The mailbox contained:
* April 21, 2008 issue of [Newsweek](http://www.newsweek “Newsweek”) ([Splitsville – The surprising history of DIVORCE In a Quintessentially American Suburb]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* April 21, 2008 issue of [U.S. News & World Report]( “U.S. News & World Report”) ([BIG GOVERNMENT – It’s back – no matter who wins. Americans want Uncle Sam to solve their problems. What it means for the election, the economy, and you.]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* April 2008 issue of [Sojourners]( “Sojourners”) ([Where the Spirit Leads – Latino Pentecostals defy simplistic labels, but they may be a key swing demographic in the political wars of 2008.]( “Read the Cover Story (Free Registration Required)”))
* May 2008 issue of [Money]( “Money”) ([The 100 Best Annual Guide]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* Spring 2008 issue of [Nursing in Virginia]( “Nursing in Virginia”) ([When Care Providers Disagree – Attach the problem, not each other]( “Read the Cover Story”)
* Coupons from [Kroger]( “Kroger”)
* A subscription offer from [Professional Case Management]( “Professional Case Management”)
* An subscription offer from [Do It Yourself Magazine]( “Do It Yourself Magazine”)
* A plea from the [Alzheimer’s Association]( “Alzheimer’s Association”)
* An offer from [John Hopkins White Papers]( “John Hopkins White Papers”)