Saturday, the mailbox contained:
* April 23, 2007 issue of [BusinessWeek]( “BusinessWeek Website”) (You’re Fired! – Not So Fast – Why axing problem workers is tougher than it looks.)
* May 2007 issue of [Money]( “Money Website”) (How To Win In Real Estate Now)
* May 2007 issue of [Field & Stream]( “Field & Stream Website”) (Total Outdoorsman Issue – Sharpen Your Skills – 50 Things Every Sportsman Should Know)
* April 20, 2007 issue of [Entertainment Weekly]( “Entertainment Weekly Website”) (American Idol – Who Will Win? – Behind the Scenes of the Weirdest Season Ever)
* April 15, 2007 issue of [St John’s]( “St. John’s Roanoke Website”) “The Record” (“Tune Our Hearts to Sing Thy Grace” is an Invitation for You to Join the Spiritual Journey…)
* An advertisement from [State Farm]( “State Farm Website”)
* An offer from [Omaha Steaks]( “Omaha Steaks Website”)
* An offer from the [Library of America]( “Library of America Website”)