The mailbox contained:
* May 2008 issue of [National Geographic]( “National Geographic”) ([China – Inside the Dragon]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* April 21, 2008 issue of [Business Week]( “Business Week”) ([E-SPIONAGE – The U.S. military created the Internet. Now the Web may be turning against its maker. As America fights to protect itself, we uncover **startling new instances of cyber spies targeting the government** and trace the path of a pernicious attack aimed at defense consultant Booz Allen.]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* May/June 2008 issue of [Foreign Affairs]( “Foreign Affairs”) (Is America in Decline? Why the United States Will Survive the Rise of the Rest)
* April 2008 issue of [The Hightower Lowdown]( “The Hightower Lowdown”) ([What 8 years of BushCheney have done to our economy]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* Coupons from [Home Depot]( “Home Depot”)
* Spring 2008 [Morningstar]( “Morningstar”) Catalog
* An offer from [Go Daddy]( “Go Daddy”)
* An offer from the [Library of America]( “Library of America”)
* A plea from the [National Wildlife Federation]( “National Wildlife Federation”)
* A plea from [The Student Conservation Association]( “The Student Conservation Association”)
* A plea from the [Democratic National Committee]( “Democratic National Committee”)