Saturday, the mailbox contained:
- January/February 2007 issue of The Atlantic (Why Presidents Lie And Why Their Worst Lies Are To Themselves)
- February 2007 issue of Real Simple (Diet no more: eat well, stay healthy, feel great)
- February 2007 issue of Popular Science (Cop Tech 2010)
- January 22, 2007 issue of BusinessWeek (Revenge – The power of retribution, spite, and loathing in the world of business.)
- January 15, 2007 issue of Sporting News (Gator Romp!)
- Spring 2007 Michigan Bulb Co. Catalog
- January 2007 gardens alive! Catalog
- New Year 2007 CAMPMOR Catalog
- An offer for Gardening Remedies
- An offer from the History Book Club
- An offer from the Musical Heritage Society
- A subscription offer from Motor Trend
- An advertisement from Rodale Organic Gardening Books
- A pay stub
- A notice that our tax assessment increased 11%
- A plea from the World Wildlife Fund
- A plea from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Technorati Tags: Mailbox