What Was in the Mailbox Wednesday, 09.05.2007?

Wednesday, the mailbox contained:

* October 2007 issue of [Linux Journal](http://www.linuxjournal.com “Linux Journal Website”) ([Program the Trolltech Greenphone](http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/9756 “Read the Cover Story”))
* October 2007 issue of [Car and Driver](http://www.caranddriver.com “Car and Driver Website”) (2008 New Cars)
* Fall 2007 [journeyEd.com](http://www.journeyed.com “journeyEd.com Website”) Catalog
* A plea from [Amnesty International](http://www.amnestyusa.org “Amnesty International Website”)
* A plea from the [Democratic National Committee](http://www.democrats.org “Democratic National Committee Website”)

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