What Was in the Mailbox Friday, 08.18.2006?

Friday, the mailbox contained:

  • September-October 2006 issue of Utne (Want to Know What’s Really Going On?  Ask a Comic)
  • September+October 2006 issue of Mother Jones (Lie by Lie – How Our Leaders Used Fear and Falsehood to Dupe Us Into a Mideast Quagmire)
  • August 25, 2006 issue of Entertainment Weekly (An intimate Examination of TV’s Edgiest Medical Show)
  • August 28, 2006 issue of ESPN (College Football 2006 – Who’s No. 1?)
  • September/October 2006 issue of Foreign Policy (The Day Nothing Much Changed)
  • An advertisement from Oreck
  • An advertisement from the World Watch Institute

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