Saturday, the mailbox contained:
* June/July 2007 issue of [ReadyMade]( “ReadyMade Website”) (How To: Make Custom Clothing – Hot Ideas From 5 Top Designers)
* June 11, 2007 issue of [BusinessWeek]( “BusinessWeek Website”) ([3M’s Innovation Crisis – How Six Sigma Almost Smothered Its Idea Culture]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* June 2007 issue of [SERVO]( “SERVO Magazine Website”) (Machine Art)
* June 2007 issue of [Nuts and Volts]( “Nuts and Volts Website”) (Create Your Own Exergame with the Hydra)
* Summer 2007 issue of [Southwestern Virginia Second Harvest Food Bank’s]( “Southwestern Virginia Second Harvest Food Bank Website”) “Food For Thought” (We were there…and so were you)
* A letter from [Bob Goodlatte]( “Bob Goodlatte’s House of Representatives Page”) stating that “he will keep my views in mind” when Congress considers funding levels for bidiversity conservation programs
* A letter from [John Warner]( “John Warner’s Senate Page”) stating that he will urge the Navy to consider using existing airfield facilities at [Fort Pickett]( “Global Security’s Fort Pickett Page”) instead construction an outlying airfield in Washington County, NC
* An offer from [Weird n’ Wild Creatures]( “Weird n’ Wild Creatures Website”)
* An offer from Biotech Research