What Was in the Mailbox Monday, 06.05.2006?

Monday, the mailbox contained:

* July 2006 issue of [Highlights](http://www.highlights.com) (The Cleanest Pig)
* Spring 2006 issue of the [Science Museum of Western Virginia](http://www.smwv.org) Newsletter (Glow: Living Lights On Tour June 9th-September 15th)
* [The Ultimate Appalachian Trail Store](http://www.appalachiantrail.org) Catalog
* June 2006 [HP Home & Home Office Store](http://www.hpshopping.com) Catalog
* A subscription offer for [BARRON’S](http://www.barrons.com)
* A plea from [Environmental Defense](http://www.environmentaldefense.org)
* A plea from the [Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee](http://www.dscc.org)

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