The mailbox contained:
* January/February 2008 issue of [Foreign Affairs]( “Foreign Affairs Website”) (Changing China)
* January 2008 issue of [Wired]( “Wired Website”) (100 MPG! The Race to Build the Ultimate Fuel-Efficient Car)
* December 31, 2007 | January 7, 2008 issue of [BusinessWeek]( “BusinessWeek Website”) (Where To Invest)
* January 2008 issue of [The Sun]( “The Sun Magazine Website”) (Through A Glass Darkly – Miriam Greenspan On Moving From Grief To Gratitude)
* January-February 2008 issue of [Scouting]( “Scouting Magazine Website”) (Miracle Worker)
* January 2008 issue of [Boys Life]( “Boys Life Website”) (Mission: MARS)
* January/February 2008 issue of [Liberty Journal]( “Liberty University Website”) (Flames Win Titles)