Was Marcus worth all that trouble?

Virginia Tech’s reputation has been iffy over the years. In fact it hasn’t been that great or several years. That’s the problem with forgiveness: Forgivees take advantage.

That coach Frank Beamer kept quiet his knowledge of Marcus Vick’s latest example of an “I’m a Vick at Tech, deal with it” attitude indicates more of a football factory than many may have thought.

Beamer had to be hacked word got out that Vick’s license was suspended, which Beamer didn’t know because Vick didn’t tell him.

The coach said he was told by his director of football operations – is that lingo anymore for “babysitter” or “negotiator” in college football? – Vick’s license suspension was a “formality, a paperwork issue.” So he didn’t think it would count against Vick’s tally.

Read (The Macon Telegraph)

Frank Beamer is finally starting to catch some heat. Good, he should not come out of this smelling like a rose. Hey, Frank, the Oakland Raiders have an opening.

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