The mailbox contained:
* March-April 2008 issue of [Utne Reader]( “Utne Reader”) (Your Boss Is Not Your Mom – How Work Turns Us Into Babies)
* March 3, 2008 issue of [Business Week]( “Business Week”) (Consumer Vigilantes – Fighting for truth, justice, and the right to speak to a manager.)
* March 2008 issue of [Boys’ Life]( “Boys’ Life”) (Climb On!)
* February 21, 2008 issue of [The Christian Science Monitor]( “The Christian Science Monitor”) (A generation shift in women’s vote)
* An offer from [Breck’s]( “Breck’s”)
* An advertisement for “Carrots Love Tomatoes & Roses Love Garlic”
* A “High Risk Skin Effective Wound Care Strategies” Seminar Brochure