Wednesday, the mailbox contained:
* May 2007 issue of [Nuts and Volts]( “Nuts and Volts Website”) (Build An X-10 Doggy Dish – Make sure Fido never goes thirsty again!)
* May/June 2007 issue of [Garden Gate]( “Garden Gate Website”) (Readers’ Top 11 Picks – the Ultimate Annual List)
* May-June 2007 issue of [Utne Reader]( “Utne Website”) (The Future of Protest – Why Your Voice Still Matters)
* April 10, 2007 issue of [Oncology Times]( “Oncology Times Website”) (Colorectal Cancer News from the GI Cancer Symposium)
* Coupons from [Home Depot]( “Home Depot Website”)
* An offer from [AAA]( “AAA Website”)
* A plea from [America’s Second Harvest]( “America’s Second Harvest Website”)