The mailbox contained:
* May 5, 2008 issue of [Newsweek]( “Newsweek”) ([Obama’s Bubba Gap]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* May/June 2008 issue of [Foreign Policy]( “Foreign Policy”) ([The Israel Myth]( “View the Table of Contents”))
* May/June 2008 issue of [Technology Review]( “Technology Review”) ([Brain Trauma in Iraq – The Epidemic Among Returning Veterans]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* May 2008 issue of [Current History]( “Current History”) (US Foreign Policy After Bush)
* May 15, 2008 issue of [The Progressive Populist]( “The Progressive Populist”) ([Criminals of the World, Unite and Take Over]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* June/July 2008 issue of [Cook’s Country]( “Cook’s Country”) (South Carolina Pulled Pork – Easy Grill-to-Oven Method)
* May 2008 issue of [Blue Ridge Mountains Council]( “Blue Ridge Mountains Council”) Ridge Runner (Scouting Day with the Virginia Tech Hokies)
* A DVD from [Netflix]( “Netflix”) – The Shield: Season 4, Disc 4 (The previous DVD was returned Saturday, 04/26.)
* A plea from the [ACLU]( “ACLU”)
* A plea from the [Washington National Cathedral]( “Washington National Cathedral”)