The mailbox contained:
* April 28, 2008 issue of [Newsweek]( “Newsweek”) ([The Martyr Factory – Why on Lybian city became a pipeline for suicide bombers in Iraq]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* April 28-May 5, 2008 issue of [U.S. News & World Report]( “U.S. News & World Report”) ([Why America Needs an Energy Diet (and So Do You)]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* Spring 2008 issue of [The Wilson Quarterly]( “Wilson Quarterly”) ([Backbone – Infrastructure for America’s Future]( “View the Table of Contents”))
* April 2008 issue of [Sound & Vision]( “Sound & Vision”) (Flat-Panel Miracle – The Technology In Sony’s New Little OLED Could Be TV’s Next Big Thing)
* May/June 2008 issue of [National Geographic Traveler]( “National Geographic Traveler”) (50 Unforgettable Experiences – 3rd Annual Special Tours of a Lifetime)
* May/June 2008 issue of [Sierra]( “Sierra Club”) (Shooting Rapids – Action photographers spill their secrets)
* May/June 2008 issue of [Audubon]( “Audubon”) (Sink or Swim – Another Assault on the Arctic and How You Can Help Stop It)
* Spring-Summer 2008 [Boy Scouts of America Adventure]( “Scout Stuff”) Catalog
* A [Microchip Technology Masters]( “Microchip Technology Masters”) Event Guide
* A subscription offer from [Popular Science]( “Popular Science”)
* An offer from the [Academy of American Poets]( “Academy of American Poets”)
* Information about the [Burger King Kids Club]( “Burger King Kids Club”)
* A [Cub Scout Day Camp]( “Cub Scout Day Camp”) Brochure