The mailbox contained:
* December 2007 issue of [T. Rowe Price Investor]( “T. Rowe Price Website”) (Focusing on Business Cycles and Your Portfolio)
* December 2007 issue of [Oncology Net Guide]( “Oncology Net Guide Website”) (Unleash Your Inner Techie- Healthcare IT offers rapidly growing career opportunities for physicians)
* Fall/Winter 2007 issue of [The Nature Conservancy’s Virginia News]( “Nature Conservancy’s Virginia Page”) (Wilderness at the Doorstep)
* December 23, 2007 issue of [St. John’s The Record]( “St. John’s Roanoke Website”) (Adventicipation?)
* An [Adorama]( “Adorama Website”) Catalog
* Coupons from [Kroger]( “Kroger Website”)
* An advertisement from Disney Destinations
* An advertisement from [AHIMA]( “AHIMA Website”)