What Was In the Mail Today, 07.23.2005?

Today, the mailbox contained:

* August 2005 issue of [Wired][Wired]
* August 2005 issue of [Nuts & Volts][NutsVolts]
* August 2005 issue of [Smithsonian][Smithsonian]
* August/September 2005 issue of [Budget Living][BudgetLiving]
* August 1, 2005 issue of [Business Week][BusinessWeek]
* August 2005 issue of [Harper’s][Harpers]
* August 1-15, 2005 issue of the [Progressive Populist](http://www.populist.com)
* A sample and coupon from [K-Y](http://www.k-y.com/index_us.jsp)
* A plea from [ChildReach](http://www.planusa.org/sponsorship)

[BudgetLiving]: http://www.budgetlivingmedia.com/
[BusinessWeek]: http://businessweek.com
[Harpers]: http://www.harpers.org
[NutsVolts]: http://www.nutsvolts.com
[Smithsonian]: http://www.smithsonianmag.com
[Wired]: http://www.wired.com

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