A swarm of ‘ghosts’ raises alarm in Chesapeake Bay

Tens of thousands of derelict crab pots – enough to fill every bleacher seat at Camden Yards for 23 games – litter the shallows of the main stem of the bay.

The traps, usually set adrift by storms, are potential deathtraps for fish, terrapins and crabs – and a threat to the bay’s fragile ecology. They’re a major headache for fishermen and boaters, who call them “floating mines” for their ability to disrupt navigation and foul boat propellers. And they’re a financial burden for commercial watermen, who must not only replace the lost traps but might also be competing against them for crabs.

[Read](http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/bal-te.sp.ghostpots16sep16,0,2352581.story?coll=bal_sports_football_promo “Read the Story”) (Baltimore Sun)

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