Monday, the mailbox contained:
* April 2007 issue of [Nuts And Volts]( “Nuts & Volts Website”) (Build The Mysterious Magic Box)
* April 2007 issue of [SERVO]( “SERVO Website”) (Get On the Dean’s List – Do Your Homework FIRST!)
* February 2007 issue of [Paste]( “Paste Website”) (The Shins)
* April 2007 issue of [The Sun]( “The Sun Magazine Website”) (The Unseen Life That Dreams Us)
* An advertisement from [Pasternack Enterprises]( “Pasternack Enterprises Website”)
* A subscription offer from [Political Science Quarterly]( “Political Science Quarterly Website”)
* A brochure from the [U.S. Army Nurse Corps]( “U.S. Army Nurse Corps Website”)