Tire Reef Off Florida Proves a Disaster

A mile offshore from Fort Lauderdale’s high-rise condos and spring-break bars lie as many as 2 million old tires, strewn across the ocean floor – a white-walled, steel-belted monument to good intentions gone awry.

The tires were placed there in 1972 to create an artificial reef that could attract a rich variety of marine life and to free up space in clogged landfills. Decades later, the idea has proved a huge ecological blunder.

Little sea life has formed on the tires. Some of the tires that were bundled together with nylon and steel have broken loose and are scouring the ocean floor across a swath the size of 31 football fields. Tires are washing up on beaches. Thousands have wedged up against a nearby natural reef, blocking coral growth and devastating marine life.

[Read](http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-02-17-florida-reef_x.htm “Read the Story”)(AP via USA Today)

30 thoughts on “Tire Reef Off Florida Proves a Disaster

  1. rcapilot

    Brian Skoloff’s article indicates that a political decision has been made based on no scientific evidence. A few reports of tires wandering away from their intended place and no scientific study to document the failure of the tire reefs adds up to a political agenda. Obviously the capitalist solution to the problem of scrap tires is necessarily attacked by socialist writers, just because capitalism still exists. An overwrought emotional villainization is designed to chip away at capitalism rather than to solve an environmental problem. The solution is said to be very hard work to dig the tires out of the sand. If a tire is buried in the sand it cannot simultaneously be slammed by tides into viable coral reefs. It seems like the writer suggests that the solution to a hole in the toe of his sock is to unravel the entire sock and declare a fabric disaster zone instead of buying a new sock and using the old one to clean the computer screen.

  2. rcapilot

    Brian Skoloff’s article indicates that a political decision has been made based on no scientific evidence. A few reports of tires wandering away from their intended place and no scientific study to document the failure of the tire reefs adds up to a political agenda. Obviously the capitalist solution to the problem of scrap tires is necessarily attacked by socialist writers, just because capitalism still exists. An overwrought emotional villainization is designed to chip away at capitalism rather than to solve an environmental problem. The solution is said to be very hard work to dig the tires out of the sand. If a tire is buried in the sand it cannot simultaneously be slammed by tides into viable coral reefs. It seems like the writer suggests that the solution to a hole in the toe of his sock is to unravel the entire sock and declare a fabric disaster zone instead of buying a new sock and using the old one to clean the computer screen.

  3. Dick Rebillard

    My comments are very simple.

    Yet another misguided and misjudged decxision to establish an environmential parardise.

    Why do we put up with these pin heads that disguise themselves as “experts” only to have their
    respective legacies come back to haunt them and the unknowing taxpayers.

  4. Dick Rebillard

    My comments are very simple.

    Yet another misguided and misjudged decxision to establish an environmential parardise.

    Why do we put up with these pin heads that disguise themselves as “experts” only to have their
    respective legacies come back to haunt them and the unknowing taxpayers.

  5. J.E. Hoyle

    Goodyear better be paying for the cleanup too or I will never buy their products again and I’ll tell everyone not too as well.

  6. J.E. Hoyle

    Goodyear better be paying for the cleanup too or I will never buy their products again and I’ll tell everyone not too as well.

  7. K. Marshall

    It all goes back to one simple truth… if we don’t stop destroying our environment with the way we live, and consequently attempting to make up for our callousness towards the environment by creating “artificial” reefs, etc., then all will be lost. It’s as if people say, “Oh my, we’ve destroyed the reefs and marine life, so let’s make up for it by creating our own reefs!”

    People wonder why dolphins and whales wash up on our beaches. Did they ever stop to think it may be the JUNK that goes into the ocean? Did they ever stop to think that the content — the chemicals and material make up — of these “artificial” reefs is not a NATURAL part of the ocean and therefore could wreak havoc? We just continue to destroy rather than help and what we’v done to our oceans is unforgiveable.

  8. K. Marshall

    It all goes back to one simple truth… if we don’t stop destroying our environment with the way we live, and consequently attempting to make up for our callousness towards the environment by creating “artificial” reefs, etc., then all will be lost. It’s as if people say, “Oh my, we’ve destroyed the reefs and marine life, so let’s make up for it by creating our own reefs!”

    People wonder why dolphins and whales wash up on our beaches. Did they ever stop to think it may be the JUNK that goes into the ocean? Did they ever stop to think that the content — the chemicals and material make up — of these “artificial” reefs is not a NATURAL part of the ocean and therefore could wreak havoc? We just continue to destroy rather than help and what we’v done to our oceans is unforgiveable.

  9. D. Flematti

    yes it was well intentioned, but now is not the time to try and put blame on on any one what we have to do is correct the problem with out all the bickering before the problem becomes overwellming. we need swift action to the problem,and move on.

  10. D. Flematti

    yes it was well intentioned, but now is not the time to try and put blame on on any one what we have to do is correct the problem with out all the bickering before the problem becomes overwellming. we need swift action to the problem,and move on.

  11. C. Hamm

    I’ll Bet Al Gore was a supporter of this way back when. Our world has been corrupted by hacks posing as scientists for political purposes. Wake up people!
    Furthermore, why does Goodyear have to pay for this? Is Goodyear the only tire company in the world. People are so misguided. They think a corporation only makes things just so they can ruin the environment.
    If you people are that upset about pollution Sell your car (even the Hybrids). And move to the middle of nowhere. But don’t cut down a single tree to build house. Don’t even touch a tree that has fallen from a natural cause, because it may be home to some endangered species of cockroach.
    I am not for recklessly dumping pollutants into the environment,let that be clear. However, we need to really look into those kooks who call themselves environmental scientists. Are there motives based on FACT or EMOTIONS?

  12. C. Hamm

    I’ll Bet Al Gore was a supporter of this way back when. Our world has been corrupted by hacks posing as scientists for political purposes. Wake up people!
    Furthermore, why does Goodyear have to pay for this? Is Goodyear the only tire company in the world. People are so misguided. They think a corporation only makes things just so they can ruin the environment.
    If you people are that upset about pollution Sell your car (even the Hybrids). And move to the middle of nowhere. But don’t cut down a single tree to build house. Don’t even touch a tree that has fallen from a natural cause, because it may be home to some endangered species of cockroach.
    I am not for recklessly dumping pollutants into the environment,let that be clear. However, we need to really look into those kooks who call themselves environmental scientists. Are there motives based on FACT or EMOTIONS?

  13. lgb2583

    C. Hamm has a good comment.
    I wonder if Al Gore was working ot this at the same time
    he was inventing the internet.
    Al Gore’s assertion that the internal combustion engine is the
    greatest thread to mankind aside, we need to find a alternative
    to the commom automobile tire. There is little use for
    used tires and the things are almost indestructible.

  14. lgb2583

    C. Hamm has a good comment.
    I wonder if Al Gore was working ot this at the same time
    he was inventing the internet.
    Al Gore’s assertion that the internal combustion engine is the
    greatest thread to mankind aside, we need to find a alternative
    to the commom automobile tire. There is little use for
    used tires and the things are almost indestructible.

  15. Cgrain

    First off yes there are many use’s for the used tires . They can grind them up to make non abrasive playground beding (much better than stone or wood chips ) They can use them to make asphalt paveing materals .
    Some concrete plants use them to power their plants , and not to mention the all time favorite of children all over the world ( Tire Swings ) But anyway , we all can sit and point fingers at the world and say who’s wrong and who’s not . We should in turn be saying ( What cant we do to help speed the process of cleanup ? ) Not just sit and complane about how these guys screwed up our seas and they need to clean up the mess . When you were growing up you most likely had clean clothes and warm food on the table that you did not fix . Well your mom & dad did not dirty your clothes but they did still wash them . Our grandparents and parents and us elected and chose to support these companys and political leaders . It may not be you directly but you can make yourself part of the solution .

  16. Cgrain

    First off yes there are many use’s for the used tires . They can grind them up to make non abrasive playground beding (much better than stone or wood chips ) They can use them to make asphalt paveing materals .
    Some concrete plants use them to power their plants , and not to mention the all time favorite of children all over the world ( Tire Swings ) But anyway , we all can sit and point fingers at the world and say who’s wrong and who’s not . We should in turn be saying ( What cant we do to help speed the process of cleanup ? ) Not just sit and complane about how these guys screwed up our seas and they need to clean up the mess . When you were growing up you most likely had clean clothes and warm food on the table that you did not fix . Well your mom & dad did not dirty your clothes but they did still wash them . Our grandparents and parents and us elected and chose to support these companys and political leaders . It may not be you directly but you can make yourself part of the solution .

  17. Rachele

    Al Gore never came across to me as holier than anyone. Just because someone is educationg the rest of us and is presenting facts, which many others dismiss as “fear” or “armageddon syndrome” does not mean he is not human and part of our race. What do you expect him to do…roll up into a coccoon and not watch television or a movie, or go to give a speech, or go on vacation or live without heat and other comforts of life?
    Get Real! All of you people who claim that he should be giving up life’s comforts have totally missed the point. He is telling us that we must ALL be more responsible, not close our eyes and leave it for someone else. That we need to find better ways to live, to produce the things that we are accustomed; in short, BETTER WAYS TO DO BUSINESS and BETTER PRODUCTS TO DO IT WITH. He is not advocating NOT DOING BUSINESS or reverting to prehistoric living.
    Those of you saying he should give up his car are just crazy. How can anyone give up their automobile when our economy and culture has created things so spread out that people cannot function without an automobile. I suggest you give it a try and see how far you get and how much you get done.
    How bout this message, if everyone did a little to help, it would add up to a lot! Here’s a thought. Why not put on your “math caps” and calculate how much Carbon savings we would have if everyone used a hybrid. OK, too far fetched, then try half the population, or even a quarter… get the point?

  18. Rachele

    Al Gore never came across to me as holier than anyone. Just because someone is educationg the rest of us and is presenting facts, which many others dismiss as “fear” or “armageddon syndrome” does not mean he is not human and part of our race. What do you expect him to do…roll up into a coccoon and not watch television or a movie, or go to give a speech, or go on vacation or live without heat and other comforts of life?
    Get Real! All of you people who claim that he should be giving up life’s comforts have totally missed the point. He is telling us that we must ALL be more responsible, not close our eyes and leave it for someone else. That we need to find better ways to live, to produce the things that we are accustomed; in short, BETTER WAYS TO DO BUSINESS and BETTER PRODUCTS TO DO IT WITH. He is not advocating NOT DOING BUSINESS or reverting to prehistoric living.
    Those of you saying he should give up his car are just crazy. How can anyone give up their automobile when our economy and culture has created things so spread out that people cannot function without an automobile. I suggest you give it a try and see how far you get and how much you get done.
    How bout this message, if everyone did a little to help, it would add up to a lot! Here’s a thought. Why not put on your “math caps” and calculate how much Carbon savings we would have if everyone used a hybrid. OK, too far fetched, then try half the population, or even a quarter… get the point?

  19. Rachele

    To writer one:
    It is apparent that you are not a diver. I think the scientific evidence is the fact that these tires lay there with no marine life in or among them. Vast wastelands.

    As for their being buried in the sand and also being simultaneously slammed by tides into coral reef, again, it’s clear you are not a diver, and apparently, not much of a beachgoer.

    There are these things called tides. Tides move things underwater, especially when they are strong, like in storms. Tides deposit and remove sand. Sometimes tides bury the tires, other times they unbury the tires, and it is these loosened tires that are able to move and be thrown about, just as a diver or swimmer would be.

    So, you see, the tire is not simulataneously burried and being thrown about. It’s more like a beach umbrella being burried in the sand until a strong wind forces it out and blows it down the beach.

    The cleanup is not going to be done in rough waters or stormy conditions, therefore, the tires will be burried, (actually partially burried). It is far too unsafe for divers to be down their catching flying tires while the currents slam them (both) into the reefs.

  20. Jo

    How ridiculous that we can spend millions of dollars on the cleanup of tires and tons of us americans are without health insurance another one to be added to the books for FloriDUH !!!!!!!

  21. Rachele

    To writer one:
    It is apparent that you are not a diver. I think the scientific evidence is the fact that these tires lay there with no marine life in or among them. Vast wastelands.

    As for their being buried in the sand and also being simultaneously slammed by tides into coral reef, again, it’s clear you are not a diver, and apparently, not much of a beachgoer.

    There are these things called tides. Tides move things underwater, especially when they are strong, like in storms. Tides deposit and remove sand. Sometimes tides bury the tires, other times they unbury the tires, and it is these loosened tires that are able to move and be thrown about, just as a diver or swimmer would be.

    So, you see, the tire is not simulataneously burried and being thrown about. It’s more like a beach umbrella being burried in the sand until a strong wind forces it out and blows it down the beach.

    The cleanup is not going to be done in rough waters or stormy conditions, therefore, the tires will be burried, (actually partially burried). It is far too unsafe for divers to be down their catching flying tires while the currents slam them (both) into the reefs.

  22. Jo

    How ridiculous that we can spend millions of dollars on the cleanup of tires and tons of us americans are without health insurance another one to be added to the books for FloriDUH !!!!!!!

  23. Van Scheurich

    Beautiful…….You was the brilliant one who thought up this one!. Putting rubber in water! Next person to blunder please step forward…..Unbelievable!

  24. Van Scheurich

    Beautiful…….You was the brilliant one who thought up this one!. Putting rubber in water! Next person to blunder please step forward…..Unbelievable!

  25. Glenn Dale Kromminga

    What a stupid idea and waste of taxpayer’s dollars? Should we start dumping oil and chemical waste residue in the oceans? If anyone had tested this idea before it was done, they would have found out that it was a stupid idea.

  26. Glenn Dale Kromminga

    What a stupid idea and waste of taxpayer’s dollars? Should we start dumping oil and chemical waste residue in the oceans? If anyone had tested this idea before it was done, they would have found out that it was a stupid idea.

  27. C. Hamm

    My point exactly!!! Every time we try to play God and change the environment to save something we are probably doing more harm than good. But we all need to live. We all need some form of transportation. Cleaner is better!! But lets use our heads for a change instead of running around crying “The sky is falling!”
    And yes Al Gore is a Meathead…He runs around screaming about global warming yet he has done nothing to lead us by example…What a hypocrate when he flies to an appearance and uses more fuel for one trip than I would use in my SUV in 1 year. As for the “FACTS” I believe Albert needs a lesson of what a fact is. Facts are in indisputable…. If someone dies in a tragic accident shortly after consuming a tuna sandwich, it is NOT a fact that tuna sandwiches cause tragic accidents! But that is the logic Uncle Albert wants you to believe.

    I agree tires should never have been dumped into the ocean to provide cheap low rent government housing. Look how the fish have ruined that community.
    All this talk of the environment being uninhabitable in ten years is a load of bunk. Unless every country unleashes it’s atomic arsenal at the same time or we suffer from a major eruptin in Yellowstone or a large Meteor hits the earth, we will be fine. The Earths climate is changing, It is constantly changing. Guess what?! It has been doing this since the beginning.
    Global warming is just a thinnly veiled disguise for Socialism. All of those Dope smoking hippies from the 60’s still haven’t learned that socialism only benefits the lazy. “Take from the haves and give to the I want yours.”
    Furthermore, These “Environmentalists” don’t care about the environment as much as they just want to tell people they’re evil for driving a car. They hate Capitolism and they hate America..Why aren’t they screaming for China and Russia to clean up their act.
    As I previously stated I am Strongly opposed to the senseless dumping of pollutants. Also, cleaner burning engines are an important step until a safe,cheap, non polluting substitute can be found. How much pollution is created during the manufacturing of batteries for Hybrids?
    For now we need to filter the toxic sludge comming out of the mouths of Politicians who think they have all of the answers.

  28. C. Hamm

    My point exactly!!! Every time we try to play God and change the environment to save something we are probably doing more harm than good. But we all need to live. We all need some form of transportation. Cleaner is better!! But lets use our heads for a change instead of running around crying “The sky is falling!”
    And yes Al Gore is a Meathead…He runs around screaming about global warming yet he has done nothing to lead us by example…What a hypocrate when he flies to an appearance and uses more fuel for one trip than I would use in my SUV in 1 year. As for the “FACTS” I believe Albert needs a lesson of what a fact is. Facts are in indisputable…. If someone dies in a tragic accident shortly after consuming a tuna sandwich, it is NOT a fact that tuna sandwiches cause tragic accidents! But that is the logic Uncle Albert wants you to believe.

    I agree tires should never have been dumped into the ocean to provide cheap low rent government housing. Look how the fish have ruined that community.
    All this talk of the environment being uninhabitable in ten years is a load of bunk. Unless every country unleashes it’s atomic arsenal at the same time or we suffer from a major eruptin in Yellowstone or a large Meteor hits the earth, we will be fine. The Earths climate is changing, It is constantly changing. Guess what?! It has been doing this since the beginning.
    Global warming is just a thinnly veiled disguise for Socialism. All of those Dope smoking hippies from the 60’s still haven’t learned that socialism only benefits the lazy. “Take from the haves and give to the I want yours.”
    Furthermore, These “Environmentalists” don’t care about the environment as much as they just want to tell people they’re evil for driving a car. They hate Capitolism and they hate America..Why aren’t they screaming for China and Russia to clean up their act.
    As I previously stated I am Strongly opposed to the senseless dumping of pollutants. Also, cleaner burning engines are an important step until a safe,cheap, non polluting substitute can be found. How much pollution is created during the manufacturing of batteries for Hybrids?
    For now we need to filter the toxic sludge comming out of the mouths of Politicians who think they have all of the answers.

  29. Vicky V.

    This message is for the less informed: Rubber tires are made from petroleum…Petroleum ingested can kill. What were they thinking??? or should I say not thinking of, at the time this horrendous act of dumping tires to save sealife, was carried out? Two years ago, I became informed that all petroleum made products, such as plastic, styrofoam, etc, when heated, emit toxic chemicals into the food and drink containers we so readily eat and drink from. My family steers clear of those petroleum product food containers which require heat let alone eat or drink from any that have hot contents. This is information that has been on TV. Does anyone wonder why there is so much cancer in this country?????? Rubber tires are toxic! I have been on playground parks that have the ground up rubber chunks in the play areas. Sure, the chunks are softer than stone and gravel, even earth, but try spending some time on that kind of tire laden ground and see if just the petroleum smell eminating from the chunks doesn’t get you sick to your stomach. Is this what some are suggesting to do with the outused tires?????? Would you have your little ones running around on this, and especially in the summer, barefooted when the sun heats the rubber chunks ??? ….unbelievable! Toxicity threat is why, whenever huge oil tankers out on the ocean have oil spills, they are so heavily fined and commanded to clean it up immediately. Have you ever seen on TV the aftermath of an oil spill on water? Dead fish and waterfowl are found dead in numbers. I know that rubber tires are a necessity for our cars , but lets leave their purpose at that (too bad that are cars can’t levitate). We need a genius to tell us of a totally SAFE way for the tires to be disposed of and I, for one, do not think that there is an answer for that! Now that the damage has been done, God willing, we WILL all pitch in and do what we can…NOW

  30. Vicky V.

    This message is for the less informed: Rubber tires are made from petroleum…Petroleum ingested can kill. What were they thinking??? or should I say not thinking of, at the time this horrendous act of dumping tires to save sealife, was carried out? Two years ago, I became informed that all petroleum made products, such as plastic, styrofoam, etc, when heated, emit toxic chemicals into the food and drink containers we so readily eat and drink from. My family steers clear of those petroleum product food containers which require heat let alone eat or drink from any that have hot contents. This is information that has been on TV. Does anyone wonder why there is so much cancer in this country?????? Rubber tires are toxic! I have been on playground parks that have the ground up rubber chunks in the play areas. Sure, the chunks are softer than stone and gravel, even earth, but try spending some time on that kind of tire laden ground and see if just the petroleum smell eminating from the chunks doesn’t get you sick to your stomach. Is this what some are suggesting to do with the outused tires?????? Would you have your little ones running around on this, and especially in the summer, barefooted when the sun heats the rubber chunks ??? ….unbelievable! Toxicity threat is why, whenever huge oil tankers out on the ocean have oil spills, they are so heavily fined and commanded to clean it up immediately. Have you ever seen on TV the aftermath of an oil spill on water? Dead fish and waterfowl are found dead in numbers. I know that rubber tires are a necessity for our cars , but lets leave their purpose at that (too bad that are cars can’t levitate). We need a genius to tell us of a totally SAFE way for the tires to be disposed of and I, for one, do not think that there is an answer for that! Now that the damage has been done, God willing, we WILL all pitch in and do what we can…NOW


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