Virginia Tech’s Embarrasing Loss To Miami on 11.05.2005

Another Virginia Tech Letdown – So much for any national title hopes for VT.

[Miami 27 Virginia Tech 7](

Virginia Tech failed to show up and was outplayed on both sides of the ball. The defense was beaten, and the offense, especially Markus Vick, was horrible. The announcers kept saying at the start of the game that Marcus Vick couldn’t be rattled. Well, he was certainly rattled tonight – he looked like he was somewhere else. This game reminded me of 3 other games:

* The Redskins/Giants [blowout]( on 10/30/2005.
* The 2003 Virginia Tech/West Virginia [game]( when Virginia Tech didn’t show up and lost 38-7.
* The 1999 Virginia Tech/Miami [game]( In this game, the announcers kept saying that the players on the sideline said that Michael Vick was rattled, but Michael managed to regain his composure, and Virginia Tech won the game 43-10.

As in years past, it would appear that Virginia Tech did not deserve its poll ranking. Why does it seem that Virginia Tech is ranked too high nearly every year?

So, unless Miami loses another game AND Virginia Tech wins out, Virginia Tech will probably get the ACC’s 3rd bowl bid, which is the [Peach Bowl](

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