Saturday, the mailbox contained:
* July 2006 issue of [Consumer Reports]( (The right digital camera for you)
* June 2, 2006 issue of [Entertainment Weekly]( (All About Their ‘Break-Up’)
* June/July 2006 issue of [National Wildlife]( (Special Issue: Why nature is good for your mind and body)
* June 2006 issue of [Nuts And Volts]( (Mail Delivered Detector)
* July & August 2006 issue of [Cook’s Illustrated]( (Foolproff Grilled Hamburgers – You Can’t Overcook Them!)
* June 05, 2006 issue of [ESPN]( (Are You Ready For Some Futbol!)
* June-July 2006 issue of [Sierra Club News]( (New Zealand “Above & Below”
* Coupons from Mailbox Savings
* An offer from [Columbia House](
* A [Great Courses]( Catalog
* A plea from George Allen