The mailbox contained:
* April 2008 issue of [Esquire]( “Esquire Week”) (George Clooney Finally Talks About The Whols Mess That Is His Miserable Life)
* March 10, 2008 issue of [U.S. News & World Report]( “U.S. News & World Report”) (Why the Housing Crisis Is Bigger Than You Think (And does anyone have a plan to fix it?))
* March 2008 issue of [Blue Ridge Mountains Council’s]( “Blue Ridge Mountains Council”) “Ridge Runner” (Goldrush 2008: The Lost Treasure)
* February 25, 2008 issue of [Oncology Times]( “Oncology Times”) (Institute of Medicine Report: New National Assessment Program Needed for Clinical Efficacy)
* An advertisement from [Intrepid Travel]( “Intrepid Travel”)
* A plea from [Blue Ridge PBS]( “Blue Ridge PBS”)
* A plea from the [Appalachian Mountain Club]( “Appalachian Mountain Club”)