Who Will Work the Farms?

The guest worker program in the United States has failed to bridge the gap between farmers and the workers they need to employ.

Farmers complain that the program is simply too expensive. It sets a floor for pay , a regional average of the wages in several farm occupations , that will rise this year to $8.51 an hour from $8.24 in 2005. Farmers must also house the workers and pay workers’ compensation.

For many farmers, illegal immigrants provide a cheaper alternative that involves far less bother than the guest worker program. North Carolina farmers can harvest their crops paying $6 to $6.50 an hour , no workers comp, no recruitment fees , to “green card” workers or “otherwise documented” workers. Those are euphemisms for immigrants unlawfully in the United States, who typically show up with a fake green card to get a job.

[Read](http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/23/business/23guest.html?ex=1300770000&en=cffc222b2ad59bfe&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss) (New York Times)

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