The mailbox contained:
* March 7, 2008 issue of [The Christian Science Monitor]( “The Christian Science Monitor”) (Will commodities boom last? As oil and gold prices set records, and grains stay up, speculators rush in.)
* March 2008 issue of [game developer]( “game developer”) (Postmortem: Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty 4)
* A subscription offer from Lucky
* A plea from the [Appalachian Trail Conservancy]( “Appalachian Trail Conservancy”)
* A plea from the [Arthritis Foundation]( “Arthritis Foundation”)
* A plea from the [National Republican Congressional Committee]( “National Republican Congressional Committee”)
* 2 books:
* [What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848 (Oxford History of the United States)]( “LibraryThing”)
* [Shakespeare: The World as Stage (Eminent Lives)]( “LibraryThing”)