The mailbox contained:
* [Craft:]( “Craft:”) 07 ([Shoe Time!]( “View the Table of Contents”))
* May-June 2008 issue of [Utne Reader]( “Utne Reader”) ([Reimagining the American Dream – Waking Up from our National Nightmare]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* May 2008 issue of [Sojourners]( “Sojourners”) ([Putting Your Money Where Your Heart Is – When the economy takes a downturn, what happens to the common good?]( “Read the Cover Story (Free Registration Required)”))
* May 2008 issue of [domino]( “Domino”) ([love where you live!]( “View the table of contents”))
* Mother’s Day 2008 [Pajamagram]( “Pajamagram”) Catalog
* A coupon from [Food Lion]( “Food Lion”)
* A subscription offer from [The Week]( “The Week”)
* A DVD from [Netflix]( “Netflix”) – [The Shield Season 4, Disc 2]( “Netflix’s The Shield Season 4 Page”) (The previous DVD was returned Tuesday, 04/22.)
* Some books:
* [The Killer Angels]( “LibraryThing”)
* [Professional Writing]( “LibraryThing”)
* [A Most Holy War: The Albigensian Crusade and the Battle for Christendom (Pivotal Moments in World History)]( “LibraryThing”)
* [Retribution: The Battle for Japan, 1944-45]( “LibraryThing”)
* [The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters]( “LibraryThing”)
* [This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War]( “LibraryThing”)
* [The Joy of Physics]( “LibraryThing”)
* [Martha Stewart’s Cookies: The Very Best Treats to Bake and to Share (Martha Stewart Living Magazine)]( “LibraryThing”)