What Was in the Mailbox Tuesday, 01.30.2007?

Tuesday, the mailbox contained:

* February 5, 2007 issue of [Newsweek](http://newsweek.msnbc.com “Newsweek Website”) ([Black Hawk Down – What the Lives of 12 Americans Killed in a Single Crash Tell Us About the Human Cost of War](“Read the Cover Story” http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16843652/site/newsweek/))
* March 2007 issue of [Car And Driver](http://www.caranddriver.com “Car And Driver Website”) (Hardcore! Sports Cars For the Track)
* A subscription offer from [AutoWeek](http://www.autoweek.com “AutoWeek Website”)
* A subscription offer from [SQL Server Solutions](http://www.elementkjournals.com/products/showProduct.asp?prodID=36&catID=2 “SQL Server Solutions Website”)
* A subscription offer from the [Journal of Christian Nursing](http://ncf.intervarsity.org/jcn/index.html “Journal of Christian Nursing Website”)
* A letter from [Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME)](http://www.phonehome.org “Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) Website”) asking for support
* A plea from [The SmileTrain](http://www.smiletrain.org “SmileTrain Website”)

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