The mailbox contained:
* April 2008 issue of [The Atlantic]( “The Atlantic”) ([The Britney Show – Days and Nights With the New Paparazzi]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* April 2008 issue of [National Geographic Adventure]( “National Geographic Adventure”) (Best Green Adventures on Earth)
* March-April 2008 issue of [Audubon]( “Audubon”) (Birds’ Nests – Miniature Marvels of Architecture)
* March/April 2008 issue of [The American]( “The American”) (Sex, Science, and the Economy – More men than women are scientists. Dangerous plans are afoot to fix ‘the problem.’)
* March 10, 2008 issue of [The New Yorker]( “The New Yorker”) (The Style Issue)
* February, March, April 2008 issue of [Virginia Nurses Today]( “Virginia Nurses Today”) (Legislated Nurse Staffing Ratios: What You Need to Know)
* March 9, 2008 issue of [St. John’s]( “St. John’s Roanoke”) (I Met a Samaritan at Mill Mountain Coffee)
* Spring 2008 [Spring Hill Nurseries]( “Spring Hill Nurseries”) Catalog
* Coupons from [CVS]( “CVS”)
* An offer from the [Library of America]( “Library of America”)
* A subscription offer from [Virginia Gardener]( “Virginia Gardner”)
* A subscription offer from [Political Science Quarterly]( “Political Science Quarterly”)
* A plea from the [ACLU]( “ACLU”)
* 2 DVD’s from [Netflix]( “Netflix”):
* Diggers (The previous DVD was returned Monday, 03/03.)
* March of the Penguins (The previous DVD was returned Tuesday, 03/04.)