Wednesday, the mailbox contained:
* December 18, 2006 issue of [The New Yorker]( “New Yorker Website”) (Knowing the Enemy – The anthropology of insurgency.)
* January 2007 issue of [Harper’s]( “Harper’s Website”) (Moby-Duck – Or, The Synthetic Wilderness of Childhood)
* Winter 2007 issue of [The American Scholar]( “The American Scholar Website”) (Pseudo-Conservatism on Trial – A Real Conservative Critiques Bush)
* January/February 2007 issue of [National Geographic Traveler]( “National Geographic Traveler Website”) (My Italy – 17 Photographers Share the Country They Love)
* January 2007 issue of [MAXIM]( “MAXIM Website”) (20 Greatest Meltdowns in Sports!)
* An offer from [Scholastic]( “Scholastic Website”)
* A plea from [Oxfam America]( “Oxfam America Website”)
* A plea from the [Science Museum of Western Virginia]( “Science Museum of Western Virginia Website”)