The mailbox contained:
* April 14, 2008 issue of [Newsweek]( “Newsweek”) ([Environment & Leadership – Who’s the Greenest of Them All?]( “Read the Cover Story”)
* March-April 2008 issue of [ECHOLOCATIONS]( “ECHOLOCATIONS”) (Disc 5.6 – Problems)
* A [Heifer International]( “Heifer International”) Catalog
* A plea from the [Smithsonian]( “Smithsonian Membership”)
* A plea from the [Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee]( “Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee”)
* An offer from [Weight Watchers]( “Weight Watchers”)
* An offer from [The Good Cook]( “The Good Cook”)
* An offer from the [Doubleday Book Club]( “Doubleday Book Club”)
* An offer from [Comcast]( “Comcast”)
* A brochure from the [National Nurses Organizing Committee]( “National Nurses Organizing Committee”)