The Verdict – My Heart is Okay

In July, my doctor felt that because of my medical history I should get a nuclear stress test.  I took the stress test and completed it without any physical problems, but my Dr. called after she got the results and said there was a problem.  She said the stress test indicated I had a minor blockage in one of my coronary arteries and I should see a cardiologist ASAP.

I saw the cardiologist 2 weeks ago.  Her diagnosis was angina, and she gave me a prescription for Nitroglycerin, which I still haven’t filled.  She insisted that I needed a cardiac catheterization to determine the extent of the blockage and if necessary, clear the blockage and install a stent.  She also said I might have to start taking a Beta blocker.

The cardiac catheterization was performed yesterday, and the conclusion was everything looked good.  The blockage was so minor that no further action was necessary.  I didn’t need a stent, and I don’t need to take a Beta blocker.  I just need to continue taking an aspirin, blood pressure and cholesterol medications each day, eat a Heart-healthy diet, and get some exercise.

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