The mailbox contained:
* April 28, 2008 issue of [The New Yorker]( “New Yorker”) ([State Secrets – An Islamic charity’s wiretapping case.]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* May/June 2008 issue of [QEX]( “QEX”) ([M0MWA presents a computer-controlled tunable bandpass filter (preselectr) for use with software defined radios.]( “View the Table of Contents (pdf)”)
* May 2008 issue of [Virginia Wildlife]( “Virginia Wildlife”) (Project Healing Waters – Returning veterans find support in a unique fly fishing program.)
* April 2008 issue of [RN]( “RN”) ([A Quilt of Honor – Creating an end-of-life program]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* April 10, 2008 issue of [Oncology Times]( “Oncology Times”) ([ODAC Deliberations on ESAs in Cancer](;jsessionid=LQNVG9NpL4n1VH4HLD763Kn2JSCtdk8nBvP2hGMhQHTS2HLmkWJ8!-779771550!181195628!8091!-1 “Read the Cover Story”))
* Winter 2008 [All Electronics]( “All Electronics”) Catalog
* Coupons from [Kroger]( “Kroger”)
* A [National Small Business Summit]( “National Small Business Summit”) Flyer
* A [Dr. Dobb’s Architecture & Design World]( “Dr. Dobb’s Architecture & Design World”) 2008 Preview Guide
* A DVD from [Netflix]( “Netflix”) – [The Shield Season 4, Disc 1]( “Netflix ‘The Shield Season 4’ Page”) (The previous DVD was returned Monday, 4/21.)