Saturday, the mailbox contained:
* April 2006 issue of [National Geographic Traveler]( (26 Ways to Experience Old (an New) Europe)
* April 2006 issue of [National Geographic]( (Quake – The Next Big One)
* April 2006 issue of [Ode]( (The Greatest Story Never Told – How Marketing could save the world)
* March/April 2006 issue of [Technology Review]( (The Knowledge – Advances in biotechnology have put bioweapons within reach of terrorists and offer governments new opportunities for violence and repressioin.)
* April 2006 issue of [Harper’s]( (American Coup D’etat – Military Thinkers Discuss the Unthinkable)
* March 24, 2006 issue of [Entertainment Weekly]( (Prison Break)
* 2006 [Girl Scout]( Summer Program Guide
* Spring 2006 [CAMPMOR]( Catalog
* An offer for [Betty Crocker’s]( “Come Home to Dinner” Cookbook
* A postcard announcing an event at UVA – [Telling Suffering: Pain, Trouble, Trauma and Their Stories]( on March 16 & 17 – the Thursday and Friday before this was received
* A plea the [Arthritis Foundation](
* A plea from the [Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center](
* A plea from the [Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center](
* A plea and sticker from the [Chesapeake Bay Foundation](