The mailbox contained:
* February 2008 [SERVO]( “SERVO”) (Playing With Pleo – Curious robot builders get to check out what this sophisticated dino is really made of at the Maker Faire Austin.)
* March 2008 [Car and Driver]( “Car and Driver”) (CTS-V Cadillac’s 550-HP M5 Beater)
* February 4, 2008 issue of [The New Yorker]( “The New Yorker”) (Death in Georgia – Why a notorious case remains unresolved.)
* A []( “”) Catalog
* An offer from [Omaha Steaks]( “Omaha Steaks”)
* A DVD from [Netflix]( “Netflix”) (The previous DVD was returned on Monday, 1/28.)
* A plea from the [Red Cross]( “Red Cross”)
* A plea from [Greenpeace]( “Greenpeace”)