The mailbox contained:
* March-April 2008 issue of [No Depression]( “No Depression”) (String Theory – Today’s neo-traditionalists redefine their music.) This is No Depression’s next-to-last issue.
* March 2008 issue of [BBC Music]( “BBC Music”) (Karajan – Maestro or Monster? How the iconic conductor would stop at nothing to get to the top.)
* February 2008 issue of [Clinical Advances in Hematology & Oncology]( “Clinical Advances in Hematology & Oncology”) (Advances in HER2-positive Breast Cancer)
* An offer from [Verizon]( “Verizon”)
* A plea from the [ACLU]( “ACLU”)
* An advertisement from [Hollywood Video]( “Hollywood Video”) stating that our local Movie Gallery is closing and everything’s on sale
* Prescription refills