The mailbox contained:
- May 2008 issue of Smithsonian (Destination America Magical Maine)
- May 2008 issue of Nuts and Volts (Microcontrollers Give Slot Cars a Boost)
- May-June 2008 (final) issue of No Depression (Guitarist, songwriter, producer, singer, and a man who loves music: Buddy Miller is our artist of the decade.)
- A subscription offer from Old House Journal
- An offer from AAA
- A plea from the Democratic National Committee
- A DVD from Netflix – Rush Hour 3 (The previous DVD was returned Wednesday, 04/23.)
- Coupons and advertisements from WSLS 10
- 2 books:
- The Collected Short Stories of Louis L’Amour, Volume 4 (Collected Short Stories of Louis L’Amour)
- The Last Lecture
- A Chess Set