The mailbox contained:
* May 2008 issue of [TechNet]( “TechNet Magazine”) ([Protecting Your Assets – Active Directory Backup & Restore]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* May 2008 issue of [Fast Company]( “Fast Company”) ([This CEO has Silicon Valley Buzzing – Gina Bianchini knows the Secret Power behind Google, eBay, and Facebook – and isn’t afraid to use it]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* July/August 2008 issue of [ROBOT]( “ROBOT”) (VEX Invasion)
* May/June 2008 issue of [American Girl]( “American Girl”) (12 pet crafts you’ll love!)
* A plea from the [Council Of Indian Nations]( “Council of Indian Nations”)
* A letter from the [Sierra Club’s Roanoke Group]( “Sierra Club’s Roanoke Group”) listing the group’s preferred candidates of Salem City Council – [Jane Johnson]( “ Article”), [Chris Clemens]( “Has taken a judgeship & withdrawn from race. Read Roanoke Times Article”), and [Lisa Garst]( “”). The 3 that weren’t endorsed are [Bill Jones]( “”), [Vicki Daulton]( “”), and [Mike Akers]( “”)
* Training information from the [Roanoke Valley Red Cross Chapter]( “Roanoke Valley Red Cross Chapter”)
* A book – [American Earth: Environmental Writing Since Thoreau]( “LibraryThing”)