Today, the mailbox contained:
- September 11, 2006 issue of Business Week (How Toxic Is Your Mortgage?)
- September 11, 2006 issue of Newsweek (The New First Grade – Are Kids Getting Pushed Too Fast, Too Soon?)
- October 2006 issue of Consumer Reports (2007 New Car Preview)
- September 8, 2006 issue of Entertainment Weekly (Fall TV Preview)
- September-October 2006 issue of Audubon (Global Warming)
- September 2006 issue of American Journal of Nursing (Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease)
- An offer from Volvo
- An advertisement from Michelle Mayerchak, D.M.D.
- An advertisement for National Geographic’s Theories for Everything: An Illustrated History of Science
- An advertisement for Time Life’s “What Life Was Like” series
- A subscription offer for Country Gardens
- Summer 2006 All Electronics Catalog
- A plea from UNICEF