What Was in the Mailbox Saturday, 12.24.2005?

Saturday, the mailbox contained:

* January-February 2006 issue of [No Depression](http://www.nodepression.net) (Joe Henry switches his focus to soul)
* Winter 2006 issue of [The Virginia Quarterly Review](http://www.vqronline.org/) (A Special Report: AIDS In Africa)
* December 2005 issue of [Java Developer’s Journal](http://jdj.sys-con.com/) (Table Layout – Replace your GridBagLayout code)
* January 2006 issue of [Servo](http://www.servomagazine.com) (FIRST at Last! – 2006 Season Kicks Off With Over 1,100 Teams)
* December 2005 issue of [Save the Bay](http://www.cbf.org) (2005 State of the Bay)
* A flyer advertising the [Kenyon Review Writers Workshop](http://www.kenyonreview.org)
* A packet from the [Girl Scouts](http://www.gsvsc.org)
* G. Gordon Liddy’s 2006 [Stacked and Packed Calendar](http://www.stackedandpacked.com “Caution – Women With Guns”) (They do Secret Santa at my wife’s work, and apparently the person who’s receiving this gift is a big fan of the G. Man.)


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