The mailbox contained:
* December 2007 issue of [SEED]( “SEED Magazine Website”) (The Future of Science)
* December 2007 issue of [Wired]( “Wired Website”) (Your Life Decoded)
* Winter 2007 issue of [Nature Conservancy]( “Nature Conservancy Website”) (Hidden Wilderness)
* 2008 [Sun Realty]( “Sun Realty Website”) Rental Home Guide
* Holiday 2007 [REI]( “REI Website”) Catalog
* A subscription offer from [Ode]( “Ode Website”)
* A plea from the [Americans for the Arts Action Fund]( “Americans for the Arts Action Fund Website”)
* A plea from [Central Union Mission]( “Central Union Mission Website”)
* A plea from [Doctors Without Borders]( “Doctors Without Borders Website”)
* A plea from [EarthJustice]( “EarthJustice Website”)