What Was in the Mailbox Thursday, 09.20.2007?

Thursday, the mailbox contained:

* October 2007 issue of [Southern Living](http://www.southernliving.com “Southern Living Website”) (Flavors of Fall)
* October 2007 issue of [Virginia Wildlife](http://www.dgif.virginia.gov “Virginia Division of Game and Inland Fisheries Website”) (The Examined Life – Meet Virginia’s Shenandoah National Park)
* October 2007 issue of [Money](http://www.money.com “Money Magazine Website”) ([Road Map To a Rich Life](http://money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/moneymag_archive/2007/10/01/toc.html “Read the Cover Story”))
* Vol.8, No. 9 of [Oncology Net Guide](http://www.oncng.com “Oncology Net Guide Website”) (10 Secrets EHR Vendors Don’t Want You to Know)
* September 23, 2007 issue of [St. Johns’](http://www.stjohnsroanoke.org “St. Johns Roanoke Website”) The Record (Cottage Meetings to Meet the New Rector)
* A [Thompson Cigar Savvy](http://www.thompsoncigar.com “Thompson Cigar Savvy Website”) Catalog
* A “Guide to the 2007 Popcorn Sale”
* A subscription offer from [Copy Editor](http://www.copyeditor.com “Copy Editor Magazine Website”)
* A plea from [UNICEF](http://www.unicefusa.org “UNICEF Website”)

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