Friday, the mailbox contained:
* February 2007 issue of [Backpacker]( “Backpacker Magazine’s Website”) (America’s Best Dayhikes – There’s one in every state)
* December 2006 issue of [Money]( “Money Magazine’s Website”) (the 7 Best Ideas for Your Money 2007)
* December/January 2007 issue of [Mother Earth News]( “Mother Earth News’ Website”) (Heat Your Home For Free – Easy DIY Solar Heating)
* December/January 2007 issue of [National Wildlife]( “National Wildlife’s Website”) (Can Polar Bears Survive Global Warming?)
* December 2006 issue of [Virginia Wildlife]( “Virginia Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries’ Website”) (Featherfin Wildlife Management Area – The state’s newest, 2,800-acre outdoor wonderland offers outdoor enthusiasts a wealth of hunting, fishing and wildlife watching opportunities.)
* December 1, 2006 issue of [Sporting News]( “Sporting News’ Website”) (The 1 to beat – Ohio State’s biggest win in the Big Game.)
* December 4, 2006 issue of [BusinessWeek]( “BusinessWeek’s Website”) (The Soul of a New Microsoft – Edgy thinkers like J Allard are looking far beyond Windows for the next big thing)
* November 27, 2006 issue of [The New Yorker]( “New Yorker’s Website”) (Annals of National Security – A damaged White House eyes Iran)
* November 23, 2006 issue of [The Salem Times~Register]( “Salem Time~Register’s Website”) (Still Working at 100, Hap Fisher plans to retire from RC after party)
* November 26, 2006 issue of [St. John’s Episcopal Church’s The Record]( “St. John’s Website”) (Results of Vestry Election)
* A packet from [Aflac]( “Aflac’s Website”)
* A plea from [St. Joseph’s Indian School]( “St. Joseph’s Indian School’s Website”)
* A plea from [Audubon]( “Audubon’s Website”)
* A plea from the [National Wildlife Federation]( “National Wildlife Federation’s Website”)
* A plea from [Central Union Mission]( “Central Union Mission’s Website”)
* A subscription offer for [Dow Theory Forecasts]( “Dow Theory’s Website”)