What Was In The Mail Today, 06.27.2005?

Today, the mailbox contained:

* June 2005 issue of [RN][RN]
* July 4, 2005 issue of [Business Week][BusinessWeek]
* July 4, 2005 issue of [Newsweek][Newsweek]
* July 2005 issue of [Circuit Cellar][CircuitCellar]
* July 2005 issue of [The Sun][TheSun]
* Summer 2005 issue of [The Kenyon Review][KenyonReview]
* July 2005 issue of [Wired][Wired]
* An offer from the [Columbia House DVD Club](http://www.chdvd.com/)
* An information packet from [Saint Joseph’s College of Maine](http://www.sjcme.edu/nursing) about their nursing programs
* A postcard from [Kaplan](http://www.kaptest.com/edgeevents) about GMAT preparation products
* Coupons from [National Tire & Battery](http://www.ntb.com)
* A letter from [Senator John Warner](http://warner.senate.gov) stating that he’s in favor of drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
* A letter from [Congressman Bob Goodlatte](http://www.house.gov/goodlatte) where, once again, he doesn’t take a position – he’ll keep my views in mind

[BusinessWeek]: http://businessweek.com
[CircuitCellar]: http://www.curcuitcellar.com
[KenyonReview]: http://www.kenyonreview.org
[Newsweek]: http://newsweek.msnbc.com
[RN]: http://www.rnweb.com
[TheSun]: http://www.thesunmagazine.org
[Wired]: http://www.wired.com

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