The mailbox contained:
* Issue 17 of [Intermezzo]( “Intermezzo”) (Luscious Lemons! Including great food and drink recipes)
* March 17, 2008 issue of [The New Yorker]( “The New Yorker”) ([Picturing Auschwitz – A photographic discovery.]( “View the Photos”))
* Spring 2008 issue of [The American Scholar]( “The American Scholar”) (Global Burning – What we can do about a new age of megafires)
* April 2008 issue of [Computer Shopper]( “Computer Shopper”) (How to Upgrade Your PC)
* March 2008 issue of [Circuit Cellar]( “Circuit Cellar”) (Robotics)
* An offer from the [Scientific American Book Club]( “Scientific American Book Club”)
* An offer from the [Mystery Guild Book Club]( “Mystery Guild”)
* An offer from [The Military Book Club]( “Military Book Club”)
* A subscription offer from [SQL Server Magazine]( “SQL Server Magazine”)
* A plea from the [Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club]( “Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club”)