and found several FRC . So I dug a lil more deeper and what do I find this site, I am so glad we can find out about so many scams thru the internet. It is really sad that people will make a career out of scamming people, they really have nothing else better to do. This month alone makes this the 6th time someone has tried to scam me and take my money from me. I am sick and tired of these pathetic people like amanda walters. They got me twisted I dont have free money to give away in return for nothing but a headache trying to see how i can get my money back cuz someone scammed me, so they really need to stop trying, asking and or annoying the hell out of me with this bull****

  410. Katie

    I got my card two days ago like an idiot I called, I gave the control number she confirmed my name but when I asked what this was about she just said a sweep stakes I Hung up. I also just got my Chase Visa card. should I close and change all of my accounts?

  411. Katie

    I got my card two days ago like an idiot I called, I gave the control number she confirmed my name but when I asked what this was about she just said a sweep stakes I Hung up. I also just got my Chase Visa card. should I close and change all of my accounts?

  412. Steve Jenkins

    Katie, there’s no need to close or change any of your accounts if you didn’t give the rep any credit card or checking account information.

  413. Steve Jenkins Post author

    Katie, there’s no need to close or change any of your accounts if you didn’t give the rep any credit card or checking account information.

  414. Katie

    Thank you so much. I will not fall for anything like this again. Thanks for replying back it saves me from a lot of panic.

  415. Katie

    Thank you so much. I will not fall for anything like this again. Thanks for replying back it saves me from a lot of panic.

  416. vas molina

    mine is psi 1338 norhtampton st easton pa 18042-4085 and they apperantly have good news for my asswell one thing f..k off sons of b..ches dont fall for this s..t stupid capital people

  417. vas molina

    mine is psi 1338 norhtampton st easton pa 18042-4085 and they apperantly have good news for my asswell one thing f..k off sons of b..ches dont fall for this s..t stupid capital people

  418. Cindi

    I just called the number and got an operator and informed him that everyone was onto the scam and that he should be ashamed of himself for working for a company that scams all of us Americans. He of course was a complete jerk, so it doesn’t surprise me….rock on everyone! Don’t fall for this BS

  419. Cindi

    I just called the number and got an operator and informed him that everyone was onto the scam and that he should be ashamed of himself for working for a company that scams all of us Americans. He of course was a complete jerk, so it doesn’t surprise me….rock on everyone! Don’t fall for this BS

  420. Lindsey

    I got one today.

    1338 Northampton St
    Easton, PA 18042-4085

    I wasn’t paying attention, but I have a Capital One platinum card. I don’t know how that’s pertinent, but I do. The message on the post card isn’t even grammatically correct. I’m glad I was able to find this blog.

  421. Lindsey

    I got one today.

    1338 Northampton St
    Easton, PA 18042-4085

    I wasn’t paying attention, but I have a Capital One platinum card. I don’t know how that’s pertinent, but I do. The message on the post card isn’t even grammatically correct. I’m glad I was able to find this blog.

  422. Paula

    Got the yellow card in the mail today. It is now FRC instead od CRC. I had a close call a few years ago, so research everything now. Whats funny is that I just moved in here a few months ago. I am unlisted, etc. Could it be connected to one of my credit cards?

  423. Paula

    Got the yellow card in the mail today. It is now FRC instead od CRC. I had a close call a few years ago, so research everything now. Whats funny is that I just moved in here a few months ago. I am unlisted, etc. Could it be connected to one of my credit cards?

  424. Meagen

    I just got this post card today and I almost called. If I hadn’t been taking the time to educate myself a little on all the scams out there, I wouldn’t have had an immediate “red flag” go off in my head that told me to check into it first. I am glad I did! The only difference is, like the post previous to mine, it says F.R.C. instead of CRC. I just hope this company does not end up getting what they are out for. Maybe we should all try and repost this just in case others are not so “cautious”. I am going to send mine to others in my email and on MySpace. Thanks a bunch for your help.

  425. Meagen

    I just got this post card today and I almost called. If I hadn’t been taking the time to educate myself a little on all the scams out there, I wouldn’t have had an immediate “red flag” go off in my head that told me to check into it first. I am glad I did! The only difference is, like the post previous to mine, it says F.R.C. instead of CRC. I just hope this company does not end up getting what they are out for. Maybe we should all try and repost this just in case others are not so “cautious”. I am going to send mine to others in my email and on MySpace. Thanks a bunch for your help.

  426. Kuuipo

    I got mine today. I have had chase cards for 5 years now, but have never received this cad before. I did recently sign up for an Apple Credit Card (Juniper Bank). I think that’s where it came from. Where is the # to get us off the mailing list????

    Thanks for the info!!!!

  427. Kuuipo

    I got mine today. I have had chase cards for 5 years now, but have never received this cad before. I did recently sign up for an Apple Credit Card (Juniper Bank). I think that’s where it came from. Where is the # to get us off the mailing list????

    Thanks for the info!!!!

  428. Nikki

    I received the yellow card in the mail today, realized it was a scam, but called to see how they received my address as I am unlisted . I asked the man on the phone several times what this was in reference to, and he said that he was entering me in a sweepstakes (all he would tell me is that I am a preferred customer and he only has my name and address). He asked what I would like to win most (money, car, trip) and I told him nothing. I think he realized he was not going to get anything out of me, as he did not offer me a watch or magazines. I did decide to cancel all my credit cards and bank card just to be on the safe side.

    The Address was as follows:
    1383 S Missouri Avenue
    Clearwater, FL 33756-6500
    Amanda Walters

  429. Nikki

    I received the yellow card in the mail today, realized it was a scam, but called to see how they received my address as I am unlisted . I asked the man on the phone several times what this was in reference to, and he said that he was entering me in a sweepstakes (all he would tell me is that I am a preferred customer and he only has my name and address). He asked what I would like to win most (money, car, trip) and I told him nothing. I think he realized he was not going to get anything out of me, as he did not offer me a watch or magazines. I did decide to cancel all my credit cards and bank card just to be on the safe side.

    The Address was as follows:
    1383 S Missouri Avenue
    Clearwater, FL 33756-6500
    Amanda Walters

  430. Nikki

    I have also filed a compliant with the better business bureau and I urge everyone else that has received the sample card to do the same. It really is the only way to stop this company.

  431. Nikki

    I have also filed a compliant with the better business bureau and I urge everyone else that has received the sample card to do the same. It really is the only way to stop this company.

  432. CHIRS

    i too this got this card from frc and the 18009631967 card also and i also thought it was weird that they send the card with no infomation on it this to call them so i google it like so many other and found some site with the picture of the same card except for the name which was cfc and there was a differnt phone number and different person mine it says amanda walters on it thanks for posting this site it was a big help

  433. CHIRS

    i too this got this card from frc and the 18009631967 card also and i also thought it was weird that they send the card with no infomation on it this to call them so i google it like so many other and found some site with the picture of the same card except for the name which was cfc and there was a differnt phone number and different person mine it says amanda walters on it thanks for posting this site it was a big help

  434. Douglas parker

    Just a update for your files they have change their card just a little their Phone number is know 1800-963-1967 and it says thanks Amanda Walters but still the same yallo card and message

  435. Douglas parker

    Just a update for your files they have change their card just a little their Phone number is know 1800-963-1967 and it says thanks Amanda Walters but still the same yallo card and message

  436. Ella

    So I got my card today…and stupidly fell for it. At first I thought it was a scam, but I was having a really bad day so I went with it. I called and they told me all the things I could win and asked me which one I wanted. I told them the money. Then they mentioned the magazines and free ones I’d be getting. So I was put on hold and finally transfered to an Amanda. This was when I got suspicious and told her I wasn’t interested in subscribing and hung up. Do you think they have my information? I didn’t give them ANY information at all. Although, I did tell them which credit card I prefered to use…they gave a list and I said it. Argh I am stupid.

  437. Ella

    So I got my card today…and stupidly fell for it. At first I thought it was a scam, but I was having a really bad day so I went with it. I called and they told me all the things I could win and asked me which one I wanted. I told them the money. Then they mentioned the magazines and free ones I’d be getting. So I was put on hold and finally transfered to an Amanda. This was when I got suspicious and told her I wasn’t interested in subscribing and hung up. Do you think they have my information? I didn’t give them ANY information at all. Although, I did tell them which credit card I prefered to use…they gave a list and I said it. Argh I am stupid.

  438. Patrick

    Got this today. Watch out! It’s white. It’s Stupid. It’s a scam. Ever think bout calling just to tick them off?

  439. Patrick

    Got this today. Watch out! It’s white. It’s Stupid. It’s a scam. Ever think bout calling just to tick them off?

  440. Jerome

    i recieved one just today and research about it right away and i found this blog site. thanks. mine says “F.R.C.” instead of “CRC”.

  441. Jerome

    i recieved one just today and research about it right away and i found this blog site. thanks. mine says “F.R.C.” instead of “CRC”.

  442. Erin

    I recieved one today that was F.R.C. and I did a little searching and found that that the location on mine: 1383 S Missouri Ave. Clearwater, FL 33756-6500 is registered under NPMC- That must be the scam company…anyways, it was nice to find this site to confirm my funkly feeling about this thing.

  443. Erin

    I recieved one today that was F.R.C. and I did a little searching and found that that the location on mine: 1383 S Missouri Ave. Clearwater, FL 33756-6500 is registered under NPMC- That must be the scam company…anyways, it was nice to find this site to confirm my funkly feeling about this thing.

  444. jessie

    me and my fiance have recieved the same thing in the mail and regretibly we ordered from there. the bank says there is nothing we can do about it. they are taking money we can spare being a young couple with two baby boys. so i am asking that if anyone thinks they can help me or give me an idea on what to do please e-mail me at iluvmarines86@yahoo.com thank you so very much

  445. jessie

    me and my fiance have recieved the same thing in the mail and regretibly we ordered from there. the bank says there is nothing we can do about it. they are taking money we can spare being a young couple with two baby boys. so i am asking that if anyone thinks they can help me or give me an idea on what to do please e-mail me at iluvmarines86@yahoo.com thank you so very much

  446. J.Rok

    gud thing u put this up. i got it today too.

    i wasn’t stupid enough to call. like soMe of this people.

  447. J.Rok

    gud thing u put this up. i got it today too.

    i wasn’t stupid enough to call. like soMe of this people.

  448. Josh R.

    Got the card today. Mine is from P.S.I. ?? in Easton, Pennsylvania. White card from Tina (No last name). I go to college out here in Lubbock, two bicycle mags know my address out here and that’s it. What is this B.S.?? I used Yahoo! Maps on the address and a place called “Fancy Nail” uses that address. Then I found this site. Somebody needs to kick some P.C.I., F.R.C., C.R.C. ass, because this is ridiculous.

  449. Josh R.

    Got the card today. Mine is from P.S.I. ?? in Easton, Pennsylvania. White card from Tina (No last name). I go to college out here in Lubbock, two bicycle mags know my address out here and that’s it. What is this B.S.?? I used Yahoo! Maps on the address and a place called “Fancy Nail” uses that address. Then I found this site. Somebody needs to kick some P.C.I., F.R.C., C.R.C. ass, because this is ridiculous.

  450. Sumeet

    This chain started in June 2005 (read the first blog on the top of this page), … 2 years later and it is still bothering people :oP
    I received one from Amanda Walters today.

  451. Sumeet

    This chain started in June 2005 (read the first blog on the top of this page), … 2 years later and it is still bothering people :oP
    I received one from Amanda Walters today.

  452. Elena

    Hey, I just got mine today and decided to do some research, and thanks to this website it saved me a curious call. I happened to have been offered several Capital One cards, but I also apllied for a college loan from them some time ago. I C this connection, Obi Wan, but what does it mean?

    Hello from Missouri.

  453. Elena

    Hey, I just got mine today and decided to do some research, and thanks to this website it saved me a curious call. I happened to have been offered several Capital One cards, but I also apllied for a college loan from them some time ago. I C this connection, Obi Wan, but what does it mean?

    Hello from Missouri.

  454. Kelli

    I got one today too, I knew it was a scam but wanted to see what the exact businesses name was, since mine just says FRC. Apparently they don’t have one though. I don’t have a Capitol One card but have a student loan and just recently got a Discover Card. I’m assuming that’s how they got it? Lame.

  455. Kelli

    I got one today too, I knew it was a scam but wanted to see what the exact businesses name was, since mine just says FRC. Apparently they don’t have one though. I don’t have a Capitol One card but have a student loan and just recently got a Discover Card. I’m assuming that’s how they got it? Lame.

  456. johnp

    Does anyone have any idea how they received my address?


  457. johnp

    Does anyone have any idea how they received my address?


  458. Emmanuel

    I also recieved that post card.

    Thanks to your post I avoided alot of trouble.

  459. Emmanuel

    I also recieved that post card.

    Thanks to your post I avoided alot of trouble.

  460. tlam

    Got one today from F.R.C 1383 S Misouri Ave Clearwater, FL 33756-6500 from Amanda Walters @ 1-800-963-1967.

    I’m from S.F. California

    Thanks all and this blog for the warning!

  461. tlam

    Got one today from F.R.C 1383 S Misouri Ave Clearwater, FL 33756-6500 from Amanda Walters @ 1-800-963-1967.

    I’m from S.F. California

    Thanks all and this blog for the warning!

  462. Lynelle Angel

    Yep, got one too, from F.R.C./A.W., today. Thanks for the BBB site. I’ll be filing a complaint!

  463. Lynelle Angel

    Yep, got one too, from F.R.C./A.W., today. Thanks for the BBB site. I’ll be filing a complaint!

  464. Chris

    i just received one of the yellow cards of doom today. Something seemed a bit on the fishy side, so I searched for the toll free number and found this site. You guys rock for all of this information. Once I read the postings from this site, I decided to have fun. I called the toll free number…it never rang…then some girl named Sylvia answered and asked for my phone number. I then proceeded to ask if she was interested in buy some cookies (without giving her my number). She was a bit speechless and asked for my number again, so I pushed for the sale of more cookies, and told her that we were selling them for my daughter’s softball team. After pushing her a bit she said she wasn’t interested in cookies, so I tried to sell her some magazines (mainly because someone previously posted that this was a magazine scam). Well that didn’t work because she said she was the one supposed to be selling me magazines. Well I then went from magazines to offerring her diamond rings for cheap, and apparently she just started getting aggrivated because she yelled, and I quote, “What the F**k is wrong with this caller!!!”, at which point I couldn’t take it anymore and busted out laughing and hung up. I’m not quite sure if I made her day or not, but she will have a story to tell to all of her other scamming partners. Please everyone who gets a card call the number and try to sell them cookies or something. The end result is hilarious. PS… Just don’t give them any of your information.

  465. Chris

    i just received one of the yellow cards of doom today. Something seemed a bit on the fishy side, so I searched for the toll free number and found this site. You guys rock for all of this information. Once I read the postings from this site, I decided to have fun. I called the toll free number…it never rang…then some girl named Sylvia answered and asked for my phone number. I then proceeded to ask if she was interested in buy some cookies (without giving her my number). She was a bit speechless and asked for my number again, so I pushed for the sale of more cookies, and told her that we were selling them for my daughter’s softball team. After pushing her a bit she said she wasn’t interested in cookies, so I tried to sell her some magazines (mainly because someone previously posted that this was a magazine scam). Well that didn’t work because she said she was the one supposed to be selling me magazines. Well I then went from magazines to offerring her diamond rings for cheap, and apparently she just started getting aggrivated because she yelled, and I quote, “What the F**k is wrong with this caller!!!”, at which point I couldn’t take it anymore and busted out laughing and hung up. I’m not quite sure if I made her day or not, but she will have a story to tell to all of her other scamming partners. Please everyone who gets a card call the number and try to sell them cookies or something. The end result is hilarious. PS… Just don’t give them any of your information.

  466. jen

    i got the card today. knew it was some scam. decided to google it. i think the funniest thing is what that kid chris did. i’m tempted to call too just to screw with them. thanx for all the posts. oh, and i’m really curious to know what all of us who got this have in common. did one place get our information or do you think it was from a bunch of companies?

  467. jen

    i got the card today. knew it was some scam. decided to google it. i think the funniest thing is what that kid chris did. i’m tempted to call too just to screw with them. thanx for all the posts. oh, and i’m really curious to know what all of us who got this have in common. did one place get our information or do you think it was from a bunch of companies?

  468. ching hui

    haha, surprisingly, i’ve got one from tina today as well. Austin, TX has got them too.

  469. ching hui

    haha, surprisingly, i’ve got one from tina today as well. Austin, TX has got them too.

  470. Travis W

    Guess what? Two years later its still going strong, got mine today and googled it, and well, you know the rest.
    I have three credit cards (Citicards Visa, and then two retail credit cards) and no one has listed those yet. However I, like most, recently moved and have only been in my new apartment for a little over a month and also just set up an account with Time Warner (saw a few people mention that in their posts)

    I just called and spoke to shannon. The convo went like this:
    Her: Hi this is Shannon can I get your control number?
    Me: Oh, um, who is this?
    Me: Hello? Who is this?
    Her: This is FRC – Family Reading Center, you’re speaking with Shannon.
    Me: Oh, well, is Amanda Walters there? I got this from her.
    Her: Yeah, just give me your control number and I’ll be happy to redirect your call.
    Me: Well, I’ll give it to her.
    On hold for a couple minutes
    Her: I’m sorry sir, shes not here. She wont mind if I help you, we dont get commission. Whats your control number?
    Me: Oh, well, I was really wanting to talk to her. I mean, she took time to send me this postcard. I’ll be glad to order something from you if you send me a postcard Shannon.
    Her: Forget about it. click
    Hah. Im going to keep calling back just to mess with them.

  471. Travis W

    Guess what? Two years later its still going strong, got mine today and googled it, and well, you know the rest.
    I have three credit cards (Citicards Visa, and then two retail credit cards) and no one has listed those yet. However I, like most, recently moved and have only been in my new apartment for a little over a month and also just set up an account with Time Warner (saw a few people mention that in their posts)

    I just called and spoke to shannon. The convo went like this:
    Her: Hi this is Shannon can I get your control number?
    Me: Oh, um, who is this?
    Me: Hello? Who is this?
    Her: This is FRC – Family Reading Center, you’re speaking with Shannon.
    Me: Oh, well, is Amanda Walters there? I got this from her.
    Her: Yeah, just give me your control number and I’ll be happy to redirect your call.
    Me: Well, I’ll give it to her.
    On hold for a couple minutes
    Her: I’m sorry sir, shes not here. She wont mind if I help you, we dont get commission. Whats your control number?
    Me: Oh, well, I was really wanting to talk to her. I mean, she took time to send me this postcard. I’ll be glad to order something from you if you send me a postcard Shannon.
    Her: Forget about it. click
    Hah. Im going to keep calling back just to mess with them.

  472. G.

    Yep, just got the same yellow card as everyone else. This one is from “Amanda Walters”.

  473. G.

    Yep, just got the same yellow card as everyone else. This one is from “Amanda Walters”.

  474. eric

    I got mine in the mail today ‘cept its just a plain ol’ white card from PSI in Easton, PA from a gal named Tina.. will it ever end?

  475. eric

    I got mine in the mail today ‘cept its just a plain ol’ white card from PSI in Easton, PA from a gal named Tina.. will it ever end?

  476. Joshua

    I thought the only person who could give you a bad yellow card was a soccer ref but then I opened my mail and got one from amanda walters. And yes, I know I didn’t capatalize your name because I don’t respect you.

  477. Joshua

    I thought the only person who could give you a bad yellow card was a soccer ref but then I opened my mail and got one from amanda walters. And yes, I know I didn’t capatalize your name because I don’t respect you.

  478. zack robbin

    wow! seems like an awful lot of people don’t think that sleazy sneaky advertising is “Good News.” i wasn’t going to call them, but i was curious so i did a quick search. you’re the top listing on google, maybe becuase so many people have clicked here & left comments on their way through. i wonder if those “F.R.C.” folks will read this and rethink their lame marketing strategy.
    mine is from Amanda Walters, too.
    interesting; i read about recently moving into homes & signing up with Time Warner — moved here late last year — never got this much junk mail in all the years in my old place. have Best Buy credit card, Verizon DSL…not much else that’d get me on lists like this.
    hey folks– try this: every time you get some advert with a postage-paid return envelope, be sure to send it back. either scribble a little note that you don’t want their card/other product, or perhaps enclose something a little more creative. they will pay the postage for anything you can fit in that envelope. waste their money, annoy them, and support the long-suffering USPS while you’re at it. (i’m not advocating sending anything dangerous or illegal, just maybe something annoying)

  479. zack robbin

    wow! seems like an awful lot of people don’t think that sleazy sneaky advertising is “Good News.” i wasn’t going to call them, but i was curious so i did a quick search. you’re the top listing on google, maybe becuase so many people have clicked here & left comments on their way through. i wonder if those “F.R.C.” folks will read this and rethink their lame marketing strategy.
    mine is from Amanda Walters, too.
    interesting; i read about recently moving into homes & signing up with Time Warner — moved here late last year — never got this much junk mail in all the years in my old place. have Best Buy credit card, Verizon DSL…not much else that’d get me on lists like this.
    hey folks– try this: every time you get some advert with a postage-paid return envelope, be sure to send it back. either scribble a little note that you don’t want their card/other product, or perhaps enclose something a little more creative. they will pay the postage for anything you can fit in that envelope. waste their money, annoy them, and support the long-suffering USPS while you’re at it. (i’m not advocating sending anything dangerous or illegal, just maybe something annoying)

  480. Jill from Atlanta

    Good ol’ Amanda found me, too. It’s gotta be a list they’ve purchased because they’ve used my first name which is ONLY on one of my Visa cards and my car loan. I called them and asked if they had any magazines about scam artists. They said no. I proceeded to ask about a magazine for people that make money off of unsuspecting senior citizens, the illiterate, and the downtrodden but the girl hung up on me before I could finish. Haahahhahahaaaa…oh, Amanda, you crack me up.

  481. Jill from Atlanta

    Good ol’ Amanda found me, too. It’s gotta be a list they’ve purchased because they’ve used my first name which is ONLY on one of my Visa cards and my car loan. I called them and asked if they had any magazines about scam artists. They said no. I proceeded to ask about a magazine for people that make money off of unsuspecting senior citizens, the illiterate, and the downtrodden but the girl hung up on me before I could finish. Haahahhahahaaaa…oh, Amanda, you crack me up.

  482. Tristan

    Can you believe YEARS after you first posted this blog – people are still thanking you! 🙂 THANKS!

  483. Tristan

    Can you believe YEARS after you first posted this blog – people are still thanking you! 🙂 THANKS!

  484. Dear J

    Got mine today, thanks for lookin’ out and lettin’ me know it was a scam. I just recently signed up for a new credit card, I’ve no doubt that’s where they got my name from. It was a Mastercard acquired through HSBC, but I’m sure HSBC was not at fault, more likely it was the credit card issuer who sent out the actual card passed my address to 3rd party companies, one of which was an unscrupulous con artist aka Tina aka Amanda Walters.


  485. Dear J

    Got mine today, thanks for lookin’ out and lettin’ me know it was a scam. I just recently signed up for a new credit card, I’ve no doubt that’s where they got my name from. It was a Mastercard acquired through HSBC, but I’m sure HSBC was not at fault, more likely it was the credit card issuer who sent out the actual card passed my address to 3rd party companies, one of which was an unscrupulous con artist aka Tina aka Amanda Walters.


  486. J

    I just wanted to thank all of you for this information. I just received this card in the mail today. I live in California and I am fully aware that I have not entered any sweepstakes all the way in Florida.

    The company name, contact name, and phone number on the card have changed, but the color, message, and logo are still the same.

    Compant name: F.R.C.
    Phone 1800-963-1967
    Contact Person: Amanda Walters.

    I hope this updated informarion benefit others as much as the previous post benefited me.


  487. J

    I just wanted to thank all of you for this information. I just received this card in the mail today. I live in California and I am fully aware that I have not entered any sweepstakes all the way in Florida.

    The company name, contact name, and phone number on the card have changed, but the color, message, and logo are still the same.

    Compant name: F.R.C.
    Phone 1800-963-1967
    Contact Person: Amanda Walters.

    I hope this updated informarion benefit others as much as the previous post benefited me.


  488. jen

    They have been changing the name and address of the company…

    i got one a month ago from clearwater, fl and today i just got another one from psi easton, pa

    is there anyway that i can get off their list?

  489. jen

    They have been changing the name and address of the company…

    i got one a month ago from clearwater, fl and today i just got another one from psi easton, pa

    is there anyway that i can get off their list?

  490. Gwen

    I think that all of us who acquired Capital One cards will be getting this “scam-mail”. WTF.!
    Is there anything we can do (Besides not calling the F.R.C & Amanda Walters)?

  491. Gwen

    I think that all of us who acquired Capital One cards will be getting this “scam-mail”. WTF.!
    Is there anything we can do (Besides not calling the F.R.C & Amanda Walters)?

  492. Mike L.

    Got mine on Friday. Why are they still bothering people? Thx for the site.

  493. Mike L.

    Got mine on Friday. Why are they still bothering people? Thx for the site.

  494. Gonen

    Got my yellow postcard today 05/01/2007 and I also have capitalone which I’m going to cancel in the next 5 minutes!!
    Thank you for the info.

  495. Gonen

    Got my yellow postcard today 05/01/2007 and I also have capitalone which I’m going to cancel in the next 5 minutes!!
    Thank you for the info.

  496. Cody

    So i just got my card in the mail today as well, i am a college student who just moved into a house. I remember once going to subway and they gave me a free sub for filling out a sheet for Chase credit cards, its the only credit card ive ever even come close to having, and they send me s..t all the time saying i have some kind of credit card or somthing even though i didnt technically sign up for anything. Its really annoying and i suggest people dont deal with it. My letter looked like this…

    Dear Cody

    We are trying to reach you with good news! It is real important that you call toll free 1-800-571-9622.

    Thank you

    Call 11 am to 8 pm EST

    Monday thru Friday

    im sure people for a long time to come will be looking this up to find out what bulls..t it is, it almost got me, as mine was from PSI and i just figured it was some kind of college/financial aid stuff. Thanks to whoever started this blog. Big help.

    And i as well suggest we continue to call and mess with these people, i plan on it. Let me know what u guys did.

  497. Cody

    So i just got my card in the mail today as well, i am a college student who just moved into a house. I remember once going to subway and they gave me a free sub for filling out a sheet for Chase credit cards, its the only credit card ive ever even come close to having, and they send me s..t all the time saying i have some kind of credit card or somthing even though i didnt technically sign up for anything. Its really annoying and i suggest people dont deal with it. My letter looked like this…

    Dear Cody

    We are trying to reach you with good news! It is real important that you call toll free 1-800-571-9622.

    Thank you

    Call 11 am to 8 pm EST

    Monday thru Friday

    im sure people for a long time to come will be looking this up to find out what bulls..t it is, it almost got me, as mine was from PSI and i just figured it was some kind of college/financial aid stuff. Thanks to whoever started this blog. Big help.

    And i as well suggest we continue to call and mess with these people, i plan on it. Let me know what u guys did.

  498. Ruben

    I got one today, evidentally they are now F.R.C. but still using the Amanda Walters. i am SO glad I Googled this topic and found this site. God Bless.

  499. Ruben

    I got one today, evidentally they are now F.R.C. but still using the Amanda Walters. i am SO glad I Googled this topic and found this site. God Bless.

  500. Bridget

    Capitol One must have sold my name. It’s the only thing new.

  501. Bridget

    Capitol One must have sold my name. It’s the only thing new.

  502. rachelle

    ive gotten 2 so far, moved about 7 months ago and got one from Debbie. recently opened a credit card through my bank ( not amazon, apple, or capitol one) but do get capitol one offers atleast once a day. Got my second one today, this one from PSI in Easton Pennsylvania signed by tina. maybe someone will figure out a way to shut them down

  503. rachelle

    ive gotten 2 so far, moved about 7 months ago and got one from Debbie. recently opened a credit card through my bank ( not amazon, apple, or capitol one) but do get capitol one offers atleast once a day. Got my second one today, this one from PSI in Easton Pennsylvania signed by tina. maybe someone will figure out a way to shut them down

  504. Nate

    lol…I just called in…gave a fake control number (a few digits off mine). The lady asks, oh, is this Kaiser? I said…’uh, sure’. and she goes intoa spiel of how I am going to be entered in this drawing for teh grand prize. and there’s three choices, trip to hawaii, $25K or a ford escape hybrid. I said Hawaii. and then she said because i’m a preferred or something or other and something else, she needed to know what credit cards I have, and which one i liked the most, and the number off of it. I sounded all sad and stuff and said, ‘ooh…well…I don’t exactly have a credit card….is that okay?’ She said, ‘ohokaywellyou’restillinthesweepstakesgoodbye’. She practically hung up on me.

    How rude. :mrgreen:

  505. Nate

    lol…I just called in…gave a fake control number (a few digits off mine). The lady asks, oh, is this Kaiser? I said…’uh, sure’. and she goes intoa spiel of how I am going to be entered in this drawing for teh grand prize. and there’s three choices, trip to hawaii, $25K or a ford escape hybrid. I said Hawaii. and then she said because i’m a preferred or something or other and something else, she needed to know what credit cards I have, and which one i liked the most, and the number off of it. I sounded all sad and stuff and said, ‘ooh…well…I don’t exactly have a credit card….is that okay?’ She said, ‘ohokaywellyou’restillinthesweepstakesgoodbye’. She practically hung up on me.

    How rude. :mrgreen:

  506. Sean F , St.Louis, MO

    I got the card as well from Amanda Walters. Thank you so so much for this site,.. not sure why but, as soon as I saw it, i googled the number and this site came up,.. You might have something about the credit cards,.. I recently received a new card and now this???.. You rock and keep this thing going for future scam records. ill come back if I get another card.. Sean, St.Louis, MO

  507. Sean F , St.Louis, MO

    I got the card as well from Amanda Walters. Thank you so so much for this site,.. not sure why but, as soon as I saw it, i googled the number and this site came up,.. You might have something about the credit cards,.. I recently received a new card and now this???.. You rock and keep this thing going for future scam records. ill come back if I get another card.. Sean, St.Louis, MO

  508. Siiri S.

    Thank you so much for this blog, even on May 10th, 2007, I am just now receiving this yellow postcard, but they’ve changed their name now to F.R.C., so it was trickier to find your blog. Thank god, otherwise I would have called them! Thanks!

  509. Siiri S.

    Thank you so much for this blog, even on May 10th, 2007, I am just now receiving this yellow postcard, but they’ve changed their name now to F.R.C., so it was trickier to find your blog. Thank god, otherwise I would have called them! Thanks!

  510. Ays

    Hello from Sunny California. I just got one of the newer version of this demon spawn. My card was white and had this…

    Dear (well if I expect you to fall for this I may as well call you Idiot…jk)

    We are trying to reach you with Good News! It is real important that you call Toll free 1-800-571-9622

    Thank You

    Call 11 am to 8 pm EST
    Monday thru Friday


    1338 Northampton [sic] St
    Easton, PA 18042-4065

    [Smiley Face]

    I just activated my Chase Amazon.com card, hmm now where have I heard that said before, I have half a mind to call these gits tomorrow from a phone at school and demand that they take me off their lists, and if they hang up I’m calling back until I get bored or they do as I tell them to. Well thanks all for letting us know about these losers who have nothing better to do than to try and con decent people out of their money while they sit on their arses and kill off the few brain cells they have left.

  511. Ays

    Hello from Sunny California. I just got one of the newer version of this demon spawn. My card was white and had this…

    Dear (well if I expect you to fall for this I may as well call you Idiot…jk)

    We are trying to reach you with Good News! It is real important that you call Toll free 1-800-571-9622

    Thank You

    Call 11 am to 8 pm EST
    Monday thru Friday


    1338 Northampton [sic] St
    Easton, PA 18042-4065

    [Smiley Face]

    I just activated my Chase Amazon.com card, hmm now where have I heard that said before, I have half a mind to call these gits tomorrow from a phone at school and demand that they take me off their lists, and if they hang up I’m calling back until I get bored or they do as I tell them to. Well thanks all for letting us know about these losers who have nothing better to do than to try and con decent people out of their money while they sit on their arses and kill off the few brain cells they have left.

  512. john b

    I recieved that yellow post card and did a Yahoo! search about the address and I found this site you have. I knew that the card was a scam but I wanted to check it out first. HOW DO THEY GET OUR NAMES AND ADDRESS????

  513. john b

    I recieved that yellow post card and did a Yahoo! search about the address and I found this site you have. I knew that the card was a scam but I wanted to check it out first. HOW DO THEY GET OUR NAMES AND ADDRESS????

  514. Tom

    I got this today. They now use a new phone number: 1-800-963-1967

  515. Tom

    I got this today. They now use a new phone number: 1-800-963-1967

  516. Pat

    Wow…Im not the first to receive “good news” from these guys? That saddens me just a tad bit. I was really hoping that they did have good news….

    Thanks for the info and heads up Jenkins.

    Keep up the good work!

    Aloha and Mahalo.

  517. Pat

    Wow…Im not the first to receive “good news” from these guys? That saddens me just a tad bit. I was really hoping that they did have good news….

    Thanks for the info and heads up Jenkins.

    Keep up the good work!

    Aloha and Mahalo.

  518. Bobbie W.

    Help. In NW PA. My fiance was dumb enough to give account information to them. Bank info, not credit card! They charged (and overdrafted) our checking instantly. Bank told me they can do NOTHING… how many charges do they make? 🙠Fiance is in dog-house. How do we stop this? If he calls the # will they cancel? sigh

  519. Bobbie W.

    Help. In NW PA. My fiance was dumb enough to give account information to them. Bank info, not credit card! They charged (and overdrafted) our checking instantly. Bank told me they can do NOTHING… how many charges do they make? 🙠Fiance is in dog-house. How do we stop this? If he calls the # will they cancel? sigh

  520. Yadira Rivera

    Los Angeles, California here…
    HI All I also got this yellow card in the mail today form that stinking Amanda Walters1-800-963-1967

    I knew something was wrong so I decided to google search it.

    Thanks so much for the info that you provided.:)

  521. Yadira Rivera

    Los Angeles, California here…
    HI All I also got this yellow card in the mail today form that stinking Amanda Walters1-800-963-1967

    I knew something was wrong so I decided to google search it.

    Thanks so much for the info that you provided.:)

  522. Derek

    Got post card today in GA, and yup…just opened the dreaded Capital One account too a couple of months ago.

  523. Derek

    Got post card today in GA, and yup…just opened the dreaded Capital One account too a couple of months ago.

  524. heather

    got my card from amanda today. i was happy to see so many people googled this before me, though that means we’re all in the same spam boat. i recently got a chase credit card, as well. thank for this site.

  525. heather

    got my card from amanda today. i was happy to see so many people googled this before me, though that means we’re all in the same spam boat. i recently got a chase credit card, as well. thank for this site.
    (outside boston)

  526. heather

    got my card from amanda today. i was happy to see so many people googled this before me, though that means we’re all in the same spam boat. i recently got a chase credit card, as well. thank for this site.

  527. heather

    got my card from amanda today. i was happy to see so many people googled this before me, though that means we’re all in the same spam boat. i recently got a chase credit card, as well. thank for this site.
    (outside boston)

  528. Ex-comedy writer

    I love these people! Got the card from Amanda Walters.
    Same pitch. But I have nothing better to do then play with these people. After they were done telling me about better larger and gardens I asked the obvious question.

    Oh my lucky day I am so blessed I for to want all the brail magazines you have.

    Oh we don?t have brail magazines. (How did I know that was going to be their response?)

    Pease Hold on I want for to put Omar for to be on the phone.

    Heo ths s omar wat kin I do you?

    What langue do you speak?

    Oh for me?

    Yes for you

    What for me?

    What language do you speak?

    What for me

    You can guess where it went from there I do 17 dialects of people that don?t speak any language fluently.

    Amanda hung up on me! Hey what did I do? And what was the ?Good News? I guess I will never know 🙂

  529. Ex-comedy writer

    I love these people! Got the card from Amanda Walters.
    Same pitch. But I have nothing better to do then play with these people. After they were done telling me about better larger and gardens I asked the obvious question.

    Oh my lucky day I am so blessed I for to want all the brail magazines you have.

    Oh we don?t have brail magazines. (How did I know that was going to be their response?)

    Pease Hold on I want for to put Omar for to be on the phone.

    Heo ths s omar wat kin I do you?

    What langue do you speak?

    Oh for me?

    Yes for you

    What for me?

    What language do you speak?

    What for me

    You can guess where it went from there I do 17 dialects of people that don?t speak any language fluently.

    Amanda hung up on me! Hey what did I do? And what was the ?Good News? I guess I will never know 🙂

  530. Dennis

    So I recieved the same letter today only its F.R.C. instead of C.R.C. so be aware of this scam its coming in with many different disguises. Thank God for Google.

  531. Dennis

    So I recieved the same letter today only its F.R.C. instead of C.R.C. so be aware of this scam its coming in with many different disguises. Thank God for Google.

  532. Nikki

    So I received a post card from Amanda Walters a couple months ago and today I received something from N.M.E. certified mail. Interestingly enough I did not have to sign for the certified mail and this company happens to be in Clearwater Florida as well. In fact, it may be located on the same street as F.R.C if I recall correctly. Anyone who received the post card look for this as well….

    16120 U.S. 19 North
    Clearwater, Florida 33764

    It comes in a pink envelope and its a pink slip of paper. It has a phone number and another ID# Pat Haines is the “sales representative” trying to reach me in regards to my 2,100,000.00 sweepstakes. I’m pretty sure the two are connected so BEWARE.

  533. Nikki

    So I received a post card from Amanda Walters a couple months ago and today I received something from N.M.E. certified mail. Interestingly enough I did not have to sign for the certified mail and this company happens to be in Clearwater Florida as well. In fact, it may be located on the same street as F.R.C if I recall correctly. Anyone who received the post card look for this as well….

    16120 U.S. 19 North
    Clearwater, Florida 33764

    It comes in a pink envelope and its a pink slip of paper. It has a phone number and another ID# Pat Haines is the “sales representative” trying to reach me in regards to my 2,100,000.00 sweepstakes. I’m pretty sure the two are connected so BEWARE.

  534. George

    I got it too. Yellow card, FRC, amada walters etc… How the hell did they get my info and what else do these cock suckers have on me?
    I cant beleive that after all these years these motherfu**ers are still on this scam! I mean god damn..
    Well thanks Steve and all you guys for this site and the replies it really makes a difference.
    I got verison DSL, and just got a new visa card 2 weeks ago.

  535. George

    I got it too. Yellow card, FRC, amada walters etc… How the hell did they get my info and what else do these cock suckers have on me?
    I cant beleive that after all these years these motherfu**ers are still on this scam! I mean god damn..
    Well thanks Steve and all you guys for this site and the replies it really makes a difference.
    I got verison DSL, and just got a new visa card 2 weeks ago.

  536. naren

    I got the same card but its from FRC 1383 s missouri ave clearwater FL 33756-6500,

    Thanks, for letting me know that this is bogus

  537. naren

    I got the same card but its from FRC 1383 s missouri ave clearwater FL 33756-6500,

    Thanks, for letting me know that this is bogus

  538. Cora Stone

    Excuse me, but…I have nothing to do with this FRC company, I don’t work for them, or know anyone there personally…so being a consumer just like you all—–I am curious as to why you all are in this rant site. Is this the first time you have encountered a ‘marketing’ scheme, or what you all call a scam. How did they ‘scam’ you? Look…….I don’t like ‘junk’ mail either, but, the truth of the matter is that everything in this world today is out to get you to buy something. Very simple, ———what don’t you people understand?
    What?….is this the first company to have this type of ‘bait’? I think whoever started this site is a former employee or something, and the rest of the responses are mostly from this one person. Yest there might be some actual consumers here that are curious about who sent these ‘yellow’ cards…but all in all…I think it is obvious to anyone who visits this site that someone is playing the ‘alarmist’!!! Trust me, I get in the arena of being scammed everyday!!!! By just being in my own familiar surroundings. It can be your own family, friends, something in the community you live in. This ‘yellow’ card obviously wants your business!!
    Am I right??? So what’s the problem??? By something from Radio Shack or other place that wants you to fill out a card when you buy something. What, you think no one else ‘sells’ information about you????? Check you your own church….you think new members don’t get ‘checked’ out????
    Or the little ‘swipe’ card you use at the grocery store….they know you buying habits. Someone is keeping tabs on what you buy. So on and so on. And all you are worried about is someone who wants to sell you magazines. So what???? Get real will ya! The person that started this site gets more information on you than you know!! Use the brain will ya??

  539. Cora Stone

    Excuse me, but…I have nothing to do with this FRC company, I don’t work for them, or know anyone there personally…so being a consumer just like you all—–I am curious as to why you all are in this rant site. Is this the first time you have encountered a ‘marketing’ scheme, or what you all call a scam. How did they ‘scam’ you? Look…….I don’t like ‘junk’ mail either, but, the truth of the matter is that everything in this world today is out to get you to buy something. Very simple, ———what don’t you people understand?
    What?….is this the first company to have this type of ‘bait’? I think whoever started this site is a former employee or something, and the rest of the responses are mostly from this one person. Yest there might be some actual consumers here that are curious about who sent these ‘yellow’ cards…but all in all…I think it is obvious to anyone who visits this site that someone is playing the ‘alarmist’!!! Trust me, I get in the arena of being scammed everyday!!!! By just being in my own familiar surroundings. It can be your own family, friends, something in the community you live in. This ‘yellow’ card obviously wants your business!!
    Am I right??? So what’s the problem??? By something from Radio Shack or other place that wants you to fill out a card when you buy something. What, you think no one else ‘sells’ information about you????? Check you your own church….you think new members don’t get ‘checked’ out????
    Or the little ‘swipe’ card you use at the grocery store….they know you buying habits. Someone is keeping tabs on what you buy. So on and so on. And all you are worried about is someone who wants to sell you magazines. So what???? Get real will ya! The person that started this site gets more information on you than you know!! Use the brain will ya??

  540. Cora Stone --continued

    Oh and by the way……I’m sure my emails will contain a whole bunch of nonsense now that I posted in this site!!! AM I Right???? Mr. Jenkins????

    Sorry for any typos in my previous post, but I just couldn’t stop typing and typing and typing.

  541. Cora Stone --continued

    Oh and by the way……I’m sure my emails will contain a whole bunch of nonsense now that I posted in this site!!! AM I Right???? Mr. Jenkins????

    Sorry for any typos in my previous post, but I just couldn’t stop typing and typing and typing.

  542. Steve Jenkins

    I’m not a former employee. I’m just someone who received one of these yellow cards in the mail and searched around to find out what it was about. After searching, I thought I’d post what I found.

    You will not receive any email from me. The only reason you’re asked for an e-mail address is to help verify that you’re not a spam bot.

  543. Steve Jenkins Post author

    I’m not a former employee. I’m just someone who received one of these yellow cards in the mail and searched around to find out what it was about. After searching, I thought I’d post what I found.

    You will not receive any email from me. The only reason you’re asked for an e-mail address is to help verify that you’re not a spam bot.

  544. Cora Stone

    Ok, I hear ya. However…..when it comes to certain consumer products, there are those that are actually curious as to what the telemarketer/or inside sales rep is ‘selling’. I’m not a big fan of getting several calls a day (or evening), but, this is not just the ‘wave’ but the ‘wave’ of the future in advertisement——A SALES CALL RIGHT TO YOUR HOME via THE PHONE!
    Of course there are the scum bags out there selling (for example…..) ‘rip-off’ vacation packages!!!!!!! Oy!!!!! They book you for Disney World’s family package where you can invite 6 adults for the price of four, but OH MY!! the hotel they put you in is the PITS!! Here in Florida, those of us who know of someone who encountered a ‘vacation package’ nightmare are insulted by this. The fact is that Florida (of all places) should have legit vacation planners and agents with desirable ‘deals’ to attract the ‘first-timers’ (and all) to Florida. But instead we (Florida) have encountered many that come from the woodwork (and other parts of the USA), set up telemarketing rooms here in Florida, and Wallah! they know vacation packages!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    To the POINT: everyone in any kind of big business today, gets info on you and me for their own purpose, and of course, to sell info on you to get a little $$$$. Trust me, and I do know this for fact, your own employer keeps tabs on your doings at work and out of work. And believe me, this information gets put in a file “just on you”! Think I’m kidding? That clerk you can’t stand in the office or workplace, or the janitor…you know the one you just love to bleed your heart to———he’s not that stupid or innocent. Here in Florida, bigger companies now send your original application (a copy of) to a mysterious place in………”Tallahasee” or somewhere else. (anyone hold 20 jobs this year so far???….oh my!) SO, why collect this info? Well I won’t repeat myself. So don’t worry about a little yellow card, because that company that sends you the little yellow card is making a living. Is he selling your information? Well, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! If that doesn’t bother his conscience. And don’t forget, if he doesn’t send you those magazines on a timely basis, he gets the magazine companies on his back in no time!!
    They’ll come after him! So these subscription places usually do a good job and send you the product and the products ‘offer’.
    Otherwise, outside of credit cards, subscriptions, long distance plans, there are tons of ways for ‘THEM’ to obtain information on you and me.
    By the way, a little tid-bit……if you’ve NEVER been finger-printed…yes, you have. Figure it out! Tah-tah!!

  545. Cora Stone

    Ok, I hear ya. However…..when it comes to certain consumer products, there are those that are actually curious as to what the telemarketer/or inside sales rep is ‘selling’. I’m not a big fan of getting several calls a day (or evening), but, this is not just the ‘wave’ but the ‘wave’ of the future in advertisement——A SALES CALL RIGHT TO YOUR HOME via THE PHONE!
    Of course there are the scum bags out there selling (for example…..) ‘rip-off’ vacation packages!!!!!!! Oy!!!!! They book you for Disney World’s family package where you can invite 6 adults for the price of four, but OH MY!! the hotel they put you in is the PITS!! Here in Florida, those of us who know of someone who encountered a ‘vacation package’ nightmare are insulted by this. The fact is that Florida (of all places) should have legit vacation planners and agents with desirable ‘deals’ to attract the ‘first-timers’ (and all) to Florida. But instead we (Florida) have encountered many that come from the woodwork (and other parts of the USA), set up telemarketing rooms here in Florida, and Wallah! they know vacation packages!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    To the POINT: everyone in any kind of big business today, gets info on you and me for their own purpose, and of course, to sell info on you to get a little $$$$. Trust me, and I do know this for fact, your own employer keeps tabs on your doings at work and out of work. And believe me, this information gets put in a file “just on you”! Think I’m kidding? That clerk you can’t stand in the office or workplace, or the janitor…you know the one you just love to bleed your heart to———he’s not that stupid or innocent. Here in Florida, bigger companies now send your original application (a copy of) to a mysterious place in………”Tallahasee” or somewhere else. (anyone hold 20 jobs this year so far???….oh my!) SO, why collect this info? Well I won’t repeat myself. So don’t worry about a little yellow card, because that company that sends you the little yellow card is making a living. Is he selling your information? Well, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! If that doesn’t bother his conscience. And don’t forget, if he doesn’t send you those magazines on a timely basis, he gets the magazine companies on his back in no time!!
    They’ll come after him! So these subscription places usually do a good job and send you the product and the products ‘offer’.
    Otherwise, outside of credit cards, subscriptions, long distance plans, there are tons of ways for ‘THEM’ to obtain information on you and me.
    By the way, a little tid-bit……if you’ve NEVER been finger-printed…yes, you have. Figure it out! Tah-tah!!

  546. Fred Tompkins

    Just to let you all know I got one in the mail today and they’ve changed their name to F.R.C and a new number 1-800-963-1967 w/ the name Amanda Walters

  547. Fred Tompkins

    Just to let you all know I got one in the mail today and they’ve changed their name to F.R.C and a new number 1-800-963-1967 w/ the name Amanda Walters

  548. Gring

    Well i just got my beautiful yellow card in the mail to day. I for one will try sending the card back to them and see what they do. With a little help from my trusty photoshop I will swap the names and give them the news hotline number to call. Maybe that will stun them.

  549. Gring

    Well i just got my beautiful yellow card in the mail to day. I for one will try sending the card back to them and see what they do. With a little help from my trusty photoshop I will swap the names and give them the news hotline number to call. Maybe that will stun them.

  550. Raachie

    Cora Stone needs to take her tampon out of her ass…Ranting about people who have no lives.. annnd you’re commenting on here becaause? what? The site just magically appeared on your screen?

    Anyway, I just got one of those things. Anything anyone will do to make a buck.

  551. Raachie

    Cora Stone needs to take her tampon out of her ass…Ranting about people who have no lives.. annnd you’re commenting on here becaause? what? The site just magically appeared on your screen?

    Anyway, I just got one of those things. Anything anyone will do to make a buck.

  552. Holland

    Thanx a bunch for posting this site!! I thought something was up and i looked it up and found your site, thanks again 😉 â— â— â—

  553. Holland

    Thanx a bunch for posting this site!! I thought something was up and i looked it up and found your site, thanks again 😉 â— â— â—

  554. Mike

    I’m in PA, but am originally from that area. So I’m glad to hear people from all over have received it. I can’t believe how long they’ve been sending the card out. Crazy

  555. Mike

    I’m in PA, but am originally from that area. So I’m glad to hear people from all over have received it. I can’t believe how long they’ve been sending the card out. Crazy

  556. Glenn

    I’m in Chicago and I received the same FRC card from Amanda. Called the number and the lady tried to sell me magazine subscriptions. She was real smoothe. She tried to trick me into thinking I was getting them for free. I started to back peddle and asked how she obtained my information. The rep told me they buy peoples info from Visa and Mastercard (I recently opened a new card). I told them I didn’t want any part of their offer and I didn’t give them my account information. I decided to look them up after the fact and found this blog. Hopefully they don’t already have my account information. Cock-A-Roaches.

  557. Glenn

    I’m in Chicago and I received the same FRC card from Amanda. Called the number and the lady tried to sell me magazine subscriptions. She was real smoothe. She tried to trick me into thinking I was getting them for free. I started to back peddle and asked how she obtained my information. The rep told me they buy peoples info from Visa and Mastercard (I recently opened a new card). I told them I didn’t want any part of their offer and I didn’t give them my account information. I decided to look them up after the fact and found this blog. Hopefully they don’t already have my account information. Cock-A-Roaches.

  558. Farah

    Yeah, it’s f..kin crazy…I just got mine today (Pa, btw), and trusted Google Uncle led me to this site…gud tht I didn’t waste my time calling them 4 the “good news” ðŸ™

  559. Farah

    Yeah, it’s f..kin crazy…I just got mine today (Pa, btw), and trusted Google Uncle led me to this site…gud tht I didn’t waste my time calling them 4 the “good news” ðŸ™

  560. Brendan

    I just received last week in Washington State. As soon as I saw it I noticed that I don’t know anybody in Florida. Living or dead. I moved into an apartment community back in January. The only people that got my new mailing address was 1. The Post Office 2. When I ordered new checks from Colorado
    3. Established the TV (Comcast) 4. Established the phone (Qwest) 5. And the local power company (Tacoma Power and Utilites). If you establish services, then you are prone to receive this CRAP. Flyers, Offers, and Promotions are all hooks to get you to use OTHER Companies business, which makes them money, and you broke and/ or violated of personal privacy. (Privacy Act of 1974) If I decide to call I will let them know that they will be recorded on the answering machine for sueing purposes! Also If I ever go to Florida, I will go to the address and give those JERKS a piece of my mind, and then some. In short, BE AWARE of people you don’t know. I used to work in the Army Post Office overseas before I came here. Even though the postcard says Presorted First Class, it is actually a type of bulk mail because of the mass printings and distribution throughout the country to different people. Notice the postcard is a copy of a copy……and you get the idea.

    I hope this helps. Peace Out, B
    P.S. Be conscientious of what’s out there!!!

  561. Brendan

    I just received last week in Washington State. As soon as I saw it I noticed that I don’t know anybody in Florida. Living or dead. I moved into an apartment community back in January. The only people that got my new mailing address was 1. The Post Office 2. When I ordered new checks from Colorado
    3. Established the TV (Comcast) 4. Established the phone (Qwest) 5. And the local power company (Tacoma Power and Utilites). If you establish services, then you are prone to receive this CRAP. Flyers, Offers, and Promotions are all hooks to get you to use OTHER Companies business, which makes them money, and you broke and/ or violated of personal privacy. (Privacy Act of 1974) If I decide to call I will let them know that they will be recorded on the answering machine for sueing purposes! Also If I ever go to Florida, I will go to the address and give those JERKS a piece of my mind, and then some. In short, BE AWARE of people you don’t know. I used to work in the Army Post Office overseas before I came here. Even though the postcard says Presorted First Class, it is actually a type of bulk mail because of the mass printings and distribution throughout the country to different people. Notice the postcard is a copy of a copy……and you get the idea.

    I hope this helps. Peace Out, B
    P.S. Be conscientious of what’s out there!!!

  562. Just A Phase

    Thanks for posting this info; despite the ppl who want to rant about it, I found it very helpful. I received a yellow card from Amanda and also googled first to find out what was up. Figured it was BS but thought I’d check it out. Was led to this informative and entertaining site as reference. Thanks for posting the info, I appreciate it. (P.S. – I recieved this card in VA.)

  563. Just A Phase

    Thanks for posting this info; despite the ppl who want to rant about it, I found it very helpful. I received a yellow card from Amanda and also googled first to find out what was up. Figured it was BS but thought I’d check it out. Was led to this informative and entertaining site as reference. Thanks for posting the info, I appreciate it. (P.S. – I recieved this card in VA.)

  564. kevin clark

    i got my little white card from psi 1338 northampton st easton Pa, i was like wtf is this and i searched the address and first came up with the address to a nail salon and then i found this site. thanks for spreading the word.

  565. kevin clark

    i got my little white card from psi 1338 northampton st easton Pa, i was like wtf is this and i searched the address and first came up with the address to a nail salon and then i found this site. thanks for spreading the word.

  566. Melissa

    Just wanted to say I received my little yellow card. Amanda Walters is still alive and well. She has reached out to those of us that live in Kentucky. Thanks for the site, it is informative and very entertaining.
    I have read several commments from thanking you to going off on you. I for one would like to say a simple thank you. If more people would post blogs like this, the world might be a better place.
    As for Amanda Walters, I hope she has a long and happy life…..

  567. Melissa

    Just wanted to say I received my little yellow card. Amanda Walters is still alive and well. She has reached out to those of us that live in Kentucky. Thanks for the site, it is informative and very entertaining.
    I have read several commments from thanking you to going off on you. I for one would like to say a simple thank you. If more people would post blogs like this, the world might be a better place.
    As for Amanda Walters, I hope she has a long and happy life…..

  568. Taylor

    I received this post card in the mail today also like everyone, and looked up the number and found this site. I don’t get why these people do stupid stuff like this. The name on mine is signed from Amanda Walters though. Who knows, they need to get a life though…THANKS FOR POSTING THIS GUYS! 😛

  569. Taylor

    I received this post card in the mail today also like everyone, and looked up the number and found this site. I don’t get why these people do stupid stuff like this. The name on mine is signed from Amanda Walters though. Who knows, they need to get a life though…THANKS FOR POSTING THIS GUYS! 😛

  570. Ellen

    Amanda Walters has been spotted in Kentucky again!
    Thanks for getting the word out about this scam!

  571. Ellen

    Amanda Walters has been spotted in Kentucky again!
    Thanks for getting the word out about this scam!

  572. James

    Just so everyone know, if you have a home phone, cell phone, credit card, electricity bill anything, that is how they get your address. The companies contact list brokers and get your mailing address. Its cheaper than getting your telephone number and they can by-pass the Do-Not-Call registry as YOU are calling THEM. If you place an order with them, you cant use the DNC act as a means to fight back, you have to use other means. Its a magazine subscription service. The service itself is not a scam at all. (if it legitamantly sends you what you pay for… many dont…but some are legit)
    You get your magazines for what you pay for and all of that, but they have deceptive ways of getting you in the first place which is the problem.

    Just through it in the trash and all the power is taken away from them.

  573. James

    Just so everyone know, if you have a home phone, cell phone, credit card, electricity bill anything, that is how they get your address. The companies contact list brokers and get your mailing address. Its cheaper than getting your telephone number and they can by-pass the Do-Not-Call registry as YOU are calling THEM. If you place an order with them, you cant use the DNC act as a means to fight back, you have to use other means. Its a magazine subscription service. The service itself is not a scam at all. (if it legitamantly sends you what you pay for… many dont…but some are legit)
    You get your magazines for what you pay for and all of that, but they have deceptive ways of getting you in the first place which is the problem.

    Just through it in the trash and all the power is taken away from them.

  574. Jack, of all trades

    Got a new white smiley face card in the mail. Called the number about fifteen times. Each time acting like someone new. They said some really bad things, treated me like crap, and acted like it was my fault. Hope they don’t have caller id. Some sophomore in college thinks he makes more than me. Sorry little boy. Takes more than a telemarketing job to rack in triple digits. Be back later……going to go call them again. Maybe use a number from here.

  575. Jack, of all trades

    Got a new white smiley face card in the mail. Called the number about fifteen times. Each time acting like someone new. They said some really bad things, treated me like crap, and acted like it was my fault. Hope they don’t have caller id. Some sophomore in college thinks he makes more than me. Sorry little boy. Takes more than a telemarketing job to rack in triple digits. Be back later……going to go call them again. Maybe use a number from here.

  576. clarissa

    today i got a white postcard with a smiley face saying “we have good news!!” i thought i won something but it just says that they are trying to reach me with “Good News!” and to call 1-800-571-9622 and its signed Tina. so i googled the address which is PSI 1338 Northhampton St. Easton, PA 18042 and it led me to here. good thing this is up b/c stupid me would’ve called if i didnt find anything.

  577. clarissa

    today i got a white postcard with a smiley face saying “we have good news!!” i thought i won something but it just says that they are trying to reach me with “Good News!” and to call 1-800-571-9622 and its signed Tina. so i googled the address which is PSI 1338 Northhampton St. Easton, PA 18042 and it led me to here. good thing this is up b/c stupid me would’ve called if i didnt find anything.

  578. Me, too

    Looks like credit card companies like Capital One are the culprit. I never received anything like this until I signed up for my Capital One Platinum card.

    To think that a company who should protect your information sells it to scammers is a wake up call. One of the reasons this country is going down the toilet is because this kind of personal information selling is perfectly legal.

  579. Me, too

    Looks like credit card companies like Capital One are the culprit. I never received anything like this until I signed up for my Capital One Platinum card.

    To think that a company who should protect your information sells it to scammers is a wake up call. One of the reasons this country is going down the toilet is because this kind of personal information selling is perfectly legal.

  580. kelly

    Dear wonderful people…with all due respect…everyone has that little thought…what if i really won something?….If you didn’t recieve a ready to cash check adressed to you from a sweepstakes with lots of people taking pictures; Don’t give those kind of mail a second thought. Nothing personal; I don’t know the age group that get these kind of cards but they’ve been going around for a long time. First it was the telemarketing cold turkey and now it’s these letters and cards. If they dont tell you what it is because sometimes you can buy a some cool stuff with a coupon or check look alike that states clearly…This is Not a check but you can use it toward what it is there selling..And even that stuff I wouldnt trust. There has been a saying that has been going around for years……

    If It sounds too good to be true then It probably is.
    God Bless.

  581. kelly

    Dear wonderful people…with all due respect…everyone has that little thought…what if i really won something?….If you didn’t recieve a ready to cash check adressed to you from a sweepstakes with lots of people taking pictures; Don’t give those kind of mail a second thought. Nothing personal; I don’t know the age group that get these kind of cards but they’ve been going around for a long time. First it was the telemarketing cold turkey and now it’s these letters and cards. If they dont tell you what it is because sometimes you can buy a some cool stuff with a coupon or check look alike that states clearly…This is Not a check but you can use it toward what it is there selling..And even that stuff I wouldnt trust. There has been a saying that has been going around for years……

    If It sounds too good to be true then It probably is.
    God Bless.

  582. kelly

    Sorry , in the sentence after the word cards. then starting with If, I meant unless they tell you what it is because….

  583. kelly

    Sorry , in the sentence after the word cards. then starting with If, I meant unless they tell you what it is because….

  584. Stephen

    I got this card in the mail today. Kind of figured it was a scam. I think people always ask themselves though, what if this was a large sum of money I am supposed to recieve, or is there really something special for me? That’s typically when logic kicks in, and reminds you that anything to good to be true proabably is. So, I will still cal them just for fun. Like most people on here, I am easily amused by such things.

  585. Stephen

    I got this card in the mail today. Kind of figured it was a scam. I think people always ask themselves though, what if this was a large sum of money I am supposed to recieve, or is there really something special for me? That’s typically when logic kicks in, and reminds you that anything to good to be true proabably is. So, I will still cal them just for fun. Like most people on here, I am easily amused by such things.

  586. Mark

    Got one today also. It went right into the paper shredder. If this yellow card doesn’t scream “SCAM!” at everyone who sees it, then that person has some issues.

  587. Mark

    Got one today also. It went right into the paper shredder. If this yellow card doesn’t scream “SCAM!” at everyone who sees it, then that person has some issues.

  588. Val

    I got one of these cards today. My dad and I were laughing about it because at first he thought it would be something that tried to sell you condos.

    I was thinking about calling them just to see what it was about because I’m really nosy and I’d love them try and talk me into something esspeically since I have no money. No money I can just waste anyway. I think I might have even got a call from these people. They called me, told me that was in some sort of sweepstates and would be getting some kind of dimond watch for just participating. (So nice of them) but then she asked me what kind of magazines I liked to read. I told her none. She started listing some and I just had told her. “No thanks I’m in college and can’t afford it” then we said goodbye.

    I kinda suspect that they got my name through Publisher’s Clearing house people. I didn’t start getting this type of spam till I signed up with them. Oh well. I don’t plan on buying anything ever so they can send as much as they want.

  589. Val

    I got one of these cards today. My dad and I were laughing about it because at first he thought it would be something that tried to sell you condos.

    I was thinking about calling them just to see what it was about because I’m really nosy and I’d love them try and talk me into something esspeically since I have no money. No money I can just waste anyway. I think I might have even got a call from these people. They called me, told me that was in some sort of sweepstates and would be getting some kind of dimond watch for just participating. (So nice of them) but then she asked me what kind of magazines I liked to read. I told her none. She started listing some and I just had told her. “No thanks I’m in college and can’t afford it” then we said goodbye.

    I kinda suspect that they got my name through Publisher’s Clearing house people. I didn’t start getting this type of spam till I signed up with them. Oh well. I don’t plan on buying anything ever so they can send as much as they want.

  590. Amy

    Just like the others… I ook the card out of the mail today too. I’m not the type to ever call or respond to this sort of “junk” mail anyways. I was just bored so I did a friendly search! Thanks for posting this so blog!
    Better luck next time Amanda Walters!

  591. Amy

    Just like the others… I ook the card out of the mail today too. I’m not the type to ever call or respond to this sort of “junk” mail anyways. I was just bored so I did a friendly search! Thanks for posting this so blog!
    Better luck next time Amanda Walters!

  592. Chris

    Same junk as everyone else, I would like to thank you for making this information available. Funny thing is I don’t sign up for anything at all so I am guessing it is related to a credit check of some sort, or stolen information. Anyway, thanks again

  593. Chris

    Same junk as everyone else, I would like to thank you for making this information available. Funny thing is I don’t sign up for anything at all so I am guessing it is related to a credit check of some sort, or stolen information. Anyway, thanks again

  594. Chris

    Also I am curious to know if there is a law against this, and if so how we would go about reporting it. I want this type of garbage to stop and sometimes it seems that a lawsuit is the only thing they listen to, surely this is some sort of harrasment… Class action anyone?

  595. Chris

    Also I am curious to know if there is a law against this, and if so how we would go about reporting it. I want this type of garbage to stop and sometimes it seems that a lawsuit is the only thing they listen to, surely this is some sort of harrasment… Class action anyone?

  596. willson k

    Thanks,i just got mine today from amanda walters.It was FRC too.
    Thank you for your help

  597. willson k

    Thanks,i just got mine today from amanda walters.It was FRC too.
    Thank you for your help

  598. Nick Fowler

    Same story here. I got a yellow card today in the mail and mine was from an “Amanda Walters” at the same address, but the company was also “F.C.R”. I Googled the 1-800 number which brought me to your blog. I knew something was up with this, and I thank you it.

  599. Nick Fowler

    Same story here. I got a yellow card today in the mail and mine was from an “Amanda Walters” at the same address, but the company was also “F.C.R”. I Googled the 1-800 number which brought me to your blog. I knew something was up with this, and I thank you it.

  600. notavictim_yet

    Amanda Walter’s yellow submarine spotted in WA…boooooo you…..and ‘astalavista’, ’cause rain here and cold wind will sweep you back to your FLA. And B.T.W to all my brothers and sisters of this blog – that’s just one payment made (maybe in FLA) with one of your CC and here we have it, big family of little yellow postcard SCAM. grrrr, brrrr etc etc. PS. thanks for this blog mr creator.

  601. notavictim_yet

    Amanda Walter’s yellow submarine spotted in WA…boooooo you…..and ‘astalavista’, ’cause rain here and cold wind will sweep you back to your FLA. And B.T.W to all my brothers and sisters of this blog – that’s just one payment made (maybe in FLA) with one of your CC and here we have it, big family of little yellow postcard SCAM. grrrr, brrrr etc etc. PS. thanks for this blog mr creator.

  602. Ed

    Wow was that fun! I read all the post here on the site, and TRIED to have a little fun at home. Called them up and this is how the convo went…

    Male: Thank you for calling FRC can i have your control number please?
    Ed: Yes Can I speak with Amanda Walters please?
    Male: Sir she is not here, but I am a personal associate of hers and would be glad to help you, can i have your control number?
    Ed: Ya, I’d really like to talk to Amanda, can you transfer me to her voicemail?
    Male: She doesn’t have voicemail!
    Ed: Well certainly a woman of that stature that can have personal associates is sure to have a voicemail?
    Male: Nope
    Ed: Well can I leave a personal message for her so you can give it to her?
    Male: Go ahead?
    Ed: Lets be honest, your not writing this down are you?
    Male: No
    Ed: There is no Amanda is there?
    Male: No Shes’ Real!
    Ed: Have you met her?
    Male: No, to be honest with you I just started….
    Ed: Well your some sort of personal assistant, You have met her right?
    Male: No, I’ve never met her….if you could please just give me your control number…
    Ed: Let me tell ya what I am a representative of the Midwest Advertising Bureau and we have started an investigation on scams such as yours about two weeks ago, and we have never gotten a hold of Amanda Walters, in fact we believe that she doesn’t exist….
    Male: Have a nice day sir….CLICK!

    So basically I made that all up just for a good laugh, thinking about doing it later with all of my buddies….:)

  603. Ed

    Wow was that fun! I read all the post here on the site, and TRIED to have a little fun at home. Called them up and this is how the convo went…

    Male: Thank you for calling FRC can i have your control number please?
    Ed: Yes Can I speak with Amanda Walters please?
    Male: Sir she is not here, but I am a personal associate of hers and would be glad to help you, can i have your control number?
    Ed: Ya, I’d really like to talk to Amanda, can you transfer me to her voicemail?
    Male: She doesn’t have voicemail!
    Ed: Well certainly a woman of that stature that can have personal associates is sure to have a voicemail?
    Male: Nope
    Ed: Well can I leave a personal message for her so you can give it to her?
    Male: Go ahead?
    Ed: Lets be honest, your not writing this down are you?
    Male: No
    Ed: There is no Amanda is there?
    Male: No Shes’ Real!
    Ed: Have you met her?
    Male: No, to be honest with you I just started….
    Ed: Well your some sort of personal assistant, You have met her right?
    Male: No, I’ve never met her….if you could please just give me your control number…
    Ed: Let me tell ya what I am a representative of the Midwest Advertising Bureau and we have started an investigation on scams such as yours about two weeks ago, and we have never gotten a hold of Amanda Walters, in fact we believe that she doesn’t exist….
    Male: Have a nice day sir….CLICK!

    So basically I made that all up just for a good laugh, thinking about doing it later with all of my buddies….:)

  604. Jamie

    I called the number on my card and it’s disconnected…how sad

  605. Jamie

    I called the number on my card and it’s disconnected…how sad

  606. Mike

    I’m 18 and I just got my credit and debit card. I always thought I was good at figuring out what was a scam and what was not. One day I got the postcard in the mail and I really wondered what it was. So I called them and they led me to give my debit card number to them just to try some free thing. I told them I would want to cancel right away, but they said I should just try it first and then cancel.

    I was led to believe that this thing was real for a couple of days. until today I typed in the address and came across this website? 😥

    now what do I have to do? do I have to cancel my credit and debit card accounts. oh boy, I feel so stupid for doing this. I would have never thought someone would be able to scam me. now I’ve learned my lesson my reading the comments here. so far I haven’t noticed any activity on my account, but who knows what will happen.

    help!!! 😥

  607. Mike

    I’m 18 and I just got my credit and debit card. I always thought I was good at figuring out what was a scam and what was not. One day I got the postcard in the mail and I really wondered what it was. So I called them and they led me to give my debit card number to them just to try some free thing. I told them I would want to cancel right away, but they said I should just try it first and then cancel.

    I was led to believe that this thing was real for a couple of days. until today I typed in the address and came across this website? 😥

    now what do I have to do? do I have to cancel my credit and debit card accounts. oh boy, I feel so stupid for doing this. I would have never thought someone would be able to scam me. now I’ve learned my lesson my reading the comments here. so far I haven’t noticed any activity on my account, but who knows what will happen.

    help!!! 😥

  608. Suzanne

    I got the card just yesterday. Mine says “F.R.C.” in the return address. First I googled that and came up with the Florida Research Consortium and that didn’t make much sense, so I googled the number. Thanks for posting this!

  609. Suzanne

    I got the card just yesterday. Mine says “F.R.C.” in the return address. First I googled that and came up with the Florida Research Consortium and that didn’t make much sense, so I googled the number. Thanks for posting this!

  610. Sheila

    Hi all.
    thanks for the information,I got the same card as you with Amanda Walters,I ws so suspicous how they got my information so I called them and asked them where the got my info?and they siad that from major credit card companies,Anyhow I gave them my control number and ask them to remove my name from their list,
    but unfortunately I called them with my cell,so do you think the whole process gonna cause a problem since I gave them my control number and calling with my phone?

  611. Sheila

    Hi all.
    thanks for the information,I got the same card as you with Amanda Walters,I ws so suspicous how they got my information so I called them and asked them where the got my info?and they siad that from major credit card companies,Anyhow I gave them my control number and ask them to remove my name from their list,
    but unfortunately I called them with my cell,so do you think the whole process gonna cause a problem since I gave them my control number and calling with my phone?

  612. Derek

    Look A-holes. This is Amanda Walters. Stop bad mouthing me, it?s not nice, you?re just dropping to my level when you do that. I can’t help that I’m a retarded, selfish, ugly, scamming person that prays on dumb teens, and old people that can’t think anymore. I need your money, if you don’t let me scam you, I will have to beg for money on the streets. If I don’t do that then how else would I get money for my booze? I would hook, but again, I’m too ugly. And, honestly, I’m to fat and lazy to get a real job. So please, give me your real control number and stop pranking me, and give me some darn credit card numbers. I really will send you some hardcore flaming-gay porn magazines in return for your life, basically. I say life because I?ll scam you so bad you won?t have one when I?m through with you.
    Thanks again, Amanda (Remember, I have good news!)

  613. Derek

    Look A-holes. This is Amanda Walters. Stop bad mouthing me, it?s not nice, you?re just dropping to my level when you do that. I can’t help that I’m a retarded, selfish, ugly, scamming person that prays on dumb teens, and old people that can’t think anymore. I need your money, if you don’t let me scam you, I will have to beg for money on the streets. If I don’t do that then how else would I get money for my booze? I would hook, but again, I’m too ugly. And, honestly, I’m to fat and lazy to get a real job. So please, give me your real control number and stop pranking me, and give me some darn credit card numbers. I really will send you some hardcore flaming-gay porn magazines in return for your life, basically. I say life because I?ll scam you so bad you won?t have one when I?m through with you.
    Thanks again, Amanda (Remember, I have good news!)

  614. Abenaa Okraku

    Got mine today.. it was white but everything else was the same and I called it and the people were rude.. I hate scams.

  615. Abenaa Okraku

    Got mine today.. it was white but everything else was the same and I called it and the people were rude.. I hate scams.

  616. Dana

    AMANDA HAS STRUCK AGAIN!! I rec. the little yellow post card in the mail, Googled the address which led me to this blog. After reading several posts I decided to call and also ask to speak to “Amanda”. I was also told that she was not there and that there was not a way to leave a message for her, so I told the man that I was with Spencer, Bankston, & Assoc. Law Firm out of Memphis, TN, and of course I was hung-up on. Who’s up for a class-action?
    Jonesboro, AR

  617. Dana

    AMANDA HAS STRUCK AGAIN!! I rec. the little yellow post card in the mail, Googled the address which led me to this blog. After reading several posts I decided to call and also ask to speak to “Amanda”. I was also told that she was not there and that there was not a way to leave a message for her, so I told the man that I was with Spencer, Bankston, & Assoc. Law Firm out of Memphis, TN, and of course I was hung-up on. Who’s up for a class-action?
    Jonesboro, AR

  618. M

    According to the BBB, this guy is in charge of CRC. Here’s his address.

    Louis Carbonaro
    968 Edgehill Dr.
    Palm Harbor, FL 34684

  619. M

    According to the BBB, this guy is in charge of CRC. Here’s his address.

    Louis Carbonaro
    968 Edgehill Dr.
    Palm Harbor, FL 34684

  620. Dan

    I got one of these cards yesterday. Now that I know its a scam I am going to call with that in mind… I have some stress built up in my back and I could use someone to yell at.

    By the time Im through they wont ever contact anyone on my block!

    PS. Im up for the class action lawsuit.

  621. Dan

    I got one of these cards yesterday. Now that I know its a scam I am going to call with that in mind… I have some stress built up in my back and I could use someone to yell at.

    By the time Im through they wont ever contact anyone on my block!

    PS. Im up for the class action lawsuit.

  622. Darick Tibbits

    My girl got her’s in the mail today. First thing I did was Google this b…h and found this s..t out! F…..g awesome! I new some s..t was up. F… these people. I am about to call em and totally f… with them. I plan on asking for Amanda Walters and if they don’t put the b…h on the phone I am going off! I live in Kansas and don’t need this s..t! F….RS!

  623. Darick Tibbits

    My girl got her’s in the mail today. First thing I did was Google this b…h and found this s..t out! F…..g awesome! I new some s..t was up. F… these people. I am about to call em and totally f… with them. I plan on asking for Amanda Walters and if they don’t put the b…h on the phone I am going off! I live in Kansas and don’t need this s..t! F….RS!

  624. Becca Broo

    Thanks!! I actually know people in Clearwater but didn’t want to call until I looked this up online. Thanks for saving me the hassle. Oh, and mine said F.R.C, not C.R.C. Oct, 2007.

  625. Becca Broo

    Thanks!! I actually know people in Clearwater but didn’t want to call until I looked this up online. Thanks for saving me the hassle. Oh, and mine said F.R.C, not C.R.C. Oct, 2007.

  626. Heather

    I received one of these card today. The return address shows:

    1381 S Missouri Ave
    Clearwater, FL 33756

    The representative’s name is listed as Michelle Barbaa. The Toll Free number listed is 888-289-4601.

    I was suspicious and decided to Google the company name and location. Thanks for the heads up!

  627. Heather

    I received one of these card today. The return address shows:

    1381 S Missouri Ave
    Clearwater, FL 33756

    The representative’s name is listed as Michelle Barbaa. The Toll Free number listed is 888-289-4601.

    I was suspicious and decided to Google the company name and location. Thanks for the heads up!

  628. Jessica

    Thanks for the notice!! I received the card today in Oklahoma!! I hope others are as smart and google the name and address!! Thanks for the posting!!

  629. Jessica

    Thanks for the notice!! I received the card today in Oklahoma!! I hope others are as smart and google the name and address!! Thanks for the posting!!

  630. Amy

    Thanks for the information. I received the card today in Ohio! Posting helped!

  631. Amy

    Thanks for the information. I received the card today in Ohio! Posting helped!

  632. Amy

    oops forgot to mention…number was different 1-888-289-4601 and the contact person was Michelle Barbaa. Same scam though same address!

  633. Amy

    oops forgot to mention…number was different 1-888-289-4601 and the contact person was Michelle Barbaa. Same scam though same address!

  634. Zoos

    Thanks for the info. I had to Google the address and FRC on the postcard to find this blog post. Address is 1381 S Missouri Ave Clearwater, FL and contact name is Michelle Barbaaa. Phone number is 1-888-289-4601.

    I’m listing all this, so it’ll be easier for others to google and find this post.

    This apparently is the same scammer changing contact info and names.

  635. Zoos

    Thanks for the info. I had to Google the address and FRC on the postcard to find this blog post. Address is 1381 S Missouri Ave Clearwater, FL and contact name is Michelle Barbaaa. Phone number is 1-888-289-4601.

    I’m listing all this, so it’ll be easier for others to google and find this post.

    This apparently is the same scammer changing contact info and names.

  636. Tabitha

    antother person saved today this magazine company is desperate huh …been scamming people for over two years i got my card yesterday

  637. Tabitha

    antother person saved today this magazine company is desperate huh …been scamming people for over two years i got my card yesterday

  638. Nicole

    these people are nuts, im glad i foudn this website when i googled it and didnt waste my time trying to call. 2 years later and all they did was change the phone number, the persons name and the address by one digit….man these people are smart!! NOT!

  639. Nicole

    these people are nuts, im glad i foudn this website when i googled it and didnt waste my time trying to call. 2 years later and all they did was change the phone number, the persons name and the address by one digit….man these people are smart!! NOT!

  640. Damien Stauch

    I recieved this yellow post card in the mail and im glad i looked it up online for all those who dont know they have now changed it is F.R.C. at 1381 S Missouri Ave. Clearwater FL so thanks for the info and i hope more people look online before submitting to these scams.

  641. Damien Stauch

    I recieved this yellow post card in the mail and im glad i looked it up online for all those who dont know they have now changed it is F.R.C. at 1381 S Missouri Ave. Clearwater FL so thanks for the info and i hope more people look online before submitting to these scams.

  642. Nicky

    I got one today. F.R.C there new number is 1-877-475-4026, contact person Michelle Barbaa.


  643. Nicky

    I got one today. F.R.C there new number is 1-877-475-4026, contact person Michelle Barbaa.


  644. Nick Mallare

    Well, the junk mail continues .. I received my white postcard [more like piece of paper] today, including the Northampton address, and signed Tina.


  645. Nick Mallare

    Well, the junk mail continues .. I received my white postcard [more like piece of paper] today, including the Northampton address, and signed Tina.


  646. Join the Club

    So they’ve been doing this for a year now? … yep, i just got one! Same info as above. So what happens if you do give these ppl info?

  647. Join the Club

    So they’ve been doing this for a year now? … yep, i just got one! Same info as above. So what happens if you do give these ppl info?

  648. Francine

    Well my husband fell for this scam and and said we won a vaction package and that we can order magazines well we were supposed to get a welcome packet and it would show us how to cancel well we never got it and still no magazines and they have taken out 74.80 a month for 3 months. I just noticed it last night tried to cancel and they said they could not cancel because they prepaid for the 3 magazines for 5 years. So i did some digging and called the magazine companys and only 1 have a record of a order and the other 2 do not but subscriptions on magazine are only 2 years so they are liars and fraud. It is the American reading club doing this and I hope some type of class action lawsuit will be done . I suggust anyone that has givin them credit card or debit cards change them immediately.

  649. Francine

    Well my husband fell for this scam and and said we won a vaction package and that we can order magazines well we were supposed to get a welcome packet and it would show us how to cancel well we never got it and still no magazines and they have taken out 74.80 a month for 3 months. I just noticed it last night tried to cancel and they said they could not cancel because they prepaid for the 3 magazines for 5 years. So i did some digging and called the magazine companys and only 1 have a record of a order and the other 2 do not but subscriptions on magazine are only 2 years so they are liars and fraud. It is the American reading club doing this and I hope some type of class action lawsuit will be done . I suggust anyone that has givin them credit card or debit cards change them immediately.

  650. Katie

    I go this postcard with the business name FRC with an 877 number on it to call Michelle Barbaa. I found a website for FRC.org and it was a site for some family related government issues. It seemed to be based on christian beliefs or some sort of religious values. whether this site has anything to do with the postcard who knows.

  651. Katie

    I go this postcard with the business name FRC with an 877 number on it to call Michelle Barbaa. I found a website for FRC.org and it was a site for some family related government issues. It seemed to be based on christian beliefs or some sort of religious values. whether this site has anything to do with the postcard who knows.

  652. crystal

    Aparently these little postcards have been going around for quite awhile. I received mine today (I live in Ohio) from Michelle Barbara. This Michelle Barbara must be the new name they are using. Of course I didn’t even think to call them and found this site instead. I believe they got our information from credit card companies. Most of the posts on here are from people who have recently opened credit card accounts from Chase, Capital One and Juniper Bank. I have had 2 Capital One credit cards for about 5 years now and have never received anything like this. I did recently open a Juniper Mastercard credit card. I have read alot of bad things about this credit card but then again there are many complaints about many different credit cards. Well, like a dumbass, I activated this credit card last week and decided to go to their website to double-check my credit limit. When I went to the website, there was a nice welcome greeting with my name! How did they associate my computer with their website? I took another look at my new card and noticed it doesn’t say Juniper Bank on the front of the card at all. Seems kind of strange since every card I have ever had says the name of the company. Then I get this yellow postcard in the mail? I havn’t used the card and am very hesitant to. I believe that this Juniper Mastercard is one of the many culprits selling personal information. I think I am more concerned about using my new credit card than I am about the yellow postcard. Does anyone else have a Juniper Mastercard? If so, have you had any problems with it?

  653. crystal

    Aparently these little postcards have been going around for quite awhile. I received mine today (I live in Ohio) from Michelle Barbara. This Michelle Barbara must be the new name they are using. Of course I didn’t even think to call them and found this site instead. I believe they got our information from credit card companies. Most of the posts on here are from people who have recently opened credit card accounts from Chase, Capital One and Juniper Bank. I have had 2 Capital One credit cards for about 5 years now and have never received anything like this. I did recently open a Juniper Mastercard credit card. I have read alot of bad things about this credit card but then again there are many complaints about many different credit cards. Well, like a dumbass, I activated this credit card last week and decided to go to their website to double-check my credit limit. When I went to the website, there was a nice welcome greeting with my name! How did they associate my computer with their website? I took another look at my new card and noticed it doesn’t say Juniper Bank on the front of the card at all. Seems kind of strange since every card I have ever had says the name of the company. Then I get this yellow postcard in the mail? I havn’t used the card and am very hesitant to. I believe that this Juniper Mastercard is one of the many culprits selling personal information. I think I am more concerned about using my new credit card than I am about the yellow postcard. Does anyone else have a Juniper Mastercard? If so, have you had any problems with it?

  654. Catherine

    I recieved one in the mail a few days ago also and decided to check it out. They actually spelled my name wrong on the front, just like my Cingular bill has it. I have also been getting spam text messages on my cell phone as well. I believe that the “new at&t” may have something to do with it. I also recently opened a chase credit card, but have yet to activate it. I am glad i decided to check this lil yellow card out. I had a feeling it was bs and this confirmed it! thanks

  655. Catherine

    I recieved one in the mail a few days ago also and decided to check it out. They actually spelled my name wrong on the front, just like my Cingular bill has it. I have also been getting spam text messages on my cell phone as well. I believe that the “new at&t” may have something to do with it. I also recently opened a chase credit card, but have yet to activate it. I am glad i decided to check this lil yellow card out. I had a feeling it was bs and this confirmed it! thanks

  656. Beth

    There is a new one out there I just recieved today- It’s from the FRC this time and the contact name is Michelle Barbaa.

  657. Beth

    There is a new one out there I just recieved today- It’s from the FRC this time and the contact name is Michelle Barbaa.

  658. Briana

    I just got one of those dumb F.R.C. cards and figured I’d google them before I called. I’m glad I found this before I called. I figured it was a scam, but I couldn’t help but be curious. Thanks.

  659. Briana

    I just got one of those dumb F.R.C. cards and figured I’d google them before I called. I’m glad I found this before I called. I figured it was a scam, but I couldn’t help but be curious. Thanks.

  660. KING

    Yes, I received the same thing from a Michelle Barbaa. I recently opened a Capitol One account. Those sleazy scumbags are selling my information. I hope involved in sending these dies slowly in a fire.

  661. KING

    Yes, I received the same thing from a Michelle Barbaa. I recently opened a Capitol One account. Those sleazy scumbags are selling my information. I hope involved in sending these dies slowly in a fire.

  662. KING

    Yes, I received the same thing from a Michelle Barbaa. I recently opened a Capitol One account. Those sleazy scumbags are selling my information. I hope anyone involved in sending these dies slowly in a fire.

  663. KING

    Yes, I received the same thing from a Michelle Barbaa. I recently opened a Capitol One account. Those sleazy scumbags are selling my information. I hope anyone involved in sending these dies slowly in a fire.

  664. William

    I just recieved one and it has FRC and the clearwater address on it. If you google maps the address you can see it looks like a strip mall. and the name on mine is Michelle Barbaa.

  665. William

    I just recieved one and it has FRC and the clearwater address on it. If you google maps the address you can see it looks like a strip mall. and the name on mine is Michelle Barbaa.

  666. massir

    yes it was capital one who sold the information its time to slam the door if they like to sell the information then who needs their card bunch of low lifes i am going to close this account with capital one

  667. massir

    yes it was capital one who sold the information its time to slam the door if they like to sell the information then who needs their card bunch of low lifes i am going to close this account with capital one

  668. Stephanie

    I have received the same postcard today as well. I did not contact the phone number because I can tell this was either a sales soliciting mail or fraud. However, those of you whom were victimized should make action to report this. By doing so you can help prevent others from falling for the same scam. Please see http://www.consumerfraudreporting.org/reporting.php#Postal on how to effectively make a complaint. It takes a few minutes out of your day, but with everyone’s efforts together we can call attention to this issue.

  669. Stephanie

    I have received the same postcard today as well. I did not contact the phone number because I can tell this was either a sales soliciting mail or fraud. However, those of you whom were victimized should make action to report this. By doing so you can help prevent others from falling for the same scam. Please see http://www.consumerfraudreporting.org/reporting.php#Postal on how to effectively make a complaint. It takes a few minutes out of your day, but with everyone’s efforts together we can call attention to this issue.

  670. Jeffrey

    I recently helped my daughter apply for a AAdvantage credit card from CitiBank. Today, she received the yellow postcard from F.R.C. I had heard news reports about magazine scams and I suspected this was one of them. Needless to say, she will not be contacting Michelle Barbaa. Thanks for this website – great resource.

  671. Jeffrey

    I recently helped my daughter apply for a AAdvantage credit card from CitiBank. Today, she received the yellow postcard from F.R.C. I had heard news reports about magazine scams and I suspected this was one of them. Needless to say, she will not be contacting Michelle Barbaa. Thanks for this website – great resource.

  672. Dan Vogan

    My girlfriend received this yellow card and wasn’t sure what it was. She is Cuban and is kind of new to all this scam crap. I immediately googled it and found you guys. So I called, as the lady answered the phone, I didn’t let her speak. I told her to take my girlfriend off the list, and she did with no problems.
    Thanks guys.

  673. Dan Vogan

    My girlfriend received this yellow card and wasn’t sure what it was. She is Cuban and is kind of new to all this scam crap. I immediately googled it and found you guys. So I called, as the lady answered the phone, I didn’t let her speak. I told her to take my girlfriend off the list, and she did with no problems.
    Thanks guys.

  674. Kristy Ramsey

    Welp, I guess I will be person 403 to post. I received the same yellow card in the mail today and pretty much figured it was a scam. But just because I had nothing better to do, I google the address and my suspicions were confirmed. I have a line of credit with Chase so may be this card and Chase are connected. I have also been sent a large amount of credit card offers from capital one, so the yellow card and Capital One could be connected as well. Thanks all for confirming my suspicions.

  675. Kristy Ramsey

    Welp, I guess I will be person 403 to post. I received the same yellow card in the mail today and pretty much figured it was a scam. But just because I had nothing better to do, I google the address and my suspicions were confirmed. I have a line of credit with Chase so may be this card and Chase are connected. I have also been sent a large amount of credit card offers from capital one, so the yellow card and Capital One could be connected as well. Thanks all for confirming my suspicions.

  676. Rossie

    i too got this yellow card. and i too got like 3 letters from Capital One, i know i never gave out my information, except for Bank of America. It seemed so odd. like the 402 people ahead of me, i want to thank you. so thanks!

  677. Rossie

    i too got this yellow card. and i too got like 3 letters from Capital One, i know i never gave out my information, except for Bank of America. It seemed so odd. like the 402 people ahead of me, i want to thank you. so thanks!

  678. Wyto

    I got this little yellow card today, thank for your post. I think it from capital one, credit card, who sold our information to these company. I just canceled the card, and please, someone find the way to stop these people from taking our hard working money, and punish them with a big fine. Thanks

  679. Wyto

    I got this little yellow card today, thank for your post. I think it from capital one, credit card, who sold our information to these company. I just canceled the card, and please, someone find the way to stop these people from taking our hard working money, and punish them with a big fine. Thanks

  680. jenna L

    I got a post card on 2/7/08….it’s exactly the same but it’s from F.R.C…keep a look out!

  681. jenna L

    I got a post card on 2/7/08….it’s exactly the same but it’s from F.R.C…keep a look out!

  682. jenna L

    i have had a capital one card for 1 year and recently canceled it because of the low credit limit. i applied for 5 different cards finding the one with the best limit. one that i was approved for was chase. i didn’t activate it but i called to cancel it….bastards!!

  683. jenna L

    i have had a capital one card for 1 year and recently canceled it because of the low credit limit. i applied for 5 different cards finding the one with the best limit. one that i was approved for was chase. i didn’t activate it but i called to cancel it….bastards!!

  684. Carolyn M.O.

    Thank you very much. I got the thing today and was unsure what it was. so i did as you did i googled it and i got your Journal. It’s nice to know there are nice people out there who care about other people, unlike the people who send this Snail-Mail Spam out.


  685. Carolyn M.O.

    Thank you very much. I got the thing today and was unsure what it was. so i did as you did i googled it and i got your Journal. It’s nice to know there are nice people out there who care about other people, unlike the people who send this Snail-Mail Spam out.


  686. The Man

    I got one in the mail the other day. Not knowing what to do, I asked for my mom to call them. Fortunatly, the name on my card (Michelle Barbraa) was on vacation. Me nd my mom decided it was just junk mail.

  687. The Man

    I got one in the mail the other day. Not knowing what to do, I asked for my mom to call them. Fortunatly, the name on my card (Michelle Barbraa) was on vacation. Me nd my mom decided it was just junk mail.

  688. Jackie

    My son is in college out of state, so he still uses my address for his mail and I send him the important stuff. Today we received the card from F.R.C. from Michelle Barbaa. The address is 1381 S. Missouri ave. so it looks like the street address is slightly different. The phone number is slightly different too. it is 1-877-475-4020. I almost threw this in the trash as I work at a bank and see so much fraud every day and recognized this immediately. Curiosity got the better of me, so I googled the address. Thanks for the info. These people pray on young, inexperienced students and elderly people all the time. I always google phone numbers that come in on my phone also. There are so many telemarketers, I almost never pick up my phone. My son recently applied for credit cards, so I am sure that this is where they got his info. It definitely would not suprise me if Time Warner sold this information also. They and Sprint are the biggest crooks out there. Be careful everybody.

  689. Jackie

    My son is in college out of state, so he still uses my address for his mail and I send him the important stuff. Today we received the card from F.R.C. from Michelle Barbaa. The address is 1381 S. Missouri ave. so it looks like the street address is slightly different. The phone number is slightly different too. it is 1-877-475-4020. I almost threw this in the trash as I work at a bank and see so much fraud every day and recognized this immediately. Curiosity got the better of me, so I googled the address. Thanks for the info. These people pray on young, inexperienced students and elderly people all the time. I always google phone numbers that come in on my phone also. There are so many telemarketers, I almost never pick up my phone. My son recently applied for credit cards, so I am sure that this is where they got his info. It definitely would not suprise me if Time Warner sold this information also. They and Sprint are the biggest crooks out there. Be careful everybody.

  690. Kate

    I recieved my devil-like postcard today, google something random from the piece of s*** and came up with this. It’s amazing how long this has gone on which leads me to my first and only question…

    Shouldn’t we do something about all of this? I mean if we’re all receiving these nasty little postcards I honestly believe we should step it up and say something. This scam is complete and definitely some of the most obscene b* s* it quite some time. This claiming ‘good news’ is just a way to kiss all of your money goodbye.

    It is America people, in 2008, let’s step up and be heard.

    From the looks of it we could unite and pull some of back on them and damage these corrupted bastards…anyone with me?

  691. Kate

    I recieved my devil-like postcard today, google something random from the piece of s*** and came up with this. It’s amazing how long this has gone on which leads me to my first and only question…

    Shouldn’t we do something about all of this? I mean if we’re all receiving these nasty little postcards I honestly believe we should step it up and say something. This scam is complete and definitely some of the most obscene b* s* it quite some time. This claiming ‘good news’ is just a way to kiss all of your money goodbye.

    It is America people, in 2008, let’s step up and be heard.

    From the looks of it we could unite and pull some of back on them and damage these corrupted bastards…anyone with me?

  692. Angry Man

    Like the hundreds of other people getting these nasty cards, I too got one of these about a few months ago. At first I was a bit curious by looking at the so called “Good News” part. Now I never called the number or anything but I finally googled the location and I stumbled upon this place. Thank god for that since I had a feeling that this company is nothing but a scam.

    I want bastards like them put behind bars to teach them a lesson not to mess with people and think they are just a buncha suckers to fall prey to their trap. I wish they passed a law to make it illegal for these s****y things to happen to innocent people.

  693. Angry Man

    Like the hundreds of other people getting these nasty cards, I too got one of these about a few months ago. At first I was a bit curious by looking at the so called “Good News” part. Now I never called the number or anything but I finally googled the location and I stumbled upon this place. Thank god for that since I had a feeling that this company is nothing but a scam.

    I want bastards like them put behind bars to teach them a lesson not to mess with people and think they are just a buncha suckers to fall prey to their trap. I wish they passed a law to make it illegal for these s****y things to happen to innocent people.

  694. cheryl

    so others have had this sh*t sent to them too! thanks , enough said , I was trying to figure out if maybe it was some creditor or somebody whom calls, but never leaves any msgs.

  695. cheryl

    so others have had this sh*t sent to them too! thanks , enough said , I was trying to figure out if maybe it was some creditor or somebody whom calls, but never leaves any msgs.

  696. julia

    Yes,today feb 25 2008 I received the same thing from a Michelle Barbaa, toll free 1877 475-4020. I recently opened a Capitol One account. Those sleazy scumbags are selling my information.I immediately googled it and found you guys. So I called, as the men answered the phone, I didn’t let him speak. I told him to take my name off the list, and she did with no problems. Thanks guys.

  697. julia

    Yes,today feb 25 2008 I received the same thing from a Michelle Barbaa, toll free 1877 475-4020. I recently opened a Capitol One account. Those sleazy scumbags are selling my information.I immediately googled it and found you guys. So I called, as the men answered the phone, I didn’t let him speak. I told him to take my name off the list, and she did with no problems. Thanks guys.

  698. Bri

    Yep, yellow card in the mail. Knew it was a scam but thought I’d google it for fun. I’d say Capital One is definitely the one selling our info — I have a credit card with them too.

  699. Bri

    Yep, yellow card in the mail. Knew it was a scam but thought I’d google it for fun. I’d say Capital One is definitely the one selling our info — I have a credit card with them too.

  700. Rachel

    I received the card today. Not in my mailbox, but at my side door. It is the F.R.C. one from Michelle Barbaa in Clearwater. I do not have any credit cards, aside from a Best Buy card I signed up for in January. Does anyone else have Best Buy cards?

  701. Rachel

    I received the card today. Not in my mailbox, but at my side door. It is the F.R.C. one from Michelle Barbaa in Clearwater. I do not have any credit cards, aside from a Best Buy card I signed up for in January. Does anyone else have Best Buy cards?

  702. bill

    i got the stupid yellow card today as well…..good thing for google…..i also just recently opened a bestbuy account…..only card i have

  703. bill

    i got the stupid yellow card today as well…..good thing for google…..i also just recently opened a bestbuy account…..only card i have

  704. J

    I got a yellow card in the mailbox as well and me being the curious person that I am I called, A man answered the phone and told me that I had had been entered to win 25,000, a trip, or a car because I used my credit card recently and it automatically entered me to win. Also that I qualified for a magazine offer you get free Rachael Ray , and Cosmo, and A host of other magazines for just $3.95 a month. So He transferred me to a women in charge of the subscription, and she offered me a free (expensive Italian Swiss Watch)at no charge. Mind You I knew it was a scam from the time they answered the phone. So she first ask me what kind of card do I have, then she talks some more, then she ask me when does it expire, I make up a date, then she talks some more about the magazines, and finally she ask for my credit card number. NO NO NO you will not begetting that. So then after I tell her no she goes into this long speech about how reputable they are and the credit card company wouldn’t risk their reputation if the were not licensed, then I say no again then another long speech about by law the credit card has to reverses a charge if its not authorized, I tell no again, and she gives me another long speech, after the final no she just says buy, no “have a nice day” “thank you for calling” nothing so after that I knew it was a scam. I should have look this up when I was on the phone with her and brung it to her attention that she’s a scam artist. I should call then back.

  705. J

    I got a yellow card in the mailbox as well and me being the curious person that I am I called, A man answered the phone and told me that I had had been entered to win 25,000, a trip, or a car because I used my credit card recently and it automatically entered me to win. Also that I qualified for a magazine offer you get free Rachael Ray , and Cosmo, and A host of other magazines for just $3.95 a month. So He transferred me to a women in charge of the subscription, and she offered me a free (expensive Italian Swiss Watch)at no charge. Mind You I knew it was a scam from the time they answered the phone. So she first ask me what kind of card do I have, then she talks some more, then she ask me when does it expire, I make up a date, then she talks some more about the magazines, and finally she ask for my credit card number. NO NO NO you will not begetting that. So then after I tell her no she goes into this long speech about how reputable they are and the credit card company wouldn’t risk their reputation if the were not licensed, then I say no again then another long speech about by law the credit card has to reverses a charge if its not authorized, I tell no again, and she gives me another long speech, after the final no she just says buy, no “have a nice day” “thank you for calling” nothing so after that I knew it was a scam. I should have look this up when I was on the phone with her and brung it to her attention that she’s a scam artist. I should call then back.

  706. seebs

    i just received this today but i only have an hsbc credit card, i guess they’re also selling our information..

  707. seebs

    i just received this today but i only have an hsbc credit card, i guess they’re also selling our information..

  708. moz

    I recently applied for an amex card and bought something from tthis auto website….
    Something has to be done.
    Stupid ass people man.
    -_- and amex f***ing up

  709. moz

    I recently applied for an amex card and bought something from tthis auto website….
    Something has to be done.
    Stupid ass people man.
    -_- and amex f***ing up

  710. Brian Lorenz

    I got the post card about 2 month ago and didnt do any checking but I called and they signed me up for a subscription to a bunch of different magazines. I had subscriptions before but his saved me a bunch of money and is really pretty cool, I can change my magazines anytime without paying anything extra and I got Penthouse for free….. I have been getting my mags regularly so it seems these guys are lagit…:-)

    No issues here and there customer support are very helpfull.

    Brian Lorenz

  711. Brian Lorenz

    I got the post card about 2 month ago and didnt do any checking but I called and they signed me up for a subscription to a bunch of different magazines. I had subscriptions before but his saved me a bunch of money and is really pretty cool, I can change my magazines anytime without paying anything extra and I got Penthouse for free….. I have been getting my mags regularly so it seems these guys are lagit…:-)

    No issues here and there customer support are very helpfull.

    Brian Lorenz

  712. Leroy Vargas

    I also got such yellow card, but the name and address differed: Michelle Barbaa, 1381 S Missouri Ave. Now I wonder what the @#$& does F.R.C. mean?

  713. Leroy Vargas

    I also got such yellow card, but the name and address differed: Michelle Barbaa, 1381 S Missouri Ave. Now I wonder what the @#$& does F.R.C. mean?

  714. juan

    I suspected it was time warner cable who give our mailing address. I recently open an account on my internet connection with them, i accidentally put my apartment # after the name of the street i live as my mailing address with them. Surprisingly, I received this yellow card name FRC with the same mailing address i gave to time warner. This is ridiculous, somebody inside are trying to sell our info with the scam magazine. Because of this, i decided to terminate my internet connection with them.

  715. juan

    I suspected it was time warner cable who give our mailing address. I recently open an account on my internet connection with them, i accidentally put my apartment # after the name of the street i live as my mailing address with them. Surprisingly, I received this yellow card name FRC with the same mailing address i gave to time warner. This is ridiculous, somebody inside are trying to sell our info with the scam magazine. Because of this, i decided to terminate my internet connection with them.

  716. Collins

    I received the same post card today. I was so curious about the good news, so I called them. The representative said I had qualified to get into a $100, 000 raffle, because of paying my credit accounts on time.

  717. Collins

    I received the same post card today. I was so curious about the good news, so I called them. The representative said I had qualified to get into a $100, 000 raffle, because of paying my credit accounts on time.

  718. not born last night

    I just recieved this wonderful little card in the mail today, and just got a weird feeling. Thanks to sites like this one, my suspicions were confirmed. The problem- there are WAY too many people (senior citizens etc..) without instant access to free answers. How do we help them?

  719. not born last night

    I just recieved this wonderful little card in the mail today, and just got a weird feeling. Thanks to sites like this one, my suspicions were confirmed. The problem- there are WAY too many people (senior citizens etc..) without instant access to free answers. How do we help them?

  720. piter

    I received the same post card today i.e R.F.C 13181 S Missouri Ave Clearwater,FL 33756-6500, i called them n they told me that i will get chance to win $25,000 or car and bla bla… but when i googled about F.R.C, i found this link (http://www.frcflorida.org/), n recently i am getting offers from CapitolOne for credit card(for 200$) so somehow they are having some dealings i guess

    Please do post if any one got any solution about this breach

  721. piter

    I received the same post card today i.e R.F.C 13181 S Missouri Ave Clearwater,FL 33756-6500, i called them n they told me that i will get chance to win $25,000 or car and bla bla… but when i googled about F.R.C, i found this link (http://www.frcflorida.org/), n recently i am getting offers from CapitolOne for credit card(for 200$) so somehow they are having some dealings i guess

    Please do post if any one got any solution about this breach

  722. Trevor

    Well today is 4/4/08 and I got one that looks just like the one above except they switched the address is 1381 now and the number is 1-877-475-4020 alrighty…

  723. Trevor

    Well today is 4/4/08 and I got one that looks just like the one above except they switched the address is 1381 now and the number is 1-877-475-4020 alrighty…

  724. mario

    i just got the card yesturday..

    seems they keep switching numbers.
    now also has a control number on it.
    then thanks, michelle barbaa…

    think mine is thanks to best buy due to my last name being spelled marlu. instead of cu..

  725. mario

    i just got the card yesturday..

    seems they keep switching numbers.
    now also has a control number on it.
    then thanks, michelle barbaa…

    think mine is thanks to best buy due to my last name being spelled marlu. instead of cu..

  726. Jessica

    I received this card recently, but mine said it was from F.R.C, not C.R.C.C. I wasn’t going to call, but I just googled the address.

    Whoever did call really must have been bored. They didn’t even spell check or make their message grammatically correct.

  727. Jessica

    I received this card recently, but mine said it was from F.R.C, not C.R.C.C. I wasn’t going to call, but I just googled the address.

    Whoever did call really must have been bored. They didn’t even spell check or make their message grammatically correct.

  728. Seri

    Its makes us 431!! I received same card…what the heck is control numner ? why does a Toll free number does have particular timings…??!!

  729. Seri

    Its makes us 431!! I received same card…what the heck is control numner ? why does a Toll free number does have particular timings…??!!

  730. twin

    I received my card 2day also from F.R.C 1381 S Missouri Ave. Clearwater, FL 33756-6500 1-877-475-4019 Michelle Barbaa

    now I called em up because I wanted to know who the hell they were. the number they printed on this fake ass post card was disconnected. I called twice. then I decided to google the address & came up with this site. monday I will b sure to call them & f… with their heads… oh & my jcpenny credit card gave out my info… how do I know? well because I gave jcpennys my mothers address .. nun of my other bills go there..

  731. twin

    I received my card 2day also from F.R.C 1381 S Missouri Ave. Clearwater, FL 33756-6500 1-877-475-4019 Michelle Barbaa

    now I called em up because I wanted to know who the hell they were. the number they printed on this fake ass post card was disconnected. I called twice. then I decided to google the address & came up with this site. monday I will b sure to call them & f… with their heads… oh & my jcpenny credit card gave out my info… how do I know? well because I gave jcpennys my mothers address .. nun of my other bills go there..

  732. Jane

    It is a magazine scam.. You call and they sell you magazines for 5 years ( 60 months ) and you can’t cancel them, so basically you are paying $900.00 for magazines. Don’t do it. Michelle Barbaa is a Scam artist. Don’t trust FRC.

  733. Jane

    It is a magazine scam.. You call and they sell you magazines for 5 years ( 60 months ) and you can’t cancel them, so basically you are paying $900.00 for magazines. Don’t do it. Michelle Barbaa is a Scam artist. Don’t trust FRC.

  734. Vicky

    Damn it, I got this stupid card from FRC, Clearwater, FL!!! I called to see what it was and cancelled the magazines because I knew it didn’t sound right. They said I could win money, a vacation to Hawaii or something else..yeah right! They even asked me what i would prefer! Then they transfered me to someone else and while they were talking i hung up!
    Something needs to be done, what can we do?

  735. Vicky

    Damn it, I got this stupid card from FRC, Clearwater, FL!!! I called to see what it was and cancelled the magazines because I knew it didn’t sound right. They said I could win money, a vacation to Hawaii or something else..yeah right! They even asked me what i would prefer! Then they transfered me to someone else and while they were talking i hung up!
    Something needs to be done, what can we do?

  736. Shayne

    Got a card today, 4/25/08. Googled to see if it was legit, lo and behold I find this page first with all these people verifying my suspicions. Phone number was 1-888-841-8459. Do NOT call. Company was listed as F.R.C 1381 S Missouri Ave Clearwater, FL 33756-6500. Posting this information so recent card recipients might find this on google and get this warning. DO NOT CALL this number. It is a SCAM.

  737. Shayne

    Got a card today, 4/25/08. Googled to see if it was legit, lo and behold I find this page first with all these people verifying my suspicions. Phone number was 1-888-841-8459. Do NOT call. Company was listed as F.R.C 1381 S Missouri Ave Clearwater, FL 33756-6500. Posting this information so recent card recipients might find this on google and get this warning. DO NOT CALL this number. It is a SCAM.

  738. Shelia

    Thanks for the info. Im in pa and also received the yellow card 04/25/08.

  739. Shelia

    Thanks for the info. Im in pa and also received the yellow card 04/25/08.

  740. wes

    I called today because I found out it was a hoax. Carl – Employee number 235. Claims they are a member of the better business bureau and have been in biz in clearwater, fl for over 15 years in the same spot. I called the guy out on it and said that they were listed as being a rip off on several sites. He told me the nature of his company was none of my business and hung up on me. GOTCHA!

  741. wes

    I called today because I found out it was a hoax. Carl – Employee number 235. Claims they are a member of the better business bureau and have been in biz in clearwater, fl for over 15 years in the same spot. I called the guy out on it and said that they were listed as being a rip off on several sites. He told me the nature of his company was none of my business and hung up on me. GOTCHA!

  742. greg

    This is getting pathetic. Amost 3 years later and they’re still running the same scam? Get a new angle for goodness sakes!

    Thank you to all who posted here and kept this site at the top of the google searches. Saved me having to waste any minutes on my phone.

  743. greg

    This is getting pathetic. Amost 3 years later and they’re still running the same scam? Get a new angle for goodness sakes!

    Thank you to all who posted here and kept this site at the top of the google searches. Saved me having to waste any minutes on my phone.

  744. TK

    Apparently the scam works, thats why they don’t change anything up. ðŸ™

  745. TK

    Apparently the scam works, thats why they don’t change anything up. ðŸ™

  746. Jack

    I also should add that if you do a search for just “Community Reading Club”, you will see that there are multiple locations nationwide. It’s not just Florida.

  747. Jack

    I also should add that if you do a search for just “Community Reading Club”, you will see that there are multiple locations nationwide. It’s not just Florida.

  748. Jack

    And that they are listed in the Clearwater Florida Better Business B as being unsatisfactory. Highly suggest reading it but I can’t link it. Website seems to not like people adding links to their messages.

  749. Jack

    And that they are listed in the Clearwater Florida Better Business B as being unsatisfactory. Highly suggest reading it but I can’t link it. Website seems to not like people adding links to their messages.

  750. Tamara

    I can’t believe how long this scam has been around. It has been almost three years since the first posting. How did they get our info. for this yellow card scam anyways?!!!

  751. Tamara

    I can’t believe how long this scam has been around. It has been almost three years since the first posting. How did they get our info. for this yellow card scam anyways?!!!

  752. spent

    I recieved a card in the mail. I called and they wanted me to spend $900 dollars on magazines. $900 dollars they are crazy.

  753. spent

    I recieved a card in the mail. I called and they wanted me to spend $900 dollars on magazines. $900 dollars they are crazy.

  754. Mike

    I got this card in the mail today and immidiately googled it. It feels like you have to google everything these days. I googled my Grandma last week when she sent me a birthday card to make sure she wasn’t trying to scam me.

  755. Mike

    I got this card in the mail today and immidiately googled it. It feels like you have to google everything these days. I googled my Grandma last week when she sent me a birthday card to make sure she wasn’t trying to scam me.

  756. AySz88

    Thanks to Shayne (comment #435 above) and twin (#432). Identical info as 432, here in New York. I don’t know how they got my address and name though (not from JCPenny’s, never shopped there).

  757. AySz88

    Thanks to Shayne (comment #435 above) and twin (#432). Identical info as 432, here in New York. I don’t know how they got my address and name though (not from JCPenny’s, never shopped there).

  758. ken

    i just got one of these also
    i believe ‘old navy’ gave out my information when i decided to get their little credit card thing.. never got anything like this before and then once i signed up.. ding dong at my door.. ms Michelle Barbaa

  759. ken

    i just got one of these also
    i believe ‘old navy’ gave out my information when i decided to get their little credit card thing.. never got anything like this before and then once i signed up.. ding dong at my door.. ms Michelle Barbaa

  760. Andrea

    I think it is Best Buy. See they were doing that whole magazine scam right at the check out for a while. They made it seem like a giveaway but they would charge your card. This happened to my best friend and let’s just say best buy got an earful. However, I just happened to be there Monday with a return and they asked for my address…four days later I get this card. I wouldn’t know how to go about verifying that but I am more than positive. Since when is it okay to share my personal information from a return?

  761. Andrea

    I think it is Best Buy. See they were doing that whole magazine scam right at the check out for a while. They made it seem like a giveaway but they would charge your card. This happened to my best friend and let’s just say best buy got an earful. However, I just happened to be there Monday with a return and they asked for my address…four days later I get this card. I wouldn’t know how to go about verifying that but I am more than positive. Since when is it okay to share my personal information from a return?

  762. D

    Received two calls from phone number 949-709-4813 back-to-back minutes after I hung up on a company calling themselves F.R.C. (Family Reading Committee).

    FRC sent me the card described above, promising “good news” when you call 1-877-475-4027. I called suspecting it was a scam and a woman named Nicole gruffly and rudely asked me for some personal information (the year I was born). This was after she asked me who provided the best service on my credit cards: Mastercard, Visa, AmEx or Discover. I declined to answer any questions and hung up. Additionally, when I asked her why Family Reading Committee would be conducting a $100k drawing for these credit cards, she retorted, “we do a lot of things.”

    I missed the two calls from 949-709-4813 shortly after I hung up with the 877 number. I tried calling the 949 number back curious to find out if they were related but I got a busy signal and my cell phone read “call declined.” Interestingly, the area from which I called the 877 number listed on the sham postcard is the area covered by the 949 area code…and they called me on my cell, which was the phone I used to call the 877 number. So, these guys seem to have the ability to know where you’re calling from–even though my cell phone area code is not 949.

    It is probably not a coincidence that I opened an account with Discover Card within the last couple of weeks.

    Don’t call like I did because then they’ll have your phone number!

  763. D

    Received two calls from phone number 949-709-4813 back-to-back minutes after I hung up on a company calling themselves F.R.C. (Family Reading Committee).

    FRC sent me the card described above, promising “good news” when you call 1-877-475-4027. I called suspecting it was a scam and a woman named Nicole gruffly and rudely asked me for some personal information (the year I was born). This was after she asked me who provided the best service on my credit cards: Mastercard, Visa, AmEx or Discover. I declined to answer any questions and hung up. Additionally, when I asked her why Family Reading Committee would be conducting a $100k drawing for these credit cards, she retorted, “we do a lot of things.”

    I missed the two calls from 949-709-4813 shortly after I hung up with the 877 number. I tried calling the 949 number back curious to find out if they were related but I got a busy signal and my cell phone read “call declined.” Interestingly, the area from which I called the 877 number listed on the sham postcard is the area covered by the 949 area code…and they called me on my cell, which was the phone I used to call the 877 number. So, these guys seem to have the ability to know where you’re calling from–even though my cell phone area code is not 949.

    It is probably not a coincidence that I opened an account with Discover Card within the last couple of weeks.

    Don’t call like I did because then they’ll have your phone number!

  764. Brian

    Thanks for posting the warning – I just got it in the mail in DC today. Weird stuff.

  765. Brian

    Thanks for posting the warning – I just got it in the mail in DC today. Weird stuff.

  766. Me

    These people are a waste of time. The yellow card was in my private P O Box. It is amazing how these people are able to obtain addresses that were given to them by the receiver. The card reads, “We are trying to reach you with Good News!” “It is really important that you call us.” Call Toll Free 1-888-289-4541.
    Thanks Michelle Barbaa.

    Michelle Barbaa was the contact name on my card. They also give you some bogus Control#. Don’t waste your time on this annoying dishonest company. You would think like others said before that they would know they can easily be exposed no matter home many times they change their company name and contact people and even the look of their “Postcard” that they can still be found out on the Internet. Hello!

  767. Me

    These people are a waste of time. The yellow card was in my private P O Box. It is amazing how these people are able to obtain addresses that were given to them by the receiver. The card reads, “We are trying to reach you with Good News!” “It is really important that you call us.” Call Toll Free 1-888-289-4541.
    Thanks Michelle Barbaa.

    Michelle Barbaa was the contact name on my card. They also give you some bogus Control#. Don’t waste your time on this annoying dishonest company. You would think like others said before that they would know they can easily be exposed no matter home many times they change their company name and contact people and even the look of their “Postcard” that they can still be found out on the Internet. Hello!

  768. Me

    Sorry, I meant in my last post. It is amazing how these people are able to obtain addresses that were NOT given to them by the receiver. They are still out there after all these years.

  769. Me

    Sorry, I meant in my last post. It is amazing how these people are able to obtain addresses that were NOT given to them by the receiver. They are still out there after all these years.

  770. Trashbox

    I too just received this mail in my mailbox..The company is hopeless..The scams continue..First I had heard about the Craigslist scams and now this…Wow…

  771. Trashbox

    I too just received this mail in my mailbox..The company is hopeless..The scams continue..First I had heard about the Craigslist scams and now this…Wow…

  772. Jean

    We got ours today and I would like to thank Best Buy for this because the only place that we have purchased from that we haven’t ordered from previously. Once I called I asked if they were a collection agency and I was told she didn’t know, I then asked if it was a solicitation and she didn’t know, and once I told her I saw it on the web that it is a scam I was told today they had been in business for 17 years, amazing how post 437 was told 15 years only weeks ago!!

  773. Jean

    We got ours today and I would like to thank Best Buy for this because the only place that we have purchased from that we haven’t ordered from previously. Once I called I asked if they were a collection agency and I was told she didn’t know, I then asked if it was a solicitation and she didn’t know, and once I told her I saw it on the web that it is a scam I was told today they had been in business for 17 years, amazing how post 437 was told 15 years only weeks ago!!

  774. WU_Girl

    I got this same stupid card in the mail today. Except mine is not signed by the Deborah woman mine is signed from Michelle Barbaa. However, the rest of the information is the same and the card looks the same as the pictures I’ve found of the scam on other sites. Definately don’t call the number. I don’t know what happens if you do, but I don’t want to find out.

  775. WU_Girl

    I got this same stupid card in the mail today. Except mine is not signed by the Deborah woman mine is signed from Michelle Barbaa. However, the rest of the information is the same and the card looks the same as the pictures I’ve found of the scam on other sites. Definately don’t call the number. I don’t know what happens if you do, but I don’t want to find out.

  776. Ryan

    I got my little yellow card today as well. Out of pure curiousity I googled the address that was on my card. If you use the google map they have a street view of the plaza. There is a sign in the plaza that says “TELE SALES” and a sign on the building saying “EARN UP TO $30/HOUR” I bet this is them. There is a local phone number on the sign for those that can make it out. I will tell you that Clearwater Fl has a 727 area code. Here is the address I googled : 1381 s missouri ave 33756

    Hope that helps

  777. Ryan

    I got my little yellow card today as well. Out of pure curiousity I googled the address that was on my card. If you use the google map they have a street view of the plaza. There is a sign in the plaza that says “TELE SALES” and a sign on the building saying “EARN UP TO $30/HOUR” I bet this is them. There is a local phone number on the sign for those that can make it out. I will tell you that Clearwater Fl has a 727 area code. Here is the address I googled : 1381 s missouri ave 33756

    Hope that helps

  778. Axel

    I can’t add much, just a big “thank you”… like everyone else I got this yellow card with the “good news” message (from 1381 S Missouri Av Clearwater FL) and I am grateful this site exposes it for the vile scam that it is.

    I don’t know how people can go to work everyday knowing they’re scamming others for their own gain. What a crummy way to make a living!


  779. Axel

    I can’t add much, just a big “thank you”… like everyone else I got this yellow card with the “good news” message (from 1381 S Missouri Av Clearwater FL) and I am grateful this site exposes it for the vile scam that it is.

    I don’t know how people can go to work everyday knowing they’re scamming others for their own gain. What a crummy way to make a living!


  780. JMS

    I got mine in the mail today (7/17), and guess what? They have good news for me too!!! Woohoo. Right. I wonder if those control numbers acutally mean anything – is it the total number of postcards they’ve sent out? I am #0828193879..

    Well, I pretty much knew it was a scam when I took it out of the mailbox and little research proved that. Like many who have gotten this postcard, I have a Capital One credit card – also a Citi, Chase and WaMu. There may be a tie between FRC and Capital One but I don’t know for sure. Oh yeah, and I just moved to my current address about 8 months ago – so I have that in common with others too.

    I decided to go to Google Maps and search the address (1381 S Missouri Ave, Clearwater, FL 33756-6500 AND 1383 S Missouri Ave). And what happened? I got a STREET VIEW of the exact address. A sign on the building pictured reads “NATIONAL PUBLISHERS – TELE SALES – EARN UP TO $30 PER HOUR!” – so I guess that’s their way of suckering people into their place to get them working there…which leads to those who are uneducated about the matter calling in and being scammed. Over magazines.

    Link to Google Maps view on the address…

    View Larger Map

    They also advertise the possibility of making “$400-$1100” but can’t make out the full signage, so not sure if they’re saying by working there, you can make that much in a day or what. Either way, it’s a scam to us consumers and ultimately their employees. Oh yeah – It’s also right next to Cheap Charlie’s Thrift Store!


  781. JMS

    I got mine in the mail today (7/17), and guess what? They have good news for me too!!! Woohoo. Right. I wonder if those control numbers acutally mean anything – is it the total number of postcards they’ve sent out? I am #0828193879..

    Well, I pretty much knew it was a scam when I took it out of the mailbox and little research proved that. Like many who have gotten this postcard, I have a Capital One credit card – also a Citi, Chase and WaMu. There may be a tie between FRC and Capital One but I don’t know for sure. Oh yeah, and I just moved to my current address about 8 months ago – so I have that in common with others too.

    I decided to go to Google Maps and search the address (1381 S Missouri Ave, Clearwater, FL 33756-6500 AND 1383 S Missouri Ave). And what happened? I got a STREET VIEW of the exact address. A sign on the building pictured reads “NATIONAL PUBLISHERS – TELE SALES – EARN UP TO $30 PER HOUR!” – so I guess that’s their way of suckering people into their place to get them working there…which leads to those who are uneducated about the matter calling in and being scammed. Over magazines.

    Link to Google Maps view on the address…

    View Larger Map

    They also advertise the possibility of making “$400-$1100” but can’t make out the full signage, so not sure if they’re saying by working there, you can make that much in a day or what. Either way, it’s a scam to us consumers and ultimately their employees. Oh yeah – It’s also right next to Cheap Charlie’s Thrift Store!


  782. ermilb

    It is not a sweepstakes center..or a magazine scam. If you have given them any credit card numbers CANCEL THE CARD IMMEDIATELY it is an identity theft operation and they are pretty slick, please write “To Postmaster: Scam – Please Investigate” on the card and put it back in your mailbox, google around if you don’t believe me. They slowly gather enough information to steal your identity in the whole process, if youre a salesman you will know because most of them are bad at hiding the fact they aren’t really trying to sell you anything

  783. ermilb

    It is not a sweepstakes center..or a magazine scam. If you have given them any credit card numbers CANCEL THE CARD IMMEDIATELY it is an identity theft operation and they are pretty slick, please write “To Postmaster: Scam – Please Investigate” on the card and put it back in your mailbox, google around if you don’t believe me. They slowly gather enough information to steal your identity in the whole process, if youre a salesman you will know because most of them are bad at hiding the fact they aren’t really trying to sell you anything

  784. EeePC 701

    Well I guess it was my turn for this crap. I just recently opened an account w/bank of america…around 3 weeks ago. so maybe they leaked my info.

    I got the yellow card
    Michell Barbaa

    screw this crap.

  785. EeePC 701

    Well I guess it was my turn for this crap. I just recently opened an account w/bank of america…around 3 weeks ago. so maybe they leaked my info.

    I got the yellow card
    Michell Barbaa

    screw this crap.

  786. GotMineToday

    I got the little yellow card in the mail, addressed from the FRC which if you open it up in google, comes up with adoption, and when I typed the addresss it came up with all the scams.
    Sent from Michelle Barbaa.
    Toll Free number is 1-888-841-8470.
    I really wish I could call and rip someone a new one, but I guess I will send it to postmaster with fraud written on it… thats no fun though.

    I think mine has to be chase, all my other credit cars (my other 2 ar capital one and my bank also approved me for a credit card) ive had for around a year if not longer, and chase I just got my first statement like 4 days ago, that or I just switched to tmobile on the 7th of this month or so, Thats all it could be..
    Hope this helps.

  787. GotMineToday

    I got the little yellow card in the mail, addressed from the FRC which if you open it up in google, comes up with adoption, and when I typed the addresss it came up with all the scams.
    Sent from Michelle Barbaa.
    Toll Free number is 1-888-841-8470.
    I really wish I could call and rip someone a new one, but I guess I will send it to postmaster with fraud written on it… thats no fun though.

    I think mine has to be chase, all my other credit cars (my other 2 ar capital one and my bank also approved me for a credit card) ive had for around a year if not longer, and chase I just got my first statement like 4 days ago, that or I just switched to tmobile on the 7th of this month or so, Thats all it could be..
    Hope this helps.

  788. WTFdiscover?

    So, I got the mail thing today, but I immediately knew something was up. Looked it up on here, found this. I didn’t plan to call them anyways, but I wanted to know what was up…

    It is definitely something to do with Discover Card. I know for a fact, because I had made a typo in my last name (too fast of typing) when I applied for my card, and the “F.R.C.” postcard was addressed to that typo’d name.

    This makes me pretty mad…

  789. WTFdiscover?

    So, I got the mail thing today, but I immediately knew something was up. Looked it up on here, found this. I didn’t plan to call them anyways, but I wanted to know what was up…

    It is definitely something to do with Discover Card. I know for a fact, because I had made a typo in my last name (too fast of typing) when I applied for my card, and the “F.R.C.” postcard was addressed to that typo’d name.

    This makes me pretty mad…

  790. Whatascam!

    I just got this post card, googled and found this website. Thank you all for your great information on this scam. Big thank to Steve Jenkins’s webmaster!

  791. Whatascam!

    I just got this post card, googled and found this website. Thank you all for your great information on this scam. Big thank to Steve Jenkins’s webmaster!

  792. Danielle Craftt, DC

    I just got a Bank of America credit card. No other possibilities since I am new in the country.

  793. Danielle Craftt, DC

    I just got a Bank of America credit card. No other possibilities since I am new in the country.

  794. jco

    Well i just got a card found this site and i find it really strange that it came out with the name of the person that complained right before this danielle craftt i think the names they use as the people are the names of the people they previously sent these cards to

  795. jco

    Well i just got a card found this site and i find it really strange that it came out with the name of the person that complained right before this danielle craftt i think the names they use as the people are the names of the people they previously sent these cards to

  796. Bec

    I to got my card today as well. I also googled the name and address. Mine is a little diffrent though, the number on my card is 1-877-475-4024 with the contact name being a Danielle Craftt. Thanks for posting all the comments about this. I have forwarded this site along with my “postcard” to my local news station to mabey help get the word about about this so called “company”.

  797. Bec

    I to got my card today as well. I also googled the name and address. Mine is a little diffrent though, the number on my card is 1-877-475-4024 with the contact name being a Danielle Craftt. Thanks for posting all the comments about this. I have forwarded this site along with my “postcard” to my local news station to mabey help get the word about about this so called “company”.


    I just checked my mail this evening and I too was blessed with this lovely post card. At first I was like, well I’ll just call them in the morning since their closed now. Then I was like .. Hmm, I wonder what they want from me? So I decided to get onto google and type in the name on the post card – Which is when I found this site, and many others like it explaining that this is a scam.

    My post card on the front is like previously described – It’s from F.R.C. 1381 S Missouri Ave Clearwater, FL 33756

    The name on the card is different though – So it’s obvious that they change their names continuously – The name is Danielle Craftt and the phone number is 1-877-475-4024

    The only thing that I can link mine to is Bank of America Credit Card .. Which i just received about a week ago.

    I’m in Alaska – So it’s everywhere.


    I just checked my mail this evening and I too was blessed with this lovely post card. At first I was like, well I’ll just call them in the morning since their closed now. Then I was like .. Hmm, I wonder what they want from me? So I decided to get onto google and type in the name on the post card – Which is when I found this site, and many others like it explaining that this is a scam.

    My post card on the front is like previously described – It’s from F.R.C. 1381 S Missouri Ave Clearwater, FL 33756

    The name on the card is different though – So it’s obvious that they change their names continuously – The name is Danielle Craftt and the phone number is 1-877-475-4024

    The only thing that I can link mine to is Bank of America Credit Card .. Which i just received about a week ago.

    I’m in Alaska – So it’s everywhere.

  800. Elna Wilke

    Re: credit card theft.
    I do a lot of business online, so I opened a PayPal account to make it easier to process credit card and other online purchases.

    PayPal recently released a plug in that is a miracle worker. For the purpose of today’s discussion, you can have PayPal generate a one time credit card account, so you don’t have to use your personal credit card over the internet. My PayPal account is tied to my checking account, so if my balance is too low, PayPal will make up the difference from my checking account. You could also tie it to a credit card.I don’t know why PayPal is hiding this gem of information, but try it out, and if it works, pass it on.

  801. Elna Wilke

    Re: credit card theft.
    I do a lot of business online, so I opened a PayPal account to make it easier to process credit card and other online purchases.

    PayPal recently released a plug in that is a miracle worker. For the purpose of today’s discussion, you can have PayPal generate a one time credit card account, so you don’t have to use your personal credit card over the internet. My PayPal account is tied to my checking account, so if my balance is too low, PayPal will make up the difference from my checking account. You could also tie it to a credit card.I don’t know why PayPal is hiding this gem of information, but try it out, and if it works, pass it on.

  802. Elna Wilke

    Part two: Online scams
    You guys are wasting a lot of time trying to identify where these mails are coming from. Anyone can purchase a list of email addresses, some which are targeted to particular fields of interest–lose weight, find a job, whatever. If I were interested enough and had the bucks I could email all of you who are discussing this topic. Another favorite (phishing)scam is to tell you something is wrong with your account, and sends you to a link that grabs your personal information. I have gotten these emails from banks that I have never done business with. So, folks, get your head out of the sand, and don’t believe everything you read. Just believe everything is a scam until proven otherwise.

  803. Elna Wilke

    Part two: Online scams
    You guys are wasting a lot of time trying to identify where these mails are coming from. Anyone can purchase a list of email addresses, some which are targeted to particular fields of interest–lose weight, find a job, whatever. If I were interested enough and had the bucks I could email all of you who are discussing this topic. Another favorite (phishing)scam is to tell you something is wrong with your account, and sends you to a link that grabs your personal information. I have gotten these emails from banks that I have never done business with. So, folks, get your head out of the sand, and don’t believe everything you read. Just believe everything is a scam until proven otherwise.

  804. Kray

    I got mine today October 22, 2008. it says :

    Dear, Name.

     We are trying to reach yoou with Good News!!! (yah Right) it is really important that you call us. Call Toll Free 1-877-475-4024 control # **********

    thanks Danielle Craft

  805. Kray

    I got mine today October 22, 2008. it says :

    Dear, Name.

     We are trying to reach yoou with Good News!!! (yah Right) it is really important that you call us. Call Toll Free 1-877-475-4024 control # **********

    thanks Danielle Craft

  806. itsnotascam!

    I got the same post card you all did i
    called and spoke with michelle barbaa her self (yes she is a real person) and no i was not scammed yes i gave my cc# and agreed to the service for 5 years with the understanding i could not cancel and it has been over 6 months now and im very satisfied i get 6 magazines for around 16.00 a month and i can change them , and i have twice lol …its IS NOT a scam these are ppl trying to earn a living through a very rare legit telemarketing company .
    So before u take other peoples advice when i can tell u from reading most of these post on this site that 99 % of them did not take the time to shut up and listen before they made a informed decision call and find out the truth for yourselves stop letting other peoples mis informed statements for truth …bottom line people i know u dont want to get scammed and my self included but if u take the time to learn instead of just letting google searches or ranting mis informed people on sites like this make up your mind for you then you have already scammed yourselves …

  807. itsnotascam!

    I got the same post card you all did i
    called and spoke with michelle barbaa her self (yes she is a real person) and no i was not scammed yes i gave my cc# and agreed to the service for 5 years with the understanding i could not cancel and it has been over 6 months now and im very satisfied i get 6 magazines for around 16.00 a month and i can change them , and i have twice lol …its IS NOT a scam these are ppl trying to earn a living through a very rare legit telemarketing company .
    So before u take other peoples advice when i can tell u from reading most of these post on this site that 99 % of them did not take the time to shut up and listen before they made a informed decision call and find out the truth for yourselves stop letting other peoples mis informed statements for truth …bottom line people i know u dont want to get scammed and my self included but if u take the time to learn instead of just letting google searches or ranting mis informed people on sites like this make up your mind for you then you have already scammed yourselves …

  808. itsnotascam!

    Just to follow up on my commit earlier I am not trying to be rude to any one who is fearful of being scammed i too do not wish to be taken advantage of.
    But it was just not the case with F.R.C (family reading club) for D who posted on july 23 08
    so this will be my last post ever and hopefully some of u will stop following and start making up your own minds instead of listing to people who think getting a post card is the same as death knocking at your door please people start thinking for yourselves =)

  809. itsnotascam!

    Just to follow up on my commit earlier I am not trying to be rude to any one who is fearful of being scammed i too do not wish to be taken advantage of.
    But it was just not the case with F.R.C (family reading club) for D who posted on july 23 08
    so this will be my last post ever and hopefully some of u will stop following and start making up your own minds instead of listing to people who think getting a post card is the same as death knocking at your door please people start thinking for yourselves =)

  810. Steve Jenkins

    If you’re paying $16 per month, that’s $192 per year for 6 magazines. That comes out to $32 per year per magazine, and that’s no deal. Check out a site like budgetmags.com to see a more reasonable price.

  811. Steve Jenkins Post author

    If you’re paying $16 per month, that’s $192 per year for 6 magazines. That comes out to $32 per year per magazine, and that’s no deal. Check out a site like budgetmags.com to see a more reasonable price.

  812. itsnotascam!

    True , however my whole point was not if its the best deal or cheapest deal in town simply that it was not a scam =)

  813. itsnotascam!

    True , however my whole point was not if its the best deal or cheapest deal in town simply that it was not a scam =)

  814. How do you know?

    In reference to “itsnotascam!” .. You’re not getting any sort of deal what so ever. In fact, you are basically getting ripped off. You might think it is not a scam, but it really is. That person you spoke to probably just lied and said that they were Michelle Barbaa or whatever. If you read posts from the years passed the name changes as well as the company name and address. How can these people be legit if they keep changing important business information?

    Also, what about all those people above who tried to cancel and were told that they could not? How do you think that those people are going to get their money back?

    Maybe you’re just one of their employee’s trying to make people who view this website feel comfortable once again with your SCAM!

  815. How do you know?

    In reference to “itsnotascam!” .. You’re not getting any sort of deal what so ever. In fact, you are basically getting ripped off. You might think it is not a scam, but it really is. That person you spoke to probably just lied and said that they were Michelle Barbaa or whatever. If you read posts from the years passed the name changes as well as the company name and address. How can these people be legit if they keep changing important business information?

    Also, what about all those people above who tried to cancel and were told that they could not? How do you think that those people are going to get their money back?

    Maybe you’re just one of their employee’s trying to make people who view this website feel comfortable once again with your SCAM!

  816. Rick jimenez

    I got it too! But, I called and was entered in the drawing. Then I read all your comments and called back. The lady was really rude and said that I was beign irrational for wanting to take my name out..so she hung up on me..I called back and told them what happened. This time a man answered and was very nice and told me that I would be taken out of the drawing and mailing list…I guess you just have to sound pissed off for anyone to pay attention to you….THANKS for the info…..

  817. Rick jimenez

    I got it too! But, I called and was entered in the drawing. Then I read all your comments and called back. The lady was really rude and said that I was beign irrational for wanting to take my name out..so she hung up on me..I called back and told them what happened. This time a man answered and was very nice and told me that I would be taken out of the drawing and mailing list…I guess you just have to sound pissed off for anyone to pay attention to you….THANKS for the info…..

  818. asif

    I got my card two days ago like I called, I gave the control number she confirmed my name but when I asked what this was about she just said a you will get mony I Hung up. I also just got my capitel one card. should I close and change all of my accounts?

  819. asif

    I got my card two days ago like I called, I gave the control number she confirmed my name but when I asked what this was about she just said a you will get mony I Hung up. I also just got my capitel one card. should I close and change all of my accounts?

  820. Jane

    I just wanted to let you know that this scam is still going strong. I got a card just like this today in the mail. Your post was from 6/18/05 today is 1/09/09.

  821. Jane

    I just wanted to let you know that this scam is still going strong. I got a card just like this today in the mail. Your post was from 6/18/05 today is 1/09/09.

  822. Kay

    I work for a teleservices company. Though we are not affiliated at all with F.R.C. and we don’t scam people; I can tell you that when you are calling F.R.C.’s phone number, you are calling a teleservices company. To those of you who have been thinking that you are ‘blocking’ your phone number before you call F.R.C, either to hide your identity for your own safety or to make a ‘prank call’, you’re not succeeding. When you call a call center such as F.R.C., it is impossible to ‘block’ them from having your telephone number. They can’t/won’t tell you this when you call; but I assure you that the only reason we ask for your phone number is to verify that you are calling from your own personal phone and not someone else’s. Also, because you may have more than one phone number. When we receive a ‘prank’ or ‘obscene’ call at the place I work at, we note your phone number, report it and place it in a database. One ‘prank’ call is not likely to get you reported to your local police station(prank/obscene calls are illegal in almost every state)but we do have a ‘cutoff’ number that determines when we do report these calls to the proper authorities. It also depends on the severity & nature of the call. This is just a head’s up- dialing *67 does NOT ‘block’ your telephone number from our systems.

  823. Kay

    I work for a teleservices company. Though we are not affiliated at all with F.R.C. and we don’t scam people; I can tell you that when you are calling F.R.C.’s phone number, you are calling a teleservices company. To those of you who have been thinking that you are ‘blocking’ your phone number before you call F.R.C, either to hide your identity for your own safety or to make a ‘prank call’, you’re not succeeding. When you call a call center such as F.R.C., it is impossible to ‘block’ them from having your telephone number. They can’t/won’t tell you this when you call; but I assure you that the only reason we ask for your phone number is to verify that you are calling from your own personal phone and not someone else’s. Also, because you may have more than one phone number. When we receive a ‘prank’ or ‘obscene’ call at the place I work at, we note your phone number, report it and place it in a database. One ‘prank’ call is not likely to get you reported to your local police station(prank/obscene calls are illegal in almost every state)but we do have a ‘cutoff’ number that determines when we do report these calls to the proper authorities. It also depends on the severity & nature of the call. This is just a head’s up- dialing *67 does NOT ‘block’ your telephone number from our systems.

  824. hmv

    Thanks! I got mine today, January 21st, 2009! BAD NEWS. . . this is a scam!
    😉 Plus, now they are using F.R.C. as the heading for their return address, thinking that people won’t make a connection to their old C.R.C address. My suggestion, shred it, because your home address is on it!

  825. hmv

    Thanks! I got mine today, January 21st, 2009! BAD NEWS. . . this is a scam!
    😉 Plus, now they are using F.R.C. as the heading for their return address, thinking that people won’t make a connection to their old C.R.C address. My suggestion, shred it, because your home address is on it!

  826. scam the scammers

    Yes they will sell your information, especially since they don’t state that they won’t. Guess what? If you’re getting this crap, you’re already on a list that’s been sold a few times over.

    Aside from that, I don’t think this is too bad. It’s similar to the timeshare sales things etc. You have the opportunity to get a bunch of free crap, take advantage of them. I got 215 dollars of as vouchers and a free trip for $6.55. They have promotional / marketing budgets and my aim is to suck them dry.

    I use my bank debit card account which is watched closely by my bank. After the initial charges and receipt of my free crap, I cancel the accounts and instruct my bank to not pay out any charges to my account except for a pre approved list (my auto pay bills etc.).

    Scam the scammers, take their money. Its easy.

    Your information isn’t private any more. The government sells your info, and so do all the companies you have transactions with. This is the world we live in.

  827. scam the scammers

    Yes they will sell your information, especially since they don’t state that they won’t. Guess what? If you’re getting this crap, you’re already on a list that’s been sold a few times over.

    Aside from that, I don’t think this is too bad. It’s similar to the timeshare sales things etc. You have the opportunity to get a bunch of free crap, take advantage of them. I got 215 dollars of as vouchers and a free trip for $6.55. They have promotional / marketing budgets and my aim is to suck them dry.

    I use my bank debit card account which is watched closely by my bank. After the initial charges and receipt of my free crap, I cancel the accounts and instruct my bank to not pay out any charges to my account except for a pre approved list (my auto pay bills etc.).

    Scam the scammers, take their money. Its easy.

    Your information isn’t private any more. The government sells your info, and so do all the companies you have transactions with. This is the world we live in.

  828. Erika

    i dont know what i should do!!! i feel like SUCH an imbecile; i recieved the card in the mail and i was so suprised to see what it was i called right away. I was talkign to a magazine associate person when i told him i wasnt interested in magazines, so he transferred me to some girl who told me i would get a 100$ gas voucher and a bunch of coupon booklets for restaurants and stores for 1.99$ on a credit card; i asked her a million questions, and then gave her the credit number. I feel like SUCH an idiot. now that i looked up the company, i feel even worse, i guess i fall for things too easily. should i cancel my credit card?!!?

  829. Erika

    i dont know what i should do!!! i feel like SUCH an imbecile; i recieved the card in the mail and i was so suprised to see what it was i called right away. I was talkign to a magazine associate person when i told him i wasnt interested in magazines, so he transferred me to some girl who told me i would get a 100$ gas voucher and a bunch of coupon booklets for restaurants and stores for 1.99$ on a credit card; i asked her a million questions, and then gave her the credit number. I feel like SUCH an idiot. now that i looked up the company, i feel even worse, i guess i fall for things too easily. should i cancel my credit card?!!?

  830. ProsperitySavvyWoman

    Got mine a few days ago and was immediately suspicious – thanks so much for this blog! I found it right away when searching Yahoo for the name FRC and address. Yellow card – everything the same. I DEFINITELY won’t bother to call!

    I’ve also had recent dealings with Chase — Hmmmmm….

    HI ERIKA – it could happen to anyone especially when we’re busy & caught off guard or worse, stressed – as many of us are these days.

    IF you decide to cancel the credit card, you MUST not use it. I’ve read that if you don’t use the card and you cancel the a/c they can’t charge you any fees. BUT – if you’re granted credit and then you close the a/c it could make a temporary ding on your credit score. ðŸ™

    Call them as soon as you get any customer service info, which they’re required to give you along with documentation of the rate, terms, etc. See if you want to keep it…

    I actually did go through one of those endless series of offers (online) to get to the “golden egg” once about 6 years ago and I DID GET $75 VISA gift card.

    They’ve made them a lot harder to meet all the requirements now. (TIP: I keep a separate yahoo email address to give out on those types of things so my regular email doesn;t get bogged down with SPAM! 😉

    Thanks again for this site/post and everyone sharing their experiences!


    PS – I’m a business consultant and my business is NOT a scam!!!

    If you’d like to learn more – men & women – contact me via
    http://ladiesyoucanhaveitall.prosperitysavvywoman.com. You can also first check out my business partners at http://www.melaleuca.com/Introduction. If you contact them directly, please don’t forget to tell them who sent you! 😉

    Thank you!

  831. ProsperitySavvyWoman

    Got mine a few days ago and was immediately suspicious – thanks so much for this blog! I found it right away when searching Yahoo for the name FRC and address. Yellow card – everything the same. I DEFINITELY won’t bother to call!

    I’ve also had recent dealings with Chase — Hmmmmm….

    HI ERIKA – it could happen to anyone especially when we’re busy & caught off guard or worse, stressed – as many of us are these days.

    IF you decide to cancel the credit card, you MUST not use it. I’ve read that if you don’t use the card and you cancel the a/c they can’t charge you any fees. BUT – if you’re granted credit and then you close the a/c it could make a temporary ding on your credit score. ðŸ™

    Call them as soon as you get any customer service info, which they’re required to give you along with documentation of the rate, terms, etc. See if you want to keep it…

    I actually did go through one of those endless series of offers (online) to get to the “golden egg” once about 6 years ago and I DID GET $75 VISA gift card.

    They’ve made them a lot harder to meet all the requirements now. (TIP: I keep a separate yahoo email address to give out on those types of things so my regular email doesn;t get bogged down with SPAM! 😉

    Thanks again for this site/post and everyone sharing their experiences!


    PS – I’m a business consultant and my business is NOT a scam!!!

    If you’d like to learn more – men & women – contact me via
    http://ladiesyoucanhaveitall.prosperitysavvywoman.com. You can also first check out my business partners at http://www.melaleuca.com/Introduction. If you contact them directly, please don’t forget to tell them who sent you! 😉

    Thank you!

  832. RunningWithScissors

    I received the card in the mail today. The phone number has changed. It is now 1-888-673-5221. I guess Michelle Barbaa just wants to say hi, huh?? lol

  833. RunningWithScissors

    I received the card in the mail today. The phone number has changed. It is now 1-888-673-5221. I guess Michelle Barbaa just wants to say hi, huh?? lol

  834. Lancaster

    I can’t believe this stuff still works. I knew it smelled fishy the second I picked it up. They sent this to my daughter who is in college, luckily I intercepted it. When I read what happened to Erica, I thought of how my daughter could have also fallen for this. I have no tolerance for this type of scamming.

    I called them to waste their time. Once on the phone they asked for my control number, I gave them every number on the card except for the control number, I even made up a few numbers. I asked her if she had ever heard of the internet? I then informed her that I was on a blog that listed over 450 negative comments/complaints about their company and how thankful I was that there was information so readily available about this SCAM! Thanks to this site and others, we won’t be scammed by these losers anytime soon.

  835. Lancaster

    I can’t believe this stuff still works. I knew it smelled fishy the second I picked it up. They sent this to my daughter who is in college, luckily I intercepted it. When I read what happened to Erica, I thought of how my daughter could have also fallen for this. I have no tolerance for this type of scamming.

    I called them to waste their time. Once on the phone they asked for my control number, I gave them every number on the card except for the control number, I even made up a few numbers. I asked her if she had ever heard of the internet? I then informed her that I was on a blog that listed over 450 negative comments/complaints about their company and how thankful I was that there was information so readily available about this SCAM! Thanks to this site and others, we won’t be scammed by these losers anytime soon.

  836. Kalamazoo, MI

    I got Mine today March 26, 2009…
    Like almost everyone else came over the internet and read all the crap about this scammers…
    Thanks for the warning!

  837. Kalamazoo, MI

    I got Mine today March 26, 2009…
    Like almost everyone else came over the internet and read all the crap about this scammers…
    Thanks for the warning!

  838. saji

    i received this too…
    and guess this is their successful third year :O
    e mail me if you guys get any new info about this

  839. saji

    i received this too…
    and guess this is their successful third year :O
    e mail me if you guys get any new info about this

  840. Ina

    Just got mine today, 5/05/09.

    I was immediately suspicious, since no clue of what this “Good News” was appeared on the card, and as a college student, I went to the internet to search for what this “F.R.C” organization was. First thing that popped up was the fact that it was a scam. Thank goodness for the internet!

    The number on my card is 1-888-673-5219, from Michelle Barbaa. The return address was 1381 S Missouri Ave.

    I’m just wondering how they got my and everyone else’s information.

  841. Ina

    Just got mine today, 5/05/09.

    I was immediately suspicious, since no clue of what this “Good News” was appeared on the card, and as a college student, I went to the internet to search for what this “F.R.C” organization was. First thing that popped up was the fact that it was a scam. Thank goodness for the internet!

    The number on my card is 1-888-673-5219, from Michelle Barbaa. The return address was 1381 S Missouri Ave.

    I’m just wondering how they got my and everyone else’s information.

  842. Roz

    I got this postcard also, called since I already knew it was a magazine place and asked them remove all of my information from their database. The guy refused and said he would only put me on the Do Not Call List and then hung up on me.
    How the F did they get my information in the first place??
    The more people file a complaint with the BBB there the easier it would be to get them shut down.
    It is not really a scam, they are just like any other magazine comapny, they just want your money, you just have to be smart enough to not give it to them.

  843. Roz

    I got this postcard also, called since I already knew it was a magazine place and asked them remove all of my information from their database. The guy refused and said he would only put me on the Do Not Call List and then hung up on me.
    How the F did they get my information in the first place??
    The more people file a complaint with the BBB there the easier it would be to get them shut down.
    It is not really a scam, they are just like any other magazine comapny, they just want your money, you just have to be smart enough to not give it to them.

  844. Yvonnedra

    So I was wondering what the dried red things that seemed so delicious on the Rachel Ray show about cheese? Thank you.


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