What Was in the Mailbox Monday, 04.16.2007?

Monday, the mailbox contained:

* May 2007 issue of [Fast Company](http://www.fastcompany.com “Fast Company Website”) ([The Kid Who Turned Down $1 Billion – Why Facebook’s 22-Year-Old CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, Spurned Yahoo & Viacom to Go It Alone](http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/115/open_features-hacker-dropout-ceo.html “Read the Cover Story”))
* Volume 03 of [Craft:](http://www.craftzine.com “Craft: Website”) (Japan Style – “Super Cute!”)
* An offer from the [Crafter’s Choice](http://www.joincrafterschoice.com “Crafter’s Choice Website”) Book Club
* A subscription offer from [Gourmet](http://wwww.epicurious.com/gourmet/ “Gourmet Magazine Website”) Magazine
* A plea from Compassion & Choices
* UPS delivered a set of [4-H Robotics Curriculum](http://www.n4hccs.org/shop/products.asp?action=list&cat=6&subcat=101&l=L1 “National 4-H Curriculum Online Store Website”)

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