Wednesday, the mailbox contained:
- January/February 2007 issue of This Old House (Find More Space)
- January 2007 issue of American Journal of Nursing (Simple Truths About America’s Uninsured)
- February 2007 issue of Cuisine at Home (HOT HOT HOT! – trendy NEW LATIN RECIPES)
- January 2007 issue of SERVO (Meet Minnie – One of the Mighty Morphing Bioloids!)
- January 2007 issue of Nuts And Volts (Build A Fing Flash For Macro Photography)
- January 2007 issue of Circuit Cellar (Embedded Applications)
- A DVD from the William Shatner DVD Club (This Month’s Selection is “The Lathe of Heaven.”)
- Coupons from Kroger
- A plea from the ACLU
- A plea from the Sierra Club
- A plea from Oxfam America
- A plea from America’s Second Harvest
- An offer from Nationwide