The mailbox contained:
* December 2007 issue of [Virginia Wildlife]( “Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Website”) (Membership Has Its Privileges)
* December 2007 issue of [Boys Life]( “Boys Life Website”) (Winter Wonderland)
* Christmas 2007 [Fine Jewelry]( “Danbury Mint Fine Jewelry Website”) Catalog
* [Brookstone]( “Brookstone Website”) Christmas Gift Guide 2007
* A [Lands’ End]( “Lands’ End Website”) Catalog
* [L.L.Bean]( “L.L.Bean Website”) Guide To Christmas Gifts 2007
* A [Craftsman Club]( “Craftsman Website”) Sale Flyer
* An offer from [Netflix]( “Netflix Website”)
* A plea from [Blue Ridge PBS]( “Blue Ridge PBS Website”)
* A plea from the [Virginia Interfaith Center]( “Virginia Interfaith Center Website”)
* A plea from [Americans For Peace Now]( “Americans For Peace Now Website”)