The mailbox contained:
* May 5, 2008 issue of [Business Week]( “Business Week”) ([The New Vulture Investors – How Phil Falcone and his fellow scavengers just might kick-start the economy]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* June 2008 issue of [Cuisine at Home]( “Cuisine at Home”) ([fast & fun Shrimp & Steak on a Stick on a Caesar salad]( “View the Table of Contents”))
* Issue 18 of [Intermezzo]( “Intermezzo”) (Easy Entertaining Including Over 50 Simple and Elegant Recipes)
* An offer from Jaclyn’s Hallmark
* An offer from [Columbia House]( “Columbia House”)
* An offer from the Boston Red Sox for [XM]( “XM”)
* A plea from the [World Wildlife Fund]( “World Wildlife Fund”)
* A plea from the [Natural Resources Defense Council]( “Natural Resources Defense Council”)
* A plea from [The Smile Train]( “The Smile Train”)
* A book – [The Whole Truth]( “LibraryThing”)
* A DVD from [Netflix]( “Netflix”) – The Shield Season 4, Disc 3 (The previous DVD was returned Thursday, 04/24.)